

Her One look at the blue eyes was what it takes for me not to breathe. Godly handsome is what she thought. His First time he saw her was what it takes for his day to be fill with the thoughts of her. Fucking beautiful is what he thought. What would Lana do, when all this time no one has ever passed to make her walls to crumble but it takes one look from Ethan, and for him to own her heart?

violetharold · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs



The sunlight peaks at the windows, leaving its golden and warmth trails inside her room as a sign that day has arrived. A day that she has come to despised but can't do any thing about it. Lana has been awake for the last 15 minutes but nothing, literally nothing has the potential that can urge her to get up and start the day. She'd rather stay in bed all day.

The glimmering sunlight had her squinting her eyes and she groans. Expressing her unpleasantness of the day that's about to come. She trashes herself on the bad, like a tantrum kid and shame didn't dare to make itself known. Today. The first day of school. Of senior year. And she's off for good. The day hasn't stated yet, but already she wants it to end fast. Like real fast and furious.

Who would've wanted to go to school anyway right? It isn't just her in this whole universe hated the idea of going to school.

She heard her mom's shouts from downstairs, "Lana! Wake up, you're going to be late to school! It's your first day for godsake, Lay."

She just feels agitated and has been the prominent factor of this hostile feelings. She sighs heavily and even heavier steps and walk toward her bathroom. Today, she targeted to dress not to impress and grab her white stripe t-shirt and jeans and completed it with a pair of white converse. She put on a lip gloss whilst pep-talking to her inner self to stay focus.

Come on Lay. What's wrong with you?

She gets a feeling that something will happen today and she can't decipher the real meaning, be it good or bad. And with last night episode of not getting enough sleep, is a perfect contributor, a pile of concrete against another concrete that makes her more and more restless.

Ignoring her sunken mood and even more cadaverous feeling, she walks her way downstairs and was whiplash with a delicious smell of buttery eggs, baked beans and is that bacon. Thank god, for a good food. Her stomach growling in excitement, her mouth salivating at the sight and she can't wait to eat because good food uplifts good mood, right?

Greeting her mom and dad, she wasted no time to eat. "Thanks mom, this is perfect." Groaning her pleasure of the goodness.

Everything made by her mom, always felt delicious and wholesome. Her mom chuckles at her response, "Eat slowly honey. The food isn't going knowhere."

She has always love eating meals together with her family. Her mother said that through meals she can get to know other people's favorite food. What they prefer and what don't. And in her case, she has always spotted her dad, with his coffee and a newspaper, right legs sometimes crossed over his left showing that he is into the news. His father has always preferred reading newspapers rather than reading it on his phone.

He's too traditional for his own age. He didn't even reach 45 yet.

Whilst mom prefers her morning with juices, and this morning she's blended herself an orange juice. Lana is a lot like her mom, because her mom too find pleasure in eating great food. Nothing's better that great foods. Her mom is silent in the first moment of eating, but she prefers more engagement during meals and Lana likes it too. Dad sometimes get scolded by mom, because he's too immersed in the paper.

Lana has a brother by three years older, Luke. She's very close to him and constantly on call with him. She misses him but he's in his final year in NYU pursuing business and political economy. Dad was hoping he could help in managing his business and operation of the café. Lana's family is small but her family is her everything. She can never imagine a life without them. Without the emotional and physical support, the precious and meaningful advice, the chatter and laughter, the caringness and welcome embrace, and limitless love.

Whilst small talking with her parents, she's done with her breakfast. Bidding goodbye to her parents, she makes her way to her car and went to school. She prayed hard that this day will go and went by as smoothly.


As she parked her car, uneasiness settled. Dreaded feelings hovered her. She was anxious and there was absolutely no reason to. Her guts senses that something is coming but she is no witch to know what will take place in the future. Her labored breath is the only thing heard in the binging silence of her car.

She parked her car just beside her best friend, Emily's yet didn't hurry to go out. The thoughts of having Em by her side, makes her at ease but not enough to make it go away. She let herself calmed for a few moments and grab her bag before letting herself out. But she soon, regretted it, because she saw Em was making out with her boyfriend. She almost gaged in her mind.

Emily's boyfriend, Will has quickly become her friend too. His friendliness aura oozes from the good looking football jocker. Will is good looking from his tousled golden hair, dark lashes framing his whiskey eyes, complete set with muscled arms and tall, the girls in school are always beaming at the sight of him. As soon as Em introduces him, they click instantly and sort of becoming a triplets. Well, more specifically me as a third-wheeler considering I'm the only single one out of the group.

Lana snorts unladylike-ly when they don't even notice that she has been standing and watching for the past 5 minutes. She has become accustomed with the snogging because they can't seem to take off their hands off each other. Well, good for them. She taps the window and display a boring face to give a little acknowledgement about her mere presence there. They jump away from each other but let some sort of relief breath when they notice it was her. She smiles a little bigger at them.

"Come on, out. Stop snogging. It's getting more and more disgusting the more I get to see it!"

They got out of the car with annoying huffs. Especially William. Frown carved between his brows indicates that he hated the interruption. But, I don't care. My mood has been bad all because of school today. Will's face kinda funny so she laughs anyway. At least, she's feeling better. Emily ran up to her and jumped to give her a quick hug and very tight, Lana find it hard to breath for a moment.

"I hate you right now but I miss you."

"Don't act like we haven't met at all."

"Bitch, just say that you miss me too."

"Miss you."

We laugh and the scowling deepens even more on Will's face. Emily caresses Will's face to distract him and his frown subsides. Pffttt, whipped.

"Whoops, sorry." Lana smile sheepishly and tap Will's shoulder.

"You're just being an ass because you're just jealous. I need my battery full-charged for today." Will expresses his exasperation.

"Unbelievable. Where do you get that insane and stupid idea? Absolutely, definitely and utterly not jealous at all."

Emmy giggles hearing our morning banter and put her arms on my shoulders. "Lay, maybe you need to find the man of your own to know just how I feel".

Lana fake gaged but the thoughts that follows, entrapping her. Boyfriend. The measly word leaves a foreign feeling within her. She'd never thought of wanting a boyfriend before. She has always wondered what she'll be like in a relationship. Somehow, the intense thoughts make her feel hot. But, she had never experienced dating in the first place. The one time she had her first kiss was with this boy where she felt disgusted after. Lana had no idea why she kissed him.

She shakes her head in attempt to clear the terrain of thoughts. She literally had no problem with the idea of dating however somehow, nobody has ever captured her attention enough to take the leap and faith in a relationship. It also scares the crap out of her. It leaves her to ponder how the hell is she going to know on a deeper level with someone. She hopes someone that she likes enough to know.

Emily and Will are disgustingly adorable with each other but she's been with them long enough to know how relationship works. Where all are beautiful and flowery but also full of gravelly hard and thorny along the roads. The jealousy, Lana can't handle well. She had a feeling that she will be very jealous but she leaves that thought to the side. She saluted Emily for not acting out just because all girls are giving moony eyes at her man. And she doesn't want to get through it.

Yet. Maybe.


They enter pass the door and walk into the hallway to our lockers. The chitter chatter and buzzing voices surrounds the air. The sounds portray lively and vivacious environment of the first day of school. The excitedness energy oozes out from every single soul in the school seeping a little into her. Damn, positive auras are contagious. Em has gotten her schedule and mine check and both of us have the same class except for one.

Shit, this might be the dreaded feelings for.

Literature. She hated the literature because she can never read in between the lines. To understand what the writer means through alien words and even weirder ways to express. Why can't they say, I love you like normal people would? Why can't they just say, they're hurting is a much simpler way? Why did they have to make it sound so difficult? Why did they have to trouble uncreative mind like her? Alas, Lana is definitely on binge of disadvantageous with Mrs. Elliot acknowledgement about her love-hate relationship with literature.

"Em, I need you to survive this class". Lana groan inwardly as she closes her book lockers and slow slam her forehead against it. "I can't understand a word and Mrs Elliot will always put her cannonball right up my ass." She almost cried. She even feels the stinging tears threatening to fall. She just wanted to fake crying but all the feelings caught up to her, it makes her feel like crying for real.

Emily just sighs and then laugh at the absurdness. She dares laugh in her distress. "Are you crying?" And laugh even more louder. Oh, how she despised her right now.

"It's not funny. Stop it." While blinking rapidly to clear her vision.

"Lay, it's not that bad. At least we got all class the same except one. And most importantly we can still go lunch together. Yeay!"Her eyes light up when she says that.

Emily is still laughing happily while dragging her to Will's locker. They can't miss saying goodbye to each other. But as they reach there, her eyes transfixed on a figure and it struck her that her body instantly comes to life. She didn't think she has seen him anywhere. With his back facing her and she let her eyes roam his broad back to his long legs. She spots him to be 6'3 or more. He's a few inches taller than Will. His hair looks smooth and glittery with the assistance of the light. He wears a leather jacket, skinny black jeans and black boots that screams mystery about him.

He is laughing with Will, she wondered if Will was close to him. As she neared, she can hear his throaty and delicious laugh more clearly and it makes goosebumps breaks on her skins. The tingling sensation roams ubiquitously especially between her legs. She fights her shuddered and ignore the feelings. This sudden reaction makes her feel all weird. Who is he?

As if like he feels her scorching gaze, he turns back and breath leaves her a minute before it came back. She let out a soft gasp. Her feet have the audacity to stop midway. She was whiplash by the figure in front of her. With his disheveled black raven hair, he still manages to look strikingly handsome. His staggering height, lean and muscled body intrigues her to watch him all day. He looks.. strong.

Strong enough to handle her.

But what fascinates her even more, was his eyes. Lana was awestruck and was left speechless. Her mouth dries and her voice lost its way. His eyes are a color of Caribbean Sea. Full of secret she wants to delve deep and discover. The sea can't compare to how mesmerizing his eyes when he stares at her. How his stare penetrates and command her but she refuses to surrender and held her head high. For a moment, his eyes dilated and held recognition before he blinks it away.

Deep down, she knew she was deemed to submit when the time come but denial is winning. Her heart stills before beating rapidly. She kept her gaze unpretentious and walk to them.

'Damn, you're doomed.' Her inner voice said.