
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
844 Chs

Chapter 195

Throughout the history of human civilization, the most talked about is super engineering. From the pyramids of ancient Egypt, the pyramids of the Mayans, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Great Wall of Xia, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Dujiangyan, the Forbidden City, to the Three Gorges Dam in the old days, the Sky Eye Project, the Panama Canal; to the space elevator in the space age , Engineering system around the solar system...

Among them, the greatest super project belongs to the "Deep Space Project", ten thousand people, one million people, one hundred million people, one billion people, ten billion people, gather the power of the world to turn a tiny seed , pushed to the vast and boundless universe...

Now, this seed has traveled 20 light years and is about to reach its destination...

Epoch 5460!

The ultra-long-distance interstellar voyage that lasted for 3096 years is about to come to an end.

The waking population in the spaceship began to increase slowly, and the first to wake up were the technical workers, who were doing the last large-scale repairs to the spaceship.

After the maintenance is completed, the rotation speed of the entire living area will return to normal, and people will feel the same gravity as the earth, no longer need to be as light and buoyant as before.

In a small studio.

"Haha, brothers, the welfare has been won, 60 coupons for luncheon meat, and 30 coupons for the purchase of big rice bowls of beef sauce... What do you want?" "I want, I want

... big rice bowls!"

" Give me a piece of luncheon meat..."

"Give me a piece, whatever you want."

Several skilled workers are scrambling to grab the food. Due to the relatively low productivity at present, the prices of the best-selling products are very high. With these purchase coupons, they can be discounted. For these skilled workers, it is a good benefit.

After transferring these e-tickets to everyone's names, Ye Kaifu started mother-in-law again: "No more, I'm done sending them out, go home and rest. Give some to your subordinates, don't be greedy for all of them, e-tickets are recorded , each person can only get a discount once! If you have nothing to do, study more. After arriving at the destination, the work will become more and more difficult...It will be too late to study again..." "Old Ye, don't talk about it, every

day Say, is it annoying! Who is greedy for these coupons, and the people under his hands will not beat us to death?" "

Yes, yes."

After the day's work, everyone is in a good mood.

"Let's go, go home!"

When the bus passed the observatory, everyone saw a fiery red star in the distance! The observatory is crowded with people, and almost every batch of sober people will come here first to gaze at the future sun.

As if... close at hand.

"That's... the stars of the future."

Back in the living area, Ye Kaifu changed out of his spacesuit, biting a dried grape grass in his mouth, thinking about the bright future, with a very urgent look on his face. look. The first release of the new Bayi Chinese website

is a kind of expectation, and... hope.

"Lao Ye, let's go first."

"Director Ye!"

From time to time, someone greeted him, because Ye Kaifu was well-known for his superb craftsmanship and gentle temper. Although sometimes there is a little too much nonsense, and people always have to learn...

He is already a middle-level and high-level man in the spaceship. Small management positions left.

"Hello, everyone, go eat. Have a good rest." Ye Kaifu simply greeted him, and began to think about other issues in his mind.

Just like a big tree has experienced a winter, it must slowly germinate, and the batches of waking up in the spaceship must also be carried out step by step. The current waking population is about 50,000.

It is estimated that in a year's time, everyone will wake up, and the daily consumption of nearly half a million people will consume a lot of resources, so careful planning is required.

The top management of the Earth Times has been replaced several times, and many of the original old people are no longer there, so there may be some lack of management experience. In such an unfamiliar place, it is impossible to get any rescue, and it will be a disaster if the boat capsizes accidentally.

Of course, there is no need to worry too much about this kind of thing. So many scientists are not easy to eat, and they always maintain a necessary cautiousness,

"Although the Earth Times is already an old spacecraft, it should be no problem to continue to persist for decades or hundreds of years... It is enough for us to change You must become stronger."

Ye Kaifu is still young and has been promoted to a 14-level job position, so he can be regarded as a senior talent. As an officer of the Ministry of Industry of the New Civilization, he has meetings almost every day to discuss how to develop the industry after landing, how to better allocate resources, etc. He is very busy.

Such as the production of three acids and two alkalis, mining and iron smelting, if they reach a planet, these industries must be carried out first. How to carry out them well and quickly has become the first major issue they are currently discussing.

"Level 14 has a little right to speak... But it's still incomparable to Zhang Yuan's pervert..." "

Captain candidate, Minister of the New Civilization Development Department!" Thinking of this, Ye Kaifu felt a little jealous.

Recalling that on Earth, when Xisha University, the two lived in the same dormitory for a few days, studying together. At that time, they were on the same starting line, but now... well, the opponent is already ahead by more than one position.

The New Civilization Development Department where Zhang Yuan works is arguably the most important department of the entire civilization. It is equivalent to the brain of the entire civilization. Its main responsibility is...to be responsible for planning the direction of the entire civilization.

For example, which disciplines to develop first, which industries to develop first, etc., have to be unified and planned by the Ministry of New Civilization Development, and then other departments are responsible for implementation. It is the first goal of the new civilization to understand the large amount of heritage left by the earth's civilization as soon as possible and catch up with the productivity of the earth's civilization.

Thinking back to this, Ye Kaifu felt inexplicably a little embarrassed.

However, Zhang Yuan deserves this status. From being a super genius at the beginning, to playing games with four-dimensional life later, and even bringing back technological products from alien civilizations, both achievements and qualifications are already enough.

"What's lacking now is just some management experience."

He shook his head, leaving these inexplicable jealousies behind him, feeling a little funny again. Ye Kaifu felt like a fool because of the mentality of comparison, which invisibly affected his whole life.

Every time he wakes up, he will see what achievements Zhang Yuan has made and what papers he has published, and then he will yell at this guy in his heart, and force himself to work harder in his studies.

Later, when I woke up one time... I found out that this guy had actually entered the "Heroes Memorial Hall", and I was sad for a long time.

But fortunately, he came back to life...

It's better to be alive than to be dead.

In the blink of an eye, three thousand years have passed like this. In such a long time, everyone has grown a lot, from being a fresh meat to... an uncle? No, it's not considered an uncle. Compared with the increasing life expectancy, how can it be called an uncle?

Many young people have emerged during this long period of hibernation, and capable people will always stand out...

"Lao Ye, what's the matter with you? Your hair is getting less and less, is it so hard? Do you want to take a few days off? relax for a moment?"

After meeting several good friends such as Zhang Yuan and Li Zhendong, they hugged each other, and the first sentence they heard was actually this.

"I..." Ye Kaifu scratched his head involuntarily, and grabbed a few more hairs. It seems that the increasingly advanced biotechnology is not very effective for alopecia.

But in front of so many people, he could only bite the bullet and shout: "Where is the hair getting thinner, it's thick and shiny!"

Li Zhendong clapped his hands: "No, no, the hair has indeed become thinner, but it's also It has become stronger. If you are really bald, you can justly install bionic hair."

Everyone laughed...