
Chapter 5

One evening, as they found themselves in the living room, the silence became palpable. Jungkook, unable to bear the tension any longer, decided to address the elephant in the room.

Jungkook: "Tae hyung, we need to talk. What happened between us?"

Tae, maintaining his distant demeanor, responded vaguely.

Tae: "There's nothing to talk about, Jungkook."

Jungkook, frustrated, pressed on.

Jungkook: "You were different on the first day. What changed?"

Tae, still avoiding eye contact, struggled to find the right words.

Tae: "Things change, Jungkook. It's better if we keep our distance."

Jungkook, feeling a mix of frustration and hurt, decided to give Tae space but couldn't shake off the desire for clarity.

As the days went by, the atmosphere in the house remained strained. Tae's avoidance persisted, leaving Jungkook grappling with unanswered questions.

One day, as they coincidentally found themselves alone in the kitchen, Jungkook couldn't resist addressing the issue once more.

Jungkook: "Tae hyung, I can't pretend everything is fine. Tell me what happened."

Tae, still unwilling to confront his own feelings, remained elusive.

Tae: "It's better if we don't get too involved, Jungkook.

Jungkook, unable to comprehend Tae's abrupt change, decided to seek solace in conversation with Jimin, who had yet to return from his emergency mission.

Jungkook: "Jimin hyung should be back soon. Maybe he can shed some light on this."

However, Jimin's return only heightened the tension. As Jimin walked through the door, he could sense the palpable discomfort in the room.

Jimin: "What's going on here? The atmosphere feels... off."

Jungkook, eager for an explanation, directed his gaze at Tae, who remained stoic.

Jungkook: "Jimin hyung, can you tell me why Tae hyung has been avoiding me?"

Jimin, unaware of the developments during his absence, looked between Tae and Jungkook, perplexed.

Jimin: "Avoiding? Tae, care to explain?"

Tae, torn between his feelings and the fear of complicating things further, hesitated.

Tae: "It's complicated, Jimin. I... I need some time to sort things out."

Jungkook, frustrated by the lack of clarity, pressed on.

Jungkook: "Time for what? What changed between us?"

Jimin, sensing the gravity of the situation, decided to address the elephant in the room.

Jimin: "Okay, you two need to talk. Clearly, something happened while I was away. Tae, spill it out."

Taehyung : it's nothing Jimin. There is nothing tell at all.

Ignoring Jimin's insistence, Tae left the room, leaving a lingering silence behind.

Days passed, and the atmosphere in the house remained strained. Tae's deliberate avoidance weighed heavily on Jungkook, who couldn't understand the sudden shift in their dynamic.

One evening, as they found themselves alone in the kitchen, Jungkook mustered the courage to bring up the unspoken issue.

Jungkook: "Tae hyung, we can't keep avoiding this. What happened?"

Tae, still unwilling to open up, continued his silent treatment.

Jungkook: Jimin hyung said you need space, but this.. it hurts.

Taehyung left the kitchen without responding, fueling Jungkook's frustration.

As the days went by, Jimin, growing increasingly concerned, attempted to mediate once more.

Jimin: Tae, do you know What you're doing? Shutting him doesn't give u any solution Tae. ."

Taehyung, maintaining his stance, remained defiant.

Taehyung: "I need time, Jimin. I couldn't accept this feeling as much as that I couldn't avoid it as well. I couldn't be close to him nor away from him. I can't handle this Jimin. "

Jimin, feeling helpless, watched as the unresolved tension continued to simmer.

One evening , when the weight of the unspoken became too much to bear, Jungkook confronted Tae again.

Jungkook: "Tae hyung, we can't keep living like this. Living under same roof but not even civil with each other. I know we have no relationship between us but still we live in a same house together. I have only you to talk, sometimes I feel so lonely. I feel u don't like having me here so..... I decided to move out from here"

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