
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
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844 Chs

Toilet paper in the toilet

  A war is about to begin!

  It was always quiet on the eve of a storm. For a while, the fleet of the Apollo civilization was wandering near the New Humanity's air defense identification zone. They did not attack directly, but instead started "talking" with each other.

  The Apollo civilization began to constantly accuse the new human civilization of selling false papers; and the new humans responded in kind, claiming that the other party was a naked slander, a robber, and a plunderer.

  What happened next became very subtle. A few days later, the interstellar court in the Dyson Sphere interstellar conference room officially opened.

  The content of the court trial is: decades ago, the "extra color scientific papers" transaction between New Human and Apollo civilization was false knowledge, and New Human was required to compensate.

  Of course, these trials are inexplicable slanders. It is really ridiculous that the judges are actually served by several life forms of Level 3 civilization. Well, these third-level civilizations are usually very neutral civilizations, but they jumped out at this time.

  Several diplomats from the new human civilization sneered below, not even bothering to refute. The original transaction was authenticated through the Amoeba faction's platform, and some handling fees were paid. There is no way it was fake knowledge!

  A diplomat sneered from below: "Are aliens also going to launch a public opinion offensive?"

  Lao Yang shook his head: "Their operations are based on the standard ethics of interstellar civilization, and they are also done for other civilizations who do not understand the situation. On the surface, some outsiders will think that the Apollo civilization is the righteous party, so They sent out troops and became famous."

  "If we don't do this and they attack us directly, these idiots will think that the ideology of the Apollo civilization is too radical and will be wary of them in future actions."

  "That's it! I understand... then why don't we announce the truth?"

  "Oh, it has been announced a long time ago, but without the right to speak, who will pay attention to us..."

  "Perhaps we can publish the sold papers and let other civilizations comment on them?"

  "It's useless, Xiao Li. What's the difference between this and taking advantage of us?! Even if other civilizations take advantage, they can't talk to us. This Apollo civilization is just looking for an excuse to find trouble. Even if we pass the political After using various methods to resolve this crisis, they can still find trouble again."

  After an operation, several alien judges spent a long time writing in ink, pretending to be very fair and announcing that the new human civilization had lost the case.

  [The results of the trial are as follows: The new human civilization must compensate the Apollo civilization, four thousand amoeba points! ]

  [If New Humanity does not have enough Amoeba Points, Apollo Civilization will be eligible to handle the equivalent assets of New Humanity Civilization. ]

  At this time, many civilizations in the court were discussing in whispers. Many civilizations know that this kind of trial is fictitious justice. From the perspective of credibility, there is no way that any bullshit court can compare to the trading market of the amoeba civilization, right?

  But the new human civilization has always had a neutral and soft attitude. They develop their own battle stars harmlessly to humans and animals. Even the territory on the Dyson Sphere has been occupied by others, which shows that they just want to develop their own battle stars and then leave... that is it.

  Now that this major event has happened, the new human civilization still has no power behind it, which shows that it is indeed a neutral civilization.

  Without a strong backing, it would be natural for someone to snatch a planet for nothing.

  This place is a powder keg that could be completely ignited at any time. Under such circumstances, where is the rationale for peaceful development? Gloating about misfortune is the norm.

  As for the so-called fairness and justice, it is naturally a joke! On the contrary, through this trial, every civilization knows that the new humans possess a relatively good intelligence and technology, and they all have their own little ideas.

  They were just guessing which side this Apollo civilization was an agent of, and they seized this good opportunity...

  Then, many aliens turned their attention to the representatives of the new human civilization in another corner. This civilization, which had been known to talk nonsense in the past, finally had someone to deal with them.

  But this time, Foreign Minister Yang Fan sneered and finally became tougher.

  "Is it our turn to speak now?"

  "Yes, what else do you have to say?" said the judge who looked like a turtle: "Do you have any objection to the compensation? You still have a chance to appeal a second time."

  "Objection?" Lao Yang sneered. If the New Human Race really files a second lawsuit, it means that it has approved this inexplicable court.

  Facing all kinds of aliens, he said loudly: "Your trial is just a piece of waste paper! It is no different from toilet paper in the toilet!"

  "No civilization or organization can bully the new human civilization!"

  "Even if the Apollo civilization comes with ten battle stars, they won't be able to scare us!"

  "Our new human civilization will not participate in the competition of Dyson Sphere. But we are a true fourth-level civilization with sufficient war capabilities. If you want to see our true combat power and plunder our wealth, you can come and try. !"

  "If I use an old saying from my civilization: When friends come, bring wine; when jackals come, bring shotguns!"

  After a while, the turtle judge on the stage was speechless.

  Humans have never been so tough in this kind of meeting. Lao Yang himself spoke so refreshingly that he simply stunned a group of aliens.

  After saying this, all the new human diplomats immediately returned to the human base camp in a nervous spaceship. Who knows what these aliens are thinking. Maybe they will be bombed with one shot. Since they have already broken their skin, they should hurry up and escape back first.

  Along the way, all the diplomats were cursing. But everyone knows in their hearts that it will be difficult to deal with the bad breath now. It is not impossible for a war to happen directly in the next second.

  "We only said this after getting authorization from the rear. What are we afraid of?" Lao Yang said viciously.

  "What are you afraid of? It's not like I'm just talking nonsense to relieve my anger."

  Indeed, diplomats can only speak with authorization from the rear.

  "Lao Yang, what we are afraid of is not that we ourselves will be assassinated! If we die, we will die, but that everything will be destroyed..."

  "You're so scared, people will die and birds will fly to the sky, so be prepared in advance!"

  The two countries were at war. If they didn't kill the envoys, they actually managed to escape...

  In fact, there is nothing unusual about this kind of thing. Killing these diplomats will only cause huge hatred and will not affect the overall situation, let alone the balance of strength.

  And according to standard interstellar etiquette, the ambassador would not be killed for nothing. Since the Apollo civilization wants to occupy the high point of public opinion, it will not do this.

  The group of diplomats received a round of applause when they returned to the mother ship. Everyone has received notification in advance.

  "Well said! If you survive this test, your words will be remembered in history!" Captain Feng said with a smile.

  Yang Fan laughed and said: "If you can't survive this level, everyone will die, and naturally no one will know! But a few seconds of peak moments are worth a lifetime. I have suffered so much cowardice in the past few years, if I don't It broke out and I wanted to quit my job!"

  After he finished laughing, he hesitated a little, "But now that my mouth feels good, what should I do next?"

  "What should we do? What else can we do?" Zhang Yuan spread his hands and said with a smile: "The other party asked for compensation. We can't afford it anyway. We can only continue to play. There is no other way... When the jackal comes, there will be a shotgun. "

  Another deputy captain also said solemnly: "However, according to the strength on paper, the Apollo civilization is indeed more powerful than us!"

  "Of course, paper is just paper after all. War still needs to rely on on-the-spot tactics and the performance of warships. We don't know these things... We may both suffer losses, or it may be a one-sided result. ."