
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
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844 Chs

Changing Mass Distribution

"That is, my own three dimensions are normal three dimensions and the remaining six dimensions are probably caused by my own matter."

Space-time tells matter how to move, and matter tells space-time how to bend. Space-time without matter is no different from "nothingness".

Since there is only a little matter like Zhang Yuan himself in this time and space, it is very likely that his own matter distorts this strange time and space.

"It is precisely because a huge amount of matter with similar frequencies is concentrated in a small area, the relativistic mass produced by it causes the extreme bending and winding of the space." "

This space is actually only me, and the warping point should be inside the space , not externally."

Zhang Yuan didn't know whether his deduction was in the right direction, and he always felt a little weird, and needed more patches to make the logic harmonious.

"Hey, these ideas are too weird, and there is no evidence at all."

Zhang Yuan shook his teeth, since he has no more ideas, he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Constantly moving the light source, even moving it to a higher dimension, and examining it over and over again, Zhang Yuan finally discovered an abnormal point in his body.

"Found it" the heart beat heavily.

This abnormal point is like a glass bead, existing in the position of his small intestine, distorting everything around him abnormally.

This distortion is not a distortion in the conventional sense, but a distortion of a higher dimension.

Just like crumpling a piece of paper, the curve inside the paper will not be damaged in any way, and it will have no effect on the two-dimensional life in the paper. Even, the two-dimensional life does not know that it is distorted. It is only through three-dimensional observation that we know that the paper has been twisted into a ball.

"Hey, this world, for a low-dimensional person like me, is no different from the most perfect prison"

"But now, there is a warp point, which is no longer perfect, and you can escape." "

As long as you can enter that warp point, you may be able to return to the spaceship."

Zhang Yuan's face was cloudy, it was just him Just speculation, don't know if it's true.

He cautiously moved his index finger, tested it a little, and tremblingly passed through the fourth dimension, reaching into his internal organs, wanting to touch that warped point.

Just be careful, slow down, and don't bleed those guts.

"No, it can't be done."

He found that it was impossible for him to touch the warping point.

Although this point seems to be in my body, it is not actually, it is hidden in a higher dimension, and the one in my body is just a small projection.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Under the impact of a huge amount of information, his head began to feel dizzy again.

And try to touch that warped point through the fifth dimension.

Suddenly, a stabbing pain came from the abdomen.

Zhang Yuan was startled, and withdrew his hand as quickly as possible.

The severe pain made his whole body tremble slightly, and a lot of sweat oozed from his back. This kind of pain was like heart-piercing, the adrenaline in the body surged, and even the life support device in the space suit issued a safety warning

. After a long time, this pain slowly dissipated.

Zhang Yuan sighed. The complexity of the five dimensions has completely exceeded his calculation ability. If he didn't pay attention, he touched the fragile internal organs.

This kind of touch appears in the body almost out of thin air

. Think about it. If a finger suddenly appears in a blood vessel or internal organ, what kind of consequences will it cause internal bleeding or even death?

Fortunately, this time it shrank quickly, and it retracted as soon as it was perceived, without bleeding.

Not necessarily next time.

So, what to do?

This is just the fifth dimension, and it has already exceeded his calculation ability.

Moreover, even if he can calculate five-dimensional, six-dimensional, seven-dimensional, and eight-dimensional, it may still be useless, because he has just observed another phenomenon: the position of the warping point seems to have moved slightly during the trial process.

Tried it again.

"It really can move"

"If I move it, it will move too. In this way, I won't be able to touch this thing!"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help becoming impatient. In this kind of ghost place, staying for a second is a kind of torment.

"Wait a minute"

"The entire space is built according to my own mass" "

Just like the center of gravity of a person, can the properties of the space itself be changed by distorting the body and changing the distribution of mass to move the warping point to In a dimension that I can easily touch."

Twisting his body forcefully, the entire space changed again, and the position of the warping point changed again.

"Sure enough,"

Zhang Yuan burst into ecstasy,

"That is to say, the position of the warping point is related to the current mass distribution

." However, this change is only a little bit. Bends and bends like a snake, the range that can be changed is limited.

Zhang Yuan thought about it carefully, and carefully removed the toolbox on his back.

He tied the toolbox with a rope and placed it next to his body.

Because of the mass distribution, the position of the warped point changes again.

After repeating this several times, and after groping for a certain pattern, Zhang Yuan began to calculate the number of parts he could disassemble and the quality he could change.

He found that the only thing he could move freely was the toolbox he carried with him. But the mass of the toolbox is not large enough, and more mass distribution must be changed to complete the whole plan.

"The removable part of this carbon fiber spacesuit is too small."

"The necessary life support system cannot be disassembled, otherwise I will hang up directly."

Zhang Yuan once felt the outside world with his fingers, and the outside At that time, there was a kind of cosmic coldness, and the fingers quickly lost their temperature.

"That is to say, without the protection of the spacesuit, I have no way to survive here. This is similar to the cosmic environment."

However, part of the existing mass is not enough to greatly change the properties of space.

He needs to change more mass distribution, so that the warping point can leave his body and run to a place that can be touched.

What to do?

Where does the quality come from

? Zhang Yuan's face turned livid, and a solution he finally came up with turned out to be unfeasible.

After a few minutes, his face slowly darkened.


he could dismantle his body.

When he thought of this method, his pupils shrank slightly, and he shuddered abruptly.

This way of self-mutilation

now produces two solutions. The first one is to forcibly pass through five dimensions, or six dimensions, and the seventh dimension, and touch the warp point at the risk of killing oneself.

However, this kind of high-dimensional traversal has already exceeded Zhang Yuan's brain capacity. Human beings are used to moving up and down, left and right, and forward and backward, and now there are so many more directions of movement, abcde, it is simply unimaginable.

If I accidentally broke my internal organs, I died, and there was no possibility of doing it again.

The second is to distort the space by changing the quality, so that the warping point is exposed.

However, some organs may have to be removed, say an arm, or a leg or two.

The sound of breathing gradually became heavy, and he had 6 hours to make this difficult choice