

"Okay ladies and gentlemen's hope you remember to bring your sleeping bag because today's assignment a special case" special agent Kerry says as she walks into the room full of agents.

Moon_Jim · Seni bela diri
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Jacob David Moore

"Okay ladies and gentlemen's hope you remember to bring your sleeping bag because today's assignment a special case" special agent Kerry says as she walks into the room full of agents.


"What do you mean?" Agent Parker asks turning his seat towards the projector.


"You called a meeting and yet your the last one to come in? talk about being cocky." agent Kevin said while whispering the last part of his sentence.


Special Agent Kerry discided to ignore him and put her thumb drive into the laptop.


She punches in the code she encrypted on the drive.


After a few seconds, everything was loaded and ready to begin.


A picture of a man pops up on the screen along with other information "This is Jacob David Moore" Kerry said clicking the button.


"And who's this guy again?" former special agent Kevin that was recently replaced by Kerry said.


"Why don't you shut up and listen to find out agent Kevin? are better yet just get the hell out of this meeting and stop distract the agents who give a shit!" Annoyed by his tone special agent Kerry said everything that was on her mind in a calm and collected tone.


She received nothing but silence in response, she takes her hands off the table she turns around towards the projector getting back on track.


"Now, as I was saying before getting rudely interrupted this man on the screen name is Jacob David Moore he's 27 years old, and was sent to prison 2 years ago for the death of McLean Robert a billionaire CEO and former Mafia boss Hidalgo Lion right-hand man."


"The only reason why this man's still alive because we caught and arrested him before any of these men and women could of"


A single tap on the table was enough to get special agent Kerry's attention, making her look back to the table and see a couple of arms in the air.


"Am I moving a little bit too fast?" she asked her colleagues out of concern but they all answered no Union.


"Ahh, yes agent Riley and Hector?" she said pointing over to her.


"What are these people to the victim? And how are you sure they would kill him?" special agent was actually surprised and impress by the question.


" First on the list is his closest friends Angelina Goldmine, Marcos Lopez, Chin heel, Rahul Gandhi, Robert Pattinson. Second, on the list are business partners, Winsley Devario, Ashley Redbird, Fiona Thompson, Adrian Nicholson, Peter Jackson, Devin Burke, third is family members and all of their last names end with Robert, and Robertson, so the first name only"


Alexandra, Emily, Susanna, Herman, Diana, Sinclair, Annabella, McCarthy, Isabella, Johanna, Harry, and Reid...the names that I have called just now belong to very powerful people who wants to see this man dead"


"Has to how I'm sure that these people who want him dead it's simply because the victims family friends and co-workers every one of these persons that you see on here, came up right in front of the court and ask for his head and when they couldn't get that, overnight every single person who was related to this man was found dead the next day, execution-style, barbaric, inhuman you name it, that's how the bodies were found and not just bodies but bones as well"


" and not a single one of them had something that connects them with these people and yet not even one of the bodies had fingerprints on them"


"Special agent Kerry" she turns around at the sound of her name "yes, agent Kevin?".


" If there's no fingerprint and no connection how can you be sure or positive that there the one's behind it?"


" An correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the evident key to locking these according to you, the people who are responsible for the crime?"


"Are are you just assuming that they were?"


Everyone was taken back by what agent Kevin said since every word from his is statement was understandable.


That's when special agent Kerry turns around and skips ahead on the projector stopping on the images of all the victims related to Jacob Moore.


"On the day Jacob David Moore death sentenced was called off due to lack of evidence, and yes he was supposed to release, but on the day before it happened, as I said before, everyone related to him was killed-"


Agent Kevin clears his throat interrupting her "That doesn't answer my questions-".


"Agent Kevin Garnett if you don't want to me answers your question, in the most simplest way possible for everyone to understand then I'll skip your question and go back to where I left off, now tell everyone, do you want me to answer?" she finished reaching a few nods and ma'am in response.




Skipping once again.


The entire room was shocked by the next photo on the screen.


"Isn't that...". agent Kim started


"the Lewis F. Powell, Jr. United States Courthouse?" Agent Garfield finishes


Special Agent Kerry opens the file on the table.


"Yes, it is and to answer the rest of your questions agent Kevin just skip through to page 24, to get a better view of the photos"


"On the victim's body where recover in front of the Lewis F. Powell, Jr. United States Courthouse, Richmond, VA. to precise"


"What with the random Alphabetical letters on the victim's bodies and pieces of body parts?" Agent Freddy asked while flipping back and forth between the pages.


" Sharp eyes and if you closely over here," She said flick her wrist with the laser light.


"You'll notice the number under each of these unique letter spells out something"


"And I to provide you with the papers and pens you need to spell it out for yourself once your finish read what you put together"


The fellow agents did just as they were asked and start to translate and write it down.


That's when agent Magalski starts reading it aloud for everyone to hear.


" I know that most of these letters are just normal but the normal part of it reads that A DEATH IS A DUE then BLOOD REPAID WITH BLOOD and the unique part of the letter Reads VENGEANCE IS MINE THE DAY FREE BRID IS SET FREE."


" and let me just say this, just in case if you decide, to ask again and say that this shows nothing, it could be anyone, well; every one of these people middle name has a unique setting and each one of these bodies that are marked with the permanent marker, matches the signature of their middle name, but because there's no other physical evidence that could be put forward at the time, it was brush off as a mere coincidence, just as you say or thought, and just like that the case was dropped, so in other words, thanks to money and lawyers it was no longer up to for discussion and everyone who was involved in this case got an early retirement and died from natural causes "


"Now, before I go any further with this, and all that I said in mind, please take note that this is a very dangerous case that I'm going to open up again, so if you are having a second thought, and please back out if you all know you have something to lose this is the first and only time you have a chance to make your decision on whether you're in or out, .. "


"I'll give you an hour to think about, and by the time I get back whoever remains in the room, I'll take their answer as a yes..."


"Meeting is now temporary dismiss enjoy your break everyone"


Removing the thumb drive from the computer special agent Kerry exit room.



