
War between generations

All countrys and generations had different types of strategys, weapons and vice versa. A war between those generations would lead to complete chaos and destruction. But the one thing that really matters, is strategy.

DatOneAuthor_26 · Lainnya
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1 Chs

Chaos, WW2, Soldier.

The frontlines between France and Germany began to break apart as the Germans started to break through the enemy defences. It was a race against time and every second counted to turn the tides in this war. We will follow the journey and thoughs of one Michael Neumann, a 21 years old commander of the freshly made Pz. III tank, wich he calls 'Teufel' aka Devil. He wrote in his journey the follwing:

'As the war started I had to say goodbye to my family and friends. My country needed me in these times, especially in a big operation like this. My crew is highly motivated and so am I. We will win this war, but it won't be easy.' As he wrote these lines he suddenly hears gunshots bouncing off the armor of his tanks. Why would they shoot normal bullets at him? He thought that these sound were just illusions but suddenly his gunner said: ''Michael, look at this...you won't believe it.''

As Michael peeks out his commanders hatch, he noticed that the 'gunshots' were in fact not bullets, but arrows. ''Arrows...? They are shooting arrows at us?'' He looks down at his gunner wich was highly confused as well. But the confusion became even bigger when they saw soldiers with armor wich was not only outdated but bulky as hell. Those were knights that he never saw before.