
chap 11: —

[℅— born by Azazel fundamental hatred— the beast materialize itself to the world— drawing it to absolute darkness—]

" what did you say?"

— asked ryoko — she was trapped inside— paīmon magical circle— floating in mid—air — to protect her very existence—from the beast shadow

•• azure beast — is born by hatred — to his fundamental— without — power equals to angels existence— it's impossible to interact with it— ••

—[power equals to angels like]— it's was the first time —for —freya to hear such things— craving for more information —

"what's that [ angel power] you're taking about ? miss Nisha? — she asked out of the blue — her blue eyes looking towards Nisha goddess of wind

•• angel power .... ••

[ God created mankind without using his self's information— naturally — mankind started to evolve without God resource— unlike others celestials being— they were endowed with all kind of greed — •• love— compassion— jealousy— hatred — and the most of all [ avarice] — driving by theirs selfish greed — craving for more and more — war started between mankind — making bath blood and countless dead — ]

[ they said humans are beast for theirs own — without satisfaction— always craving for more — burning the world itself —]

[ the sole God witnessed mankind true nature— therefore — angels were bestowed to protect mankind from falling — deep down — carried by theirs selfishness — a [ soul link was created] linked by mankind to angelslike very existence — within that — by merging with angels existence — mankind gain [God] self information— slowly— they stated to develop power — very similar to the angels one — [ Engelskraft ] the name bestowed upon it by God]

— Nisha turned her body toward the world — it's was pitch black— covered with shadow and darkness— given unpleasant feeling— near the sky— something was standing— gangling around — without corporal body — like smoke dust — endowed with pitch black darkness— it was glaring at the world—

" uh— were I am " kouta was regaining his sens— despite his mind being in hazy — he stood up trapped as well inside paīmon magic shield— he short black hair was floating away— he gazed at Nisha back _ with a few step forward— he reached her stance —— his face was filled with sadness [ powerless] expression

" nisha—" he Talked— halfway— " i'm sorry I wasn't powerful enough.." he said— eyes on the ground — a hand reached his head— brushing away his hair— the boy head went to the sky — for Nisha face— it was warmth — her right eyes was filled with a glowing yellow light— she smile to the boy— her golden long hair carried away by the wind —

•• it's not your fault — young master contractor]— for all the contractor that ever existed before _ you are the sole one to be able to summon us three in a row— kagutsuchi and raijin would have said the same thing if they weren't shallowed by the beast ...•••

— Nisha hand — stopped teasing kouta hair and was gently touching his cheek— he blushed a bit — Nisha in her human shape was really beautiful—

•• if you work harder — you will be most powerful contractor ever existed — and for sure you'll stand equally to us gods••

— hearing those word— kouta eyes opened wide — witnessing Nisha radiance— the man heart gain a new resolve—

" I'll Become the most powerful contractor — just watch me"

[ when God created gods— they couldn't materialize theirselfs to the mankind world — therefore — gods themselves create [ Human contracted law] and bestowed it to the world's — like a spinning fate thread— [ god contractor] started to born amongst mankind— they were the [ bridge] that materialize gods very existence to the world— without it to self-destruct — ]

" in the end — azure revived again— shallowing Kura existence" — trapped iLike inside paīmon magic shield — looking away— towards the beast itself

" what are we doing know" asked Belial right behind seth — she was also gazing at Kura — or rather the — beast form —

" we don't really have the choice — we might try to kill that thing or else is doomed for us "

— after saying those words — [ borgvelts] seth [ Engelskraft] power manifest right Infront of him — floating in mid air — like [ shooting— revolvers] dyed in black—

" if we kill that things — Kura will be dead as well —"

— say Belial — while opposing seth thought [kill the beast ] — she didn't want to kill kura—℅ Azazel ]son — his former master —

•• we can't kill it —•• say a voice behind the folks— covered in hood— there was two suspicious people standing behind us — in mid air — trapped as well inside —some blue shield —

" uh.. who are you ..?" asked Freya while looking at them

•• my name is [ paīmon ] and I'm the one who saved you for getting shallowed by the beast— that's my magic • •

— the woman taken down her hooded cap — revealing her face — it was lightly bright than usual— filled with red eyes and a well shaped mouth— her long black hair was floating around — she was surrounded by [ witch vibes]

".. no what did you mean by [ we can't kill it] asked seth — glaring at paīmon from behind — borgvelts standing Infront of him

•• azure beast is born by fundamental hatred — he didn't have physical body — nor spiritual one — he's bound by hatred— living to it's stance— in abstraction to this world itself — with _[ Engelskraft] fully materialize we can interact with it — but killing it is impossible—as long it'll be bound by Azazel hatred — ••

replied paīmon while walking toward Nisha — in mid air —

•• long time not see— paīmon — you're didn't change at all — even after five hundred years•• — say Nisha goddess of wind — nonchalantly — without even bore to turn her self—

•• I can say the same thing for you as well - you look exactly the same after so many years•• answered paīmon ...


" isn't that bad news? if there's no way we can kill it— ?

cut in half talking by Hiragi ryoko — floating in mid air —inside paīmon magic shield— out of the beast shadow territory

•• there's a way ..•• say a girl — she was watching the beast materialization — the girl turned to face the others— removing her hood — revealing short gray hair — her face was all smug— she looked at Belial with her strong blue gaze — the girl was around eight in age —

•• hatred towards God it's what fuel the beast— it an abstract concept that no one can interact with conventional meaning ••

— the girl pointed Belial with her little finger —

•• if we manage to open a hole through his core — only the crest — [ Azazel crest] can dissipate the hatred and restore his very existence— change the darkness to light••

— her finger pointing at Belial — the girl face started to feel sadness— tears started to fall through her eyes — she was fighting to restrain herself but it wasn't any of use

" uh..what are you crying for " asked Belial dumbfounded—

•• her heart is feelings sadness— she's cursing her self for— [because of me Azazel disappeared and the beast was born ] •• that is her greed as the former [ sole God]

— for instance they was all speechless — drowning in confusion [ the sole God]

" what do you mean by that? and what is that stuff about God and crest " asked Belial — hearing the name of her late master [ Azazel disappearance] — enlighten her curiosity—

•• it's a pretty long story — beyond your understanding— I don't know if Humans can comprehend it ••

— say paīmon while looking intensely at seth — for instance — theirs eyes met— burned by will and conviction—

" our world is near it's end — by a monster that we hardly know anything about — besides that we aren't ordinary humans— we are the [ prophecy kids — the one chosen by the world will itself] — tell us — the true meaning behind Kura and this monster—

— seth eyes were burned with will power _ uncheckable mind — [borgvelts] floating near him — looking at that level of determination — paīmon sighted a bit — before opening her mouth—

•• you aren't an ordinary one for sure — so — you met her !?— no rather I think she manifest her self to you — the third world guardian — ••

— hearing at paīmon words— seth gaze went on the ground— it was covered by pitch black shadow— giggling like it was alive _

" yeah..." — seth answered narrowly _ he was hesitant to said out loud — afterall [ the world guardians aren't supposed to exist in this world] — that what he was thinking— but he got himself half- cuted by paīmon word —

•• at this point — you don't need to hide it — the world is already unbalanced— due to the beast awakening— [ Time don't even exist anymore] you're able to move thanks to my magic— ••

— at that Moment — seth got reticent at anyway— but he resolve himself and started to talk— to everyone around him

" it's true that I met her — [ arazia] that was her name and that's when I learned about [ azure— and us the prophecy kids] but I certainly do know that azure feed on his host life force— but I wasn't aware that it was able to turn to a beast after regaining his power — Kura once told me [ i am a being who stand both in light and darkness— I have Azazel gene inside my body who can live countless Millions years— so if it's me i can hold it without running out of life force ] — I was clinging my self on it — even though I had been warned by [world record] — but I got selfishness and fighted Kura back to retrieve the azure —to open Godhood door — to revive a childhood friend of mine — but at the last moment he showed me my mistake and the right path — he saved me — right know it's my turn to help him — so please— tell me anything you know — "

— seth was looking at the pitch black sky— a tears line were drawing theirs way down to his face — that event live everyone speechless— Freya — Ryoko and belial — as well

•• ...•• paīmon was silent for a while— she was gauging the mood — she looked at everyone— with that piercing red— gaze of her — her hood cap — similar to witch dressing— were carried away by the wind _ at that time — she thought that [ maybe these kids can — achieve what God itself couldn't]

•• if you had really met her — that mean the world itself acknowledged you — thefore I'm going to reveal anything I know about [ God and Azazel [ hatred] — until the beast fully materialize itself —

— paīmon turned her body toward the beast _ miasma particles were gathering around— slowly— eating away the world to his core _ — —