
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
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844 Chs

The legendary genetic memory

  Zhang Yuan finally said: "Due to our civilization's insufficient understanding of self-awareness, matching with memory can only rely entirely on quantity... If the number is large, certain rules may be figured out during the period, but the time required is still No less. It could be hundreds of years, thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years..."

  "So it's not that we don't want to help you, it's just that it's really complicated and difficult."

  "Furthermore, forced indoctrination of memories will give birth to many, many idiots. This is such an inhumane thing. Of course, we don't know whether your civilization has the morality in this regard. In short, the ethical burden generated during this period will be determined by your civilization. Take it upon yourself, are you ready for this issue?"


  Zhang Yuan's subtext is that this technology of directly instilling memories is too difficult and will produce a huge number of idiots. The success rate of a small amount of instillation is so-so. The more memories instilled, the greater the probability of becoming an idiot.

  This is fundamentally different from the reincarnation of extraordinary beings. Extraordinary beings have their own consciousness and match their own memories, so of course there is no problem.

  The issue of genetic memory has been carefully discussed and studied in their imaginary laboratory. Just kidding, who wouldn't want to own the technology of a fifth-level civilization?

  But through calculations, we found that if we only instill knowledge at the primary school level, 5 idiots will be born out of ten people, and if we instill knowledge at the middle school level, 9 idiots will be born out of 10 people! This is an unbearable and huge price for a civilization with normal ethics and morals.

  Nowadays, human lifespan has been greatly extended. With the blessing of technology, everyone's intelligence has been greatly improved, and they can easily study at university level.

  It just takes an extra twenty or thirty years of effort. Compared with a long lifespan, the time cost of twenty or thirty years is still acceptable. Is there any need to instill memories?

  If memory can be directly instilled into highly difficult Ph.D.s, then this technology can exert its due value.

  But now there is not even a one-in-a-million success rate... This is bullshit. Should we just throw a bunch of idiots directly into the incinerator?

  Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan sighed secretly in his heart: "If there were no side effects, we would have already used this kind of intellectual technology ourselves. Everyone is a doctor in the new era. Is it the turn of your hemispheric civilization?"

  "The legendary genetic memory. Everyone is born with a huge amount of knowledge. This is a technology only possessed by a fifth-level civilization... Its value is even much higher than curvature, and it can turn a civilization upside down. change!"

  "What's going on with this hemispheric civilization?"

  He increasingly felt that the purpose of these guys might not be as simple as imagined, and they did not simply want to develop the technology of genetic memory.

  And on the other hand, it is impossible for new humans to stay here forever and help hemispheric civilization recreate great men. Everyone knows that the situation in the galaxy is so urgent. The Aleph civilization may start a war with the civilization on the Dyson Sphere. It is still too late to develop itself and form an alliance.

  "Thank you for your reply. This matter is very important to us. We need to go back and discuss it again."

  Kate Promis, the leader of the Hemispheres, was silent for a long time, and left in disgrace with this news.

  After being repeatedly rejected, he felt very heavy, as did the entire negotiating team.

  This time, there were no overly enthusiastic Hemisphere people, because what the other party said were objective factors.

  The new human civilization will not stay here for long, and helping hemispheric civilizations clone great people will take a lot of time and consume a lot of manpower and material resources. These are objective realities and cannot be changed because of their expectations.

  In its current form, hemispheric civilization has no hope of plundering by force. To realize their dreams, the most important thing is talent. It is impossible to plunder the other side's scientists and then willingly serve the people in the hemisphere.

  So, what to do?

  It was clear that hope was right in front of them, only to be shattered mercilessly. When these people from the hemisphere returned to their conference rooms, they were all very anxious...

  Then they inadvertently made a motion of "circling the neck" with their heads, looking like a neat team of soldiers.

  "Can they really help civilization clone ancestors? 99.999999% completion...Ai Yingtan, what do you think? Is what they say true or false? The theory they put forward..."

  The brain scientist named "Ai Yingtan" nodded and said: "According to the clues provided so far, the credibility is very high. Just a few simple explanations allowed me to understand some problems that I couldn't figure out in the past..."

  "It's such a genius idea to completely separate self-awareness from memory! We haven't even formed a theory in this area yet. We're just blindly following experience and groping at random!"

  "Since the other party rejected our request and gave reasonable opinions, I think they did not tell lies."

  "That's right...what a pity."

  The man named "Ai Yingtan" paused for a while and looked at his companions who were shaking their heads around him. He also turned his head in a circle and said, "With the capabilities of our civilization, there are still many shortcomings, but if With the help of the new human civilization, even if it is just theoretical help, there is no doubt that progress can be greatly accelerated!"

  Regarding the theory of self-awareness and memory infusion, the New Humanity is indeed far beyond the hemispheric civilization. After all, the technology of the sixth-level civilization, the virtual world, does not surpass the opponent. Those scientists in the illusory laboratory are just pig brains.

  But in some details, especially in terms of experience, hemispheric civilizations are better.

  In this crazy civilization, all clones will undergo forced memory instillation when they are infants and young children, even if they create some idiots! They even carefully mastered a set of rules to reduce the probability of idiots being born...

  Over tens of thousands of years, dozens or tens of billions of repeated experimental data are beyond the reach of new human civilization.

  As for how many years it will take, a thousand years or ten thousand years to accomplish this goal, after the people in the hemisphere calmed down, they were no longer so urgent.

  Their civilization has experienced such a long time. In short, deep in their memories, no matter how many years pass, this matter should be ranked as the first priority... it must be done, and it must be done, We have to fight for it for the rest of our lives!

  Now that objective conditions do not allow it, their urgent mood slowly disappears, and they gradually return to their normal thinking mode. To achieve a great goal, we must always follow objective laws, seek truth from facts, and not be subjective.

  "I thought of a possible way..."

  One scientist said: "We can make a suggestion and cooperate with them for a long time by jointly studying genetic memory. During this period, we can learn a lot."

  "...Genetic memory is a subject of level five civilization. Our hemispheric civilization has tens of billions of experimental data, which is a precious wealth. They will be excited!"

  "I observe that the new human civilization is a civilization with a conventional moral system. It is impossible for them to have so much human experiment data. What do you think?"