
Chapter 1

It was nighttime, a little after dusk. A man was cruising on a high-speed, incredibly sleek motorcycle, adorned in a black leather jacket. Mid-ride, he noticed his phone ringing and seamlessly utilized his Bluetooth AirPod to answer the call, all while continuing his journey.

?? : "Where are you, Tae?"

Tae: "On my way, RM."

RM: "Okay, be careful, and save the boy. I need both of you to come back safely."

Tae: "Sure, RM, don't worry.

Tae, also known as Kim Taehyung, holds the position of utmost trust in RM's circle. RM, a formidable mob boss, has adversaries who fear Taehyung more than they fear RM due to his reputation for ruthlessness, danger, and lack of mercy. Taehyung's intense aversion to betrayal and dishonesty is widely recognized, driven by the belief that lying serves no constructive purpose.

An orphan from the age of 10, Taehyung found a family in RM's father, who treated him as a second child. Despite being RM's best and only friend, their professional relationship takes a distinct turn. While RM treats him as a partner, Taehyung, especially in matters of work, Taehyung primarily regards RM as his boss, adding complexity to their intricate connection.

After a 30-minute ride, Taehyung's bike penetrated the forested area. Parking the bike, he proceeded on foot through the woods and came across two cars with headlights on, stationed in front of a small woodhouse. Approximately 8 to 10 men were gathered near the cars.

Taehyung skillfully used his gun, headshotting everyone while concealed behind a tree. Before the men could comprehend what was happening, they lay lifeless. Once he ensured there was no one left to pose a threat, Taehyung hurried toward the cars.

Upon inspecting the vehicles, he found them vacant. Proceeding into the woodhouse, he uncovered a boy lying on the floor, his hands bound, and his body and face smeared with mud and dirt.

Taehyung couldn't discern the boy's face clearly due to the dirt covering it. Seating himself beside the boy, he patiently waited for him to regain consciousness. Having arrived on his bike, he faced the dilemma of transporting the boy while he was still unconscious.

After a while, the boy's eyes flickered open, and he was taken aback by the presence of Taehyung, who sat beside him, observing him with keen intent.

?? : (nervously) Who... who are you? What do you want?

Taehyung: (calmly) I'm not here to harm you. Just stay calm.

?? : (fearful)  Are you one of them ?

Taehyung: No, I'm not working with anyone who wants to harm you. I'm here to save you.

?? : (confused) Save me? Why? Who would want to save me?

Taehyung: (briefly) I got a mission from my boss. He was paid to rescue you.

?? : Who paid to save me?

Taehyung: (stoically) Your uncle paid. He wants you back.

?? : (defensively) I'm not going back! You don't understand. My uncle... he's not what he seems.

That grabbed Taehyung's focus. He stared into the boy's eyes with intensity, almost as if he found himself captivated by those bambi eyes.

Taehyung: why not? He is your uncle.

The other shook his head, eyes brimming with tears and fear. Taehyung arched an eyebrow in a questioning manner, compelling the boy to confess.

?? : My father... he was killed by my uncle. They were business partners, but my uncle got greedy, made wrong investments, and lost everything. On the same day, he killed my father. He thought he'd inherit everything, but my father had other plans. He wrote a will, and everything is supposed to be mine.

Taehyung: (nodding, showing understanding)

?? : If something happens to me, everything goes to an orphanage. My uncle wants me back just to get me to sign papers, and then he plans to... to kill me.

Taehyung: (maintaining composure)

Boy: (teary-eyed) I can't go back. I won't let him take everything away from me.

Tae: what's your name?

Boy : Jung... Jungkook

Tae: Come with me

Jungkook: don't... Please ( teary eyes)

Taehyung: (firmly) We don't have time for this, Jungkook. You're coming with me.

Jungkook: (resisting) I'm not going anywhere with you!

Taehyung: (determined) You can do this the easy way or the hard way. It's your choice.

Jungkook: (defiant) I won't go!

[Unable to convince Jungkook, Taehyung lifts him effortlessly, carrying him like a sack over his shoulder. Jungkook protests but finds himself being transported towards Taehyung's bike.]

Taehyung: (smirking) you left me with no choice.

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