
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
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844 Chs

The forces behind it

  The foundation of any fourth-level civilization is deeper than that of the new human civilization. This is also a fact. Such things as foundation can only be slowly accumulated through technological development and long-term efforts. It does not mean that you can improve if you want to.

  When this battle star came over, it directly overwhelmed the balance of strength between both sides.

  Even the original guerrilla warfare was no longer necessary, because with the ultra-high anti-strike ability of the planetary fortress, even if the escort-class spacecraft could touch it and launch high-explosive missiles, it would probably take hundreds or thousands of rounds to damage its skin.

  This news made everyone so worried that they couldn't sleep. It was already a situation where there were fewer wins and more losses. Now there is another battle star. In a real fight, the winning rate is extremely low...

  "This is how to do ah..."

  Zhang Yuan returned home and rubbed his red eyes, unable to sleep at all.

  When I turned on the TV, it was broadcasting scenes of soldiers going out to war. These soldiers were quite confident. They shouted loudly one by one, and the host was also full of passion.

  "It is everyone's responsibility to protect our homeland!"

  "All reactionaries are paper tigers!"

  Each of their missions lasts for more than six months. The basic requirement is not to fire the first shot. If they find that the opponent has fired the first shot, they can counterattack according to the situation.

  Large motherships will send directional laser communications in certain directions to convey some battlefield information.

  "Are we going to retreat in the end?" Seeing Zhang Yuan return home, Lin Xuanxuan helped him take off his coat and asked worriedly.

  "...No." Zhang Yuan looked at the TV and hesitated a little.

  He smiled bitterly and said: "I kind of want to escape, but after discussing it for a long time, I really can't retreat. You can tell by watching the soldiers on TV. The morale is quite good... Nationalist sentiments are rampant on the Internet and appeasement cannot be tolerated. 's appearance."

  "Looking at the history of many countries in the earth's civilization, no country has risen from defeat. No one!"

  "Look at the former Xia Kingdom. After enduring a hundred years of humiliation, it won World War II, the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the Vietnam War, and India! After winning so many wars, there are still people who kneel and refuse. stand up!"

  "After a defeat, the mentality of the entire civilization is different. This mentality is difficult to change. We must win once, win big, or even win several times before we can regain that confidence! We cannot bear this Such a defeat!"

  After a long pause, he continued: "The only thing that is certain now is that the other party does not actually want to go to war directly and fight to the death. They just want to use layers of means to make us surrender psychologically...subdue them without fighting. Soldier, this is the best outcome."

  But not wanting to go to war directly does not mean that there will be no war.

  In this high-pressure state, anything can happen. Even the next second, if the other party suddenly thinks there is a chance, they may start a fight!

  Zhang Yuan knew this very well. If he got lucky because of this, then the entire human civilization would be completely destroyed, and he could only blame himself for being stupid.

  "Aliens are not human after all. Although they are highly intelligent and follow a certain level of logical thinking, no one can guess what these guys are thinking."

  At this moment, Zhang Yuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of something.

  This idea seemed very important. When it came up, Zhang Yuan immediately caught it.

  "What's wrong?" Lin Xuanxuan raised her eyebrows.

  "I have a very strange idea, let me go out for a while!"

  Zhang Yuan jumped up from the sofa again, hurriedly put on his clothes, and ran out. Before leaving, he was stuffed with something hot again.

  "Have something to eat, freshly baked."

  People are like iron rice and steel. Speaking of which, I am really a little hungry.

  Zhang Yuan took the hot bread and felt warm in his heart. He hugged her quickly and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

  Zhang Yuan kept thinking along the way. He seemed to have figured out what the power behind the Apollo civilization was!

  "It's probably the 'Rambler Alliance' that borders the space where the human fleet is located!"

  This mysterious alliance doesn't have many interactions with humans. There hasn't been much movement. At the beginning, it tried to recruit new human civilizations.

  But Zhang Yuan felt that the Apollo civilization was actually a part of the "Rambler Alliance"!


  First, if the Apollo civilization is another force and really steals human battle stars, it will be harmful to the interests of the "Rambler Alliance".

  Originally bordering the "Rambler Alliance" was New Humanity, a neutral faction. After humans built this battle star, they would run away, and the next piece of airspace would, if nothing else, be invaded by the Rambler Alliance. The Alliance successfully took over.

  But now, if the Apollo civilization is another force and the Apollo civilization seizes the battle star, it will certainly be harmful to the Ramblers Alliance.

  Who wants to be a neighbor to another powerful force?

  There is no transition zone, and both sides must be careful at all times whether a border war will break out!

  Second, the Apollo civilization has brought all the planetary fortresses over!

  A planetary fortress can be regarded as the top combat power of a fourth-level civilization. It requires a huge population to maintain the operation of the battle star. Whether it is the supply of energy or the maintenance of million-level turrets, a large number of people are required.

  Battle Star, the top fighting force of a fourth-level civilization, isn't the Apollo civilization afraid of the powerful "Rambler" taking the opportunity to eat their army?

  Could it be that "Rambler" would allow two level four civilizations to start a war on its own border?

  Zhang Yuan stood on the stage, looked at the people with red eyes, and stated these thoughts in full loudly.

  "To sum up, from the perspective of interests, the Apollo civilization is probably a part of the Ramblers Alliance, and it is the big alliance around us that is causing trouble!"

  It was already three o'clock in the morning when everyone gathered for the second meeting. However, at this critical moment, everyone did not complain too much, but seemed very excited. The discussions were quite loud.

  "Mr. Zhang, everything you said is just speculation without any evidence!"

  "What is the correct success rate of your guess?" Captain Feng asked, "Are we going to provoke the Ramblers Alliance because of this? Or... to intimidate some of the civilizations under the Ramblers?"

  Zhang Yuan said calmly: "The accuracy... I don't know, it is really just a guess. But there is no way, we have to take a gamble. It is too dangerous to continue like this!"

  "The opponent's battle stars are coming over and are constantly increasing their chips, but we have no means to increase our chips. We must give the opponent a greater deterrent! Otherwise, if we really fight, there is a high probability that we will fail!"