
chap 5:school invasion

the girl was standing in front of us , her gaze fiercely directed towards us , she has long hair dyed in green , her yellow light pupils was looking at us strongly without a break

the girl walked toward us inside her edo period samurai red clothes ... wielding a long sword in her right hand ... with each steps she do take ...a bad vibes was send directly toward our spines

the girl was dangerous

"hey wait "

Belial walked her own toward the girl , the two gaze at each other with really bad vibes

" move.."

the girl talked ...like Belial was standing in her way

" not a chance.." Belial answered fiercely

"I'll kill you otherwise..." she replied while holding her sword strongly

" il do like to see that" Belial smiled in her face with all her pride

" tch.."

the girl instantly draw her sword instantly without anyone around been able to see a thing , the girl was standing now behind Kura who was at leat 2m from Belial

" I didn't see anything ... what was that? a fast drawing sword skill?..."

Kura was talking to him self , he got himself surprised by the instant move of the girl

"fu..fufu..." Belial launched a smile "

her left hand had take the shape of her usual scythe standing right before her chest

" wha...?"

the girl turned herself quite surprised

" how did you block ...that strike? .." she asked

"how you ask ?.. I just saw it come that's all" answered Belial while winning her last finger on her hear

" ..you saw it came ..? a blow that can cut through space itself..!? "

the girl was quite surprised , until now , no one have been able to dodge or survive one her strike

" sigh.." she sighted

"uh?.. what's wrong? freaking out already?" asked Belial mockingly

" don't be stupid... moonfang guild don't know the concept of fear or defeat"

" moonfang guild..? what is that?" asked Belial out of the blue

"....." the girl stay silent for a moment , before answering Belial's request

we are a bunch of people who lose everything during the long ended war , therefore for survive we became a mercenary guild from black market , we do every and any job in exchange of treasure, I'm Hinami member of the moonfang mercenary's guild..

"ended war...? does she mean the great humanity war between unnaturals and naturals ? ... just who is this girl ..? muted Kura in his inner voice

" I don't have enough time , if I don't retrieve the target quickly , that damm necromancer guy will drown this school to a huge mess"

Hinami looked at Kura in the very eyes, she smiled a bit, instantly Kura know who the target was...

she pointed her sword toward Belial ,a huge light ray went out of it , rushed toward Belial at full speed

" ... "

without a word , Belial bend her head a little to the right and dodge easily the ray beam who broke through the window and dissipate itself in the sky piercing several clouds , before her gaze could return , Hinami had already closed the garb between them , countless sword strikes rose inside gakuen hallway, Belial counteract each blow delivery by Hinami , smoke dust rust up , Kura covered his eyes instinctively due to the huge power unleashed during that fight .. no one seemed to be above , it was likely they was on equals footing

somewhere near the gakuen academy entrance, was a man Standing on a huge building , the man was in black clothes, his short purple style hair was very unique , his has an evil look on his face , a scar wound was tracing itself toward is face , the man looked at gakuen academy with insistance


the man laughed evil and unpleasantly

" look like Hinami it's having a hard time ... I think she can't fulfill it..."

the evil man gaze at one other man who were with him .. covered in Shadow

" we don't have any other choice ....."

the man covered in Shadow pull his hand out of his pocket

" let's go basto ..." say the shadow man

" hell yeah..."

basto let a loud scream before jumping out of the building , his raised his arm through the sky who suddenly become dark , it was like a pitch night in a daily light


the night sky split itself creating a huge spatial distortion hole.. countless undead went out of the hole and stated to fall upon gakuen academy

" unleashed havoc, kill them all , make this place a living hell ... HUNDRED AMARGEDON UNDEAD ARMY"

the man , was standing in mid air , washing the undead crawling into gakuen academy

... ... .... ... .... ... ... .... ..

[ students council office]

" some unpleasant guests have made theirs way through the school"

say a mysterious girl wrapped in Shadow

" if we don't do anything the school will be a huge mess as our pride as well"

continued another male voice wrapped also in Shadow

" what should we do.. president ryoko.. ?"

asked a man with a sneaky eyes, his gaze were looking at ryoko Hiragi the gakuen academy students council chairman, it was none other than Vasilius himself sitting on a chair second to Hiragi seat

" we can't afford to let them reach the school main entrance... kouta and Beatrice stop the undead army for getting any closer , but be careful , they are not alive anymore , don't be lightly ."

Beatrice heilgen and kouta soushiro wake theirs ass from theirs chair as fast as they can for answering ryoko command

" yes ma'am.."

they says it simultaneously

"uh!... "

Beatrice face became twisted and showed her irritation

" why did you get up and answer as the same time as me you dumbass..?"

she asked kouta codly , while forcing herself into him, but kouta didn't scare rather his very face became twisted as Beatrice own , the Same irritating expression was drawing on his face

" is you that followed me like a fool you fucking bitch"

the tension rose up

they were forgetting the zombie swarming toward the school , they were like idiots fooling around

"..... "

ryoko nerve broke pass the critical level ..


Beatrice and kouta instantly froze , they were well aware of ryoko power and how she can became dangerous when she's angry....

cold sweat ran back theirs heads at the look of ryoko who was like a huge monster with imposing aura and blood red eyes with smoke through her mouth

"erm.. we are sorry..." at the same time again , but they didn't mind it... this time , ryoko bad vibes was beyond theirs quarrels , afterward , theirs body suddenly vanished

" oh my.. teleporting them without theirs own will to the battlefield , you're quite cold heart Hiragi "

say Vasilius mischievously ,his eyes gazed at ryoko face, like his was plotting something

" those two really got on my nerve this time , they deserve it" say ryoko heart coldly

"ahahaha " Vasilius laughted at ryoko response

" what are you laughing at?asked ryoko upsetting

" you were also quite a cold heart even back when we were kids and was fooling around like them " replied said

" stop fooling around, you brought back unless memories " replied ryoko as cold as ever

" to call our long childhood friends an unless memories , you truly are amazing "

Vasilius let out a vicious laugh while getting up on his own council member chair

'" stop babbling odd stuff you bastard ,we got ourselves full for fooling around " replied ryoko with her same fragrance

" ahahaha president Hiragi is cold as ever .."

a girly voice laughted inside the whole room

" stop laughing , and watch our back kogoe.."

Hiragi looked at a video transmission device that was sticking inside de wall , it was black and silent ,the device itself seemed to be watching the council room all time

" yes ma'am ... you can joint the fight without worry " say the same voice , but it was rather excited this one time

" you really gonna let our back to her ? ..." asked Vasilius

" are you afraid?..." answered the council president

"don't say things you don't mind .." replied Vasilius

" don't worry ,kogoe might be a bit excited and out of the rail , but she really strong and knowledgeable ... she's in third position right after you .. so show her some respect.. "

the students council room opened backward, ryoko and Vasilius went out the hallway , it's was full of crow , each of them were student from gakuen academy

" listen up everyone.." say ryoko loudly

after ryoko word , the crow suddenly turn silent like a graveyard , everyone was looking at her .. all the gaze were turned towards her expecting something from her

" the school is surrounded by an undead army , we don't know theirs purposes yet , but do not fear , the students council will fulfill his duty as your protector...

ryoko was over her speech , seth looked at her , he sighed ....

" you never change Hiragi , always taking the lead and protecting everyone ... the same as back then .."

seth start reminding his childhood with hiragi

" look at him.. fucking unnatural"

a small crow of people were looking at something on the ground with theirs eyes full of evil and hatred

" you people are the enemy of humanity .." yelled a man who was assaulting someone on the ground

" you monsters should all crawling and die" yelled another assaulter

" died fucking brat.." the third one throw a stone rock on the one crawling on the ground ..

it was a boy , a little boy with black hair , his blending face were covered in tears , the little boy was crying , her friend who's around his age beat him down after witnessing his unnatural ability , his precious friends who he was always kind to them ... even if she didn't do anything bad .. no one willing to save or defend him , because his was unnatural , the boy gazed at his friends with a pitiful look on his face all messed up

" what are you looking at ? you demon "

the boy heart shattered , his best friend called him *demon*

the boy feel down on his knees, without any will , the boy just thought about death

" hey you what are you doing..?"

a girl screamed from far away , she was around the same age at the victim , with her short Grail hair , inside her commoner clothes , she gaze at assaulters fiercely

" what do you want ? are you with him ?"

asked one of the assaulters while Moving forward to the girl

" yeah! his my new friend..."

the girl clenched her first and run toward the assaulters without fear

"... oh.."

the assaulters without shame , gang-banded the girl , beat the crap outta her ,her clothes were turn to shreds, her face was also a mess , but the girl wasn't crying at all , instead her face was Filled with a bright smile

at that very time , the boy was captivated by that girl radiance ,she was cute , the guy was moved and started to smile

" what a joke , she still smiling even though she's that weak " say one of the assaulters

" I'm all beat , let's go.. " say another one

" don't ever come to school again , you monster.." say the last one

the boy just watched as the one once called his friends , taking theirs leave after beat him to half dead .. anyone would have asked for vengeance but the boy wasn't at all

the girl was ramping with all her might to close the garb between her and the boy

" hi" say the girl all smiling

even though she got beaten by my fault she was still smiling

"hi" answered the boy

" what's your name? " asked the girl

without thinking once , my name slipped between my lips

" seth.... seth grayard.."

"ryoko Hiragi ,you can just call me hiragi .. alright seth -kun ?"

this girl radiance was my lights and my hope in this worthless world

" yes .. hiragi-san"

two shadows moved to theirs way , they were covering hiragi messed body crawling on the ground

" they beat de hell outta you for sure .. " say a man voice while gazing at Hiragi face

"are you okay Hiragi -chan?" say a girly voice while holding hiragi thorning clothes

" ahahaha I'm okay , theirs punch wasn't that strong at all , so don't worry aria-chan "

" uh ... who's that?" asked the man voice pointing at the boy Conner hiragi

" he's my friend , I hope you get along Vasilius -kun " ...

seth mind who has blanked out , return to reality

"uh.." I spaced out

meanwhile council president ryoko , were ending her speech

"now let's go ... the students council members is coming for you " say ryoko fiercely in her mind