
Chapter 2

[Taehyung speeds off on his bike, making Jungkook instinctively cling to him. The wind rushes around them as they ride through the city.]

They arrive at RM's factory, where Taehyung instructs Jungkook to wait outside the boss's office.

Taehyung: Stay here. I need to talk to my boss.

Taehyung briefs RM about the situation, and they decide against sending Jungkook back forcefully.

RM: Take him somewhere safe. Provide everything he needs.

Taehyung nods, returning to Jungkook.

Taehyung brought Jungkook to his own house, a one-bedroom dwelling a bit away from noisy city. Despite his considerable wealth, Taehyung opted for a modest residence, as it held sentimental value – the very house where he grew up with his parents. When he came of age, RM's father passed the property on to him. Taehyung, infusing modern style with a few modifications, chose to make it his home.

The surroundings of Taehyung's home were remarkably tranquil, a calmness that also soothed Jungkook's soul. The environment was silent, aligning perfectly with Jungkook's preference for peace and quiet.

Jungkook, still clad in dirt and mud, accompanied Taehyung to his room. Directed to cleanse himself, Jungkook emerged from the shower to discover Taehyung seated on a nearby couch through the room's mirror. Startled, Jungkook let out a high-pitched yell.

Jungkook: (startled) Aaahhhhhh!

Taehyung: (impatiently) Shoo, shush! The hell up.

Lifting his gaze from his phone, Taehyung, momentarily awestruck, couldn't believe he had rescued someone who seemed like an angel. Regaining composure, he approached Jungkook, who leaned against the cupboard door. Taehyung handed him a set of clothes.

Taehyung: Get ready quickly.

Jungkook: I'm not going back there. Please don't send me. (tears streaming down)

Disturbed by Jungkook's tears, Taehyung, in frustration, struck the cupboard door, prompting Jungkook to shut his eyes tightly.

Taehyung: Open your eyes and look at me.

Jungkook hesitated, and Taehyung reiterated sternly.

Taehyung: I said open your eyes.

This time, Jungkook complied, visibly stunned. Ignoring Jungkook's reaction, Taehyung affirmed,

Taehyung: You're not going anywhere. You are safe with me. I won't let anyone harm you. Understand?

After a moment of silence.

Taehyung: I'm taking you to dinner.

Taehyung exited the room after Jungkook nodded in understanding. Alone, Jungkook reflected.

Jungkook's thoughts: Is he even human? He's incredibly handsome and attractive too.

Author: Jungkook, any chance you could put on that dress? Let's not continue the trend of being shirtless everywhere, shall we? It seems someone ran off with your entire wardrobe.

Jungkook's eyes darted around like they were searching for a culprit, and he pondered, "Did I just get an invitation to the party of talking furniture? Maybe my wardrobe ran off with my sense of reality." (gulp)

Tae: Finished playing hide-and-seek with the wardrobe, or should I send out a search party?

Jungkook: HUH? Oh, no, I'm on my way! (I hope this tiger doesn't decide to make me its snack before I get there.)

Later on, Tae treated Jungkook to a fancy dinner, and after wrapping up their meal, they headed back home. In the wee hours of the night, they found themselves watching TV together in Taehyung's bedroom. As exhaustion set in, Jungkook turned to Tae with a tired query.

Jungkook: (half-asleep) Uhmm... Where should I crash?

Taehyung: Do you have different beds for sitting and sleeping at home?

Jungkook: N...no.

Taehyung: Then sleep here.

Jungkook: Okay, sir. Thanks. I'll catch some Zs.

Taehyung: Tae... Taehyung.

Jungkook: HUH? No, sir, my name's Jungkook.

Taehyung: (sighs) That's my name. Call me Tae or Taehyung.

[Jungkook nods and settles onto the bed, soon drifting into sleep. After a while, Taehyung also dozes off. In the middle of the night, Taehyung feels a tightening sensation around his neck in his dreams, struggling to breathe not just in his dream but in reality too. He opens his eyes but finds himself unable to move.

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