
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
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844 Chs

Number One on the List

Sitting below, Ding Zhaodong sighed while listening to Zhang Yuan's speech: "Thirty years ago, his father, Zhang Qiming, showed a new turbulence algorithm on the world-class stage. Since then, almost all The turbulence control part of the nuclear engine uses his algorithm."

"At that time, I was still a classmate of Lao Zhang. My teacher believed that there would be no better and stronger algorithm in a hundred years. This problem has almost been achieved to the extreme."

"I didn't expect that it would be his son's turn in just thirty years, and it was the same problem, a more powerful algorithm... Maybe, this is a kind of reincarnation in the world?"

A physics professor next door said with a smile: "So, how many years do you think this 'differentiable neural network' algorithm can last? The problem of turbulence has not been completely solved. It is just a numerical simulation. Although the simulation is very good, Still not the true mathematical essence, which can always be surpassed."

Academician Ding shook his head: "Essence? How can it be so easy? The essence of mathematics that has not been discovered for hundreds of years may not be discovered in the next few hundred years."

"It's hard to say, you can predict it and give it some time to surpass."

After thinking carefully for a while, Ding Zhaodong said: "We can't predict the world in fifty years, and it is even more unimaginable in one hundred or two hundred years, so let's talk about a hundred years."

"It can be maintained for a hundred years, are you so optimistic about this algorithm?"

"Yeah, I hope that the human beings in the future will be smarter than we imagined and be able to achieve complete transcendence!"

"Hehe, when we wake up, we can see the result!"

on stage...

The entire big screen has been filled 16 times.

The discussion process has also come to an end.

Zhang Yuan slowly exhaled the turbid air from his chest.

He seems to have seen that an originally bleak universe is now full of light.

"According to the above algorithm, the experimental data is as follows...I believe that these data can be easily repeated in the laboratory."

At this moment, he completed the transcendence of his father.

"...I also hope that my colleagues on Earth can conduct a final test on the plasma turbulence experiment to complete the unfinished part of the experimental data."

"I also hope that in the future, there will be a real genius who can give a complete proof of the existence and smoothness of the NS equation solution, so as to solve this problem completely. At that time, there will inevitably be newer and more accurate algorithms. ..."

"This is the end of my exposition, thank you all!"

There was silence under the stage, no questions were asked, and there were no whispers.

Everyone has felt this rich light of truth.

Another rising star in science.

It belongs to the 23rd century, a golden age of science.

It was a middle-aged man sitting in the first row who broke the silence.

It should be a professor of related majors, he bowed slightly to Zhang Yuan, and then started to take the lead in applauding.


The warm applause changed from small to large, lasting like waves.

Immediately afterwards, the young people in the back row blew their whistles, most of them were Zhang Yuan's relatives and friends.

"Your Fowles list has to be changed again! I wonder what the impact factor of this paper is?"

In the back seat were two young men, whistling loudly and discussing.

"Impact factor?"

This blond young man is Fowles, the producer of Fols List. He said with a strange face, "You don't think you can use the 'impact factor' to measure papers of this level?"

"Just kidding, other papers, including those excellent papers, can be so grand that an academic conference is held before they are officially published? Once I arrange an impact factor for him, I will humiliate myself and deserve to be sprayed."

Another person asked: "So, the number one on the list has been taken away by Deep Space University?"

Fowles said with a smile: "I have to admit that this is the fact. This result is really a bit explosive. And he has already taken a rocket to the sky. As for the second place, he has to be given a spaceship-level plug-in to catch up... "

After the applause stopped, it was time for questions. The following experts finally became active, raising their hands one by one to ask questions. After spending more than an hour, Zhang Yuan answered several professional questions, spoke dryly, and finally stepped back from the stage.

This kind of halo adds to the body, and the feeling of winning the world's attention is unforgettable.

But at this moment, there is not much feeling, Zhang Yuan just wants to have a good sleep.

There are also side effects if the chicken blood is beaten for too long, no matter what happens, we can wait for the next day.

But obviously, he underestimated the enthusiasm of the crowd.

The moment he left the venue, many people took the opportunity to chase him out.

"Hey, brother!"

"I thought of a way to use a recurrent neural network to simulate numerical values. Do you think it's interesting?"

Zhang Yuan's face turned blue. Although both are neural networks, there is a lot of difference between the two, okay?

"I thought of a way of deep neural network, buddy, can we work together..."

"...How to use the index theorem, can you repeat it? Mathematics cooperation, I have an idea..."

"Handsome, let's exchange buttons!"

"Can I invite you to dinner? It's good to have a meal together!"

Zhang Yuan hurriedly thought about running away, wait a minute, it seems that there are salty pig hands scratching his hair, do you want to do this, hey!

Can someone help!

Click, click, click, there is only the sound of taking pictures again and again, and the noise is getting louder.

No one seemed to hear his true heart.

The crowd became more and more noisy, and some enthusiastic young ladies couldn't help but want to kiss them.

Although the first kiss was long gone, Zhang Yuan was still a little flustered.

Can you stop this and be more elegant!

He even saw that the female reporters who had been bullied by him, including the young lady named Lin Xuanxuan, had blocked the exit ahead.

Are you going to be interviewed again?

What to do, wait online.

"If you want to escape, follow me obediently!" Reporter Lin smiled happily.

Although he didn't hear clearly, Zhang Yuan still understood her expression.

Even if it was just a stupid act of escaping from the wolf's mouth and entering the tiger's den, Zhang Yuan still ignored it and ran there with all his strength.


A quarter of an hour later, Zhang Yuan finally left the noisy area A under the double escort of several female reporters and a brother photographer. At this moment, he felt that reporter Lin was so domineering.

"If you have any questions, please ask."

Zhang Yuan said tentatively.

He is very tired now and really wants to sleep.

Maybe because seeing Zhang Yuan was really tired, Lin Xuanxuan also became a little embarrassed. Coupled with a series of changes in status, the gold content of the wealth list and the academic list are completely different. She even had an inexplicable sense of admiration for no reason.

Lin Xuanxuan cleared her throat, and comforted her, "You seem to have lost weight...it's been hard work, isn't it?"

"Is there?" Zhang Yuan glanced at the other party, "It may be related to irregular work and rest... Well, you seem to have gained a little weight."
