
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
844 Chs

Statement again

 All the Leninos were talking in horror.

 If the purpose of this alien civilization coming here is really interstellar immigration, there are only two possibilities: The first is a population explosion, to the point where all the other planets cannot live!

 The second is that they encountered a disaster and had to build a super carrier to escape from their home planet. Both situations are undoubtedly extremely dangerous.

 "This must be a species that highly values ​​fertility. If we give them a planet for free, they will still have a population explosion. Maybe a few decades later, they will ask for a second one and we will give them a second planet. , they want a third one!"

 "So I firmly disagree with ceding the planet."

 "But what can we do if we don't cede the planet? We have to delay it for a while. Our current military strength is seriously insufficient."

 Peace has lasted for too long, and each country cannot maintain too many troops for a long time, so it faces the current dilemma. Even if they really plan to go to war, how to explain it to ordinary people is a huge problem. To fight a war, it is not enough to have money, but also to have manpower.

 In the thinking of the Lenino civilization, it would definitely be unreasonable or even impossible for a civilization to travel to such a distant place just for interstellar exploration. So they didn't think about other aspects at all...

 "That's it. I think we still have to cede planets, but we can cede the most distant one..."

 "I agree."

 The state machinery was activated urgently, and all the chaebols began to allocate large amounts of funds to frantically build spaceships.

 But what's the use of such a little time? This is no different than cramming.

 Therefore, as long as this alien civilization is not exterminated, most Lenino people are willing to cede the planet from the bottom of their hearts and be contented for a while... As for what to do after a few decades, they can only take one step at a time.

 "I propose that the British army test the strength of this alien army..."

 "In the process of trying, we can mass-produce military weapons... What we lack now is just time! In ten years, as long as ten years, we can expand enough troops!"

 The leader of Lan Britain turned his head and was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party. Anyway, whoever wanted to go would go, and they would definitely not go.

 There are a total of 50 military spaceships in their country, which can be considered a good army within civilization, but compared with that spaceship as big as a mountain, isn't it like an egg against a rock?

 As for how many spaceships can be produced in a few years and whether they have the ability to compete, no one knows. Because the Lenino people have no idea what the military strength of this alien spacecraft is.

 The hawk is still yelling: "...We should not act too weak, this is our planet! Once we act too weak, the other party is likely to make excessive demands. Although we do not We don't understand alien civilizations, but from a psychological analysis, what does it mean if we surrendered from the beginning?"

 A few people were hawkish, and a small number were dovish. However, most of the participating members did not speak and did not know what they were thinking.

 Even the most powerful national leader on this planet was just sullen and lost in thought... because the military staff gave the answer as soon as they observed the Titan-class spacecraft.

 If a war really breaks out, their probability of defeat is 99%, and with the remaining 1% success rate, they can only hope for a miracle to happen. So they have to drag it out. If they have a few years to prepare and increase production capacity like crazy, then the situation may be much better.

 In fact, this probability is given because they do not understand the technological power of the fourth-level civilization and overestimate their own strength.

 When it comes to fighting, for humans, there is not much difference between first-level civilization and indigenous people without technology. A warp spaceship leading a large army of drones can defeat all enemy armies...

 All in all, while this leader was terrified, he also had inexplicable confidence...

 This is a huge challenge that occurs once in ten thousand or even one hundred thousand years, but challenges also come with opportunities. As long as the final result is not genocide, the global forces will face a major reshuffle!

 What a rare opportunity this time is for this class-solidified and serious civilization! Which idealistic politician doesn't want to get rid of the control of capital and gain real power?

 Naturally, he is not the only one who is smart. With various ideas, all the participants have their own agendas and want to push other forces out as a shield.

 Suddenly, a technical staff member said: "Report! The other party responded to our message!"

 In an instant, all the arguing Leninos fell silent and stared at the big screen.

 "Forward the message!"


 [Dear Lenino civilization, hello. In order to reduce your suspicions, I am issuing this statement. Our fleet only occasionally passes through this star field and will not occupy the native planet or settle here. Please rest assured. We have a total of three battle stars, rich in resources, and sufficient habitat. We are an interstellar alliance composed of multiple civilizations. ]

 [We are passing by here, hoping to investigate the ideology and social background of low-level interstellar civilizations, and also looking forward to collecting native biological specimens of living planets. We hope to get your help and are willing to pay a certain amount of labor remuneration...]

 [If your civilization has technology that our civilization has not yet invented, you can also conduct a series of exchanges with us. We are willing to give back. ]

 Below is a series of simple transaction lists, which are basically the transaction contents of the first-level civilization or the second-level civilization. However, for this first-level civilization whose technology has been discontinued for a long time, it can be considered a good technology.

 The Leninos held their breath and focused on the list.

 [Primary photonic chip production line, secondary civilization technology, price 435,000 points. The details are as follows: Its calculation amount per second is...]

 Some simple parameters were introduced in the middle, but just that, the breathing of these white-haired orangutans became heavy.

 [Fully automatic universal factory (primary version), level 2 civilized technology, price 590,000 points. Details are as follows...]

 [Elementary power armor control system, price 440,000 points...]

 [Elementary nanoscience material, price 600,000 points...]

 [Elementary Life Extension Technology (Applicable to DF112 intelligent life forms)]

 [High-purity gold, one ton = 500 points...]

 [High-purity rhenium element, one ton = 600 points...]

 [High-purity antimatter, 1 kilogram = 50,000 points...]


 The points here are naturally the labor rewards given to the indigenous civilization. Anyway, as long as the other party helps, people will give certain points in exchange.

 When they saw this line of text, all the senior Lenino people fell into silence for a long time, and even their breathing stagnated.

 "Real or false?" A senior leader saw the key point and couldn't help but question it. Then, he realized that his question was too stupid and immediately shut his mouth.

 "What's true can't be fake, and what's fake can't be true. If you can earn some points and exchange them for a copy of the contents of scientific and technological research, wouldn't you know whether it's true or false?"

 "Does the other party really have such good intentions?"

 As senior leaders, they have seen a lot of darkness. Naturally, they will not completely believe the content inside, but they vaguely feel that it seems to be true and reliable...

 Otherwise, there is no need for this alien with overwhelming military strength to go to great lengths to come up with this transaction form. Even if the other party wants to delay time, there is no need to use this method. Because this alien showed up on his own initiative and had no motive to delay.

 Especially, when they saw that the opponent had three battle stars, all the Lenino people had fallen into all kinds of wonderful paranoia...