
War For Hope

TJP · Fantasi Timur
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11 Chs

8 Infusion of Mother Dao 1

Sun, Rose and Castle started carrying out the instruction give to them by Rick the process of the Mother Dao from Rick to Robin was going very peaceful and steady, the whole room was filled with the aura of life, time and space flowing continuously, sometimes the aura of life will be very ancient like it was there at the beginning of all creation, other times it will seem like a child that just came into the world without knowledge of anything very gentle and and innocent, the aura keep changing sometimes it was full of rage like it want to destroy the whole world, other time it was as warm as the live of a mother that want to protect and save her children.

"Whith the aid of the Dusan talisman the master was able to store the fifty percent of the Mother Dao inside the dusan talisman. The telisman was made by sacrificing most the top fifty special breeds with human breed being at the top fourty in the list, with many other special ingredient, after that the other masters sacrifice most of there energies just to create the dusan talisman in other to store the Mother Dao after all that energy it was finally done. Master was able to store the dusan talisman into me with only himself and me knowing about, Master was afraid of the news spread out, the four master that gave their energy in other to create the dusan talisman died on the process with only leaving only ashes behind, Master with the other masters work on till Master was able to make three dusan talisman both to the other's it was only one dusan talisman that was made and it cost them a lot them a lot, during the process of making the dusan talisman master lost four of his close friends died at the process since they were as strong as master four of them with their life energy sacrifice themselves and was able to make the dusan talisman that is inside of me presently. During the battle the traitor among us started showing up one after the other, at the end master brought out one of the dusan talisman in other to to miss guide the enemies and it was destroyed during the war, they all thought they had one with the dusan talisman being destroyed and with rhat maniac consuming fifty percent of the Maother Dao but master had already absorbed fifty percent of the Mother Dao in the strongest dusan talisman that was ever made and it was infused into me but I cannot cultivate with it, it was only living in me in other for the Mother Dao to survive and for we to have a little hope" Rick said Sun, Rose and Castle as the infusion was going on.

"What the process of storing the Mother Dao is really that risky, I thought it was easy and here we were busy asking why you didn't tell us about the Mother Dao, now I know why" Rose said a little bit downcast.

"It was really that hard, I was even wondering what happened to the other four Absolute master that they didn't show up in the battle, when we heard they were dead, I thought they went to fight ahead of the great war, now I know what took place, it is really painful" Sun said in a sober mood.

"There is no need to worry it was all done in other to save humanity, so definitely have to pay a heavy price you nothing going comes easy and during war a lot of sacrifices most be made in other for there to be survival. I know you guy are thinking about what happened to the last dusan talisman, during the war after the Mother Dao was consumed it gave birth to another Dao it is very unique and it is called the Mother Dao starting point, master was also able to absorb it without no one knowing it and so ever that has been cultivating with Mother Dao, if they could absorb the Mother Dao starting point they will be in full control of the complete Heavenly Mother Dao, that is to say once the infusion is done if Robin or that Maniac can absorb the Mother Dao starting point they will become near unstoppable and the thing was that master created a time and space loop and send the last dusan talisman into it on one know where it is, but those with half part of the Mother Dao completely in their control can sense it and will be able to track it down and then absorb it, so it is something we have to beat that Maniac before he get opportunity to locate the Mother Dao starting point" Rick said.

At this point in time the whole room was filled with abundant aura of life and it was not only the aura but also the divine essences of life was flowing everywhere filling the whole room up to the brim .

"Please I wil have to beg you two to make use of this moment to recover your strengths, because after this moment will come the most difficult time we will have to face during the infusion". Rick said to Sun and Rose

They immediately gave response by nodding their head, without wasting anymore time they started absorbing the energy circulating it around their entire system, it started from their lungs and through every pores in their body and flowing into every blood circulatory system ending at storing remaining energy in their datain.

The process lasted for more than two hours with them absorbing all the energy they could. After an aura of pain filled the room

"Ahhhhh" Rick roared with pain at this point blood was coming out of his eyes, ears and mouth, he was shaking and twisting in the bed continuously with so much pain all the Mother Dao was leaving him and was transferring at a speed visible to the eye's, it was like Rick was going through thousands of war that as been fought before different wounds start appearing all over his body with blood stains everywhere.

"Ahhhhh don't stop what you are doing keep the balance" Rick roared with so much pain

On the small bad bone cracking can be heard coming from Robin like his bones were being rebuilt, but there was no single pain coming from like the Mother Dao was take it gently on him.

"Please you guys should hold on" Rose said worried

All this lasted for close to one hour before it all stopped. With full force the Mother Dao left the dusan talisman inside of Rick and fused with Robin with the force a loophole appeared and Castle was unable to stop the presence of the Mother Dao from spread out for five minutes be for this five minutes time in earth stopped for five minutes, the Dao covered earth and flowed into space but inside the house where the infusion was being carried time was still flowing after that five minutes everything went back to normal

"The Mother Dao infusion is successful". Rick said and collapsed right at the spot.