
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
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844 Chs

Please take safety measures

"...Astronauts in Area C, hello everyone."

"I am your superior liaison officer, Lin Xuan."

Soon, a lady in professional attire received this group of astronauts and began to explain the spaceship system to everyone.

"I have three things I want to tell you here. First, the population management model of the spaceship. Second, the economic system. Third, job placement..."

"First of all, let me talk about the first point, population management. There are a total of 26 large areas in the spacecraft, named after A, B, C, D, and Z. Area A is the administrative area, area Z is the entertainment area, and each of the remaining areas Differentiate between 20,000 people..."

"In order to protect your mental health, we encourage you to find a life partner. The life partner can be a good friend, or your wife, husband, or boyfriend and girlfriend. The life partner can choose a larger double room and have the ability to wake up from hibernation at the same time. s right."

There was a sudden buzz in the crowd. Zhang Yuan just heard words such as "single dogs are guilty".

Ms. Lin Xuan continued: "However, due to limited material resources, we do not encourage everyone to give birth on the spaceship."

"...Please take contraceptive measures as much as possible when you are passionate. Due to the limited productivity of the spaceship, there is no way to mass-produce contraceptive tools and contraceptive drugs, so our medical room provides free ligation services, please Rest assured, this latest ligation technique is minimally invasive, with little pain and side effects, and it is reversible, and it is easy to restore reproductive ability."

A video was played on the central screen, about the entire painless ligation process, as well as various surgical precautions. For the current medical technology, this operation is indeed as simple and easy as circumcision.

The noise in the crowd grew louder.

Well, it sounds a bit weird to have everyone sterilized at the beginning.

However, it is an irresponsible behavior to give birth to a child without sufficient training conditions.

All the people present here are intellectuals. After passing the qualified screening, they don't have the kind of thinking that must be passed on from generation to generation in the deep mountains and old forests. They quickly calmed down from the discussions.

Zhang Yuan already knew these things, but he still listened carefully.

In addition to population policy, there are various management policies. There are about 4,000 soldiers in the spaceship, and the semi-military management is implemented. If there are no special circumstances, 8:00 am to 11:00 am is the working time of the post, and the rest of the time is free time.

A secondary position like Zhang Yuan's basically delineates an area, patrols every day to check whether there is any damage to the equipment, whether there is any material leakage, check the oxygen concentration, carbon dioxide concentration, air humidity, etc. in each area, and then engage in some simple tasks. Manual maintenance.

The last thing is to clean up and clean the cabin.

A large part of the dust in the air comes from human dander. These things accumulate in the spacecraft and will increase, causing various bacteria to grow.

These dust, just sweep them away with a vacuum cleaner.

All in all, the technical content is not high, so it is only a secondary position.

Even without this position. Because robots can also do this part of the job.

After talking like this for an hour, Lin Xuan said: "...Okay, everyone, is there anything else you want to ask?"

Soon, someone asked: "Is it so easy and free to only work for three hours in the morning every day? No work plan or anything?"

The liaison officer replied: "After arriving at the final destination, Gliese 581, there may be planning work, but there is no such thing now. The current work is indeed very easy, because there are too few resources in the spacecraft, and there is no way to be born. There are too many jobs. Most of the lower-level jobs are dispensable, but there are also many senior jobs that are still unfilled."

"Everyone, please use your subjective initiative to create more social value!"

"Of course, we also hope that everyone can learn more in their spare time and not waste precious time. Play less games and spend more time enriching yourself."

"After arriving at Jupiter, the social value and academic value created will be converted into points to allocate future jobs. Everyone knows about the right to hibernate and wake up, so I won't say more..."

"If there is any emergency, I will notify everyone through the communicator."

"If you have more administrative questions, you can contact me directly, or you can go to the administrative office in District A. Please carry your contact device at all times."

Zhang Yuan took a watch-like communicator and solemnly put it on his wrist.

Upon closer inspection, this thing turned out to be a black and white screen!

so old!

The function is extremely simple, there are only a few buttons, and it can only receive information of a specific frequency.

But its biggest advantage is that it is durable, waterproof and fireproof, it will not be damaged after a few heavy falls, and it can still work in extremely harsh environments.

[Identity number 00311124560, Zhang Yuan, current time 2264-8-9-12:23. ]

[Your current unprocessed information: 0]

"Dididi" pressed a few times, and found that there were only simple communication functions and alarm and rescue functions on it.

"Okay, that's all for today. You can take a break for a few days. On the third day, everyone will start working and the meeting will be over."

The crowd dispersed.

"Which room are you in?" Li Zhendong asked.


"Okay, it's not on the same floor, go to sleep first, I'm exhausted, my bones are all loose."

After a while, a voice called me from behind.

"Zhang Yuan, right?"


Zhang Yuan turned his head.

In front of them was a thirty-year-old man named Wang Xin, who was the leader of their working group. There are eight people in the group

After everyone exchanged contact information, Wang Xin smiled very kindly: "I should be tired after sitting in the spaceship for several days. Go to rest first, and start working after three days. Your room is over there."


Zhang Yuan quickly found his own small room.

Visual inspection, only about 8 square meters.

A single bed, a cabinet, and a desk, the furniture is simple, but enough.

If two people live together, the room will be much bigger, but this kind of treatment is the only way for a bachelor like him.

This could be the nest for a long time to come.

Putting his luggage away, Zhang Yuan felt a little complicated and a little apprehensive, and lay down quietly on the bed to rest.

He felt that his body was so weak that he hadn't been supported by gravity for a few days, and after walking a few steps, his back ached, his legs cramped, and he lay on the bed panting heavily.

When I really came here, my whole heart gradually calmed down. Anyway, all the reluctance and willingness have passed.

People always have to look ahead, don't they?

Just thinking about it, and because he hadn't slept well for a few days, Zhang Yuan fell into a drowsy sleep.
