
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
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844 Chs

Alien Civilization Movie!

The entire high-level of the new civilization is in a state of deep distress. All kinds of internal and external problems are like a mess, requiring extremely high wisdom to deal with them in an orderly manner.

There are a lot of internal affairs, such as the development of technology, especially how to deal with the possible existence of black technology; the development of external industries; and the incubation of a large number of babies. The population problem is a long-term problem that will only be revealed in a few decades, and this plan cannot be delayed any longer.

Externally, it is necessary to communicate with the Gliese civilization. Even if the possibility of war between the two sides is unlikely, necessary precautions must still be taken, especially the prevention of ideological intrusion.

The invasion of ideas is subtle. At some point, this group of diplomats will be infected with the same hedonism as the Gliese people, and then brought them to the spaceship, infecting a large number of people. Therefore, necessary educational measures and ideological propaganda are essential. We must communicate carefully with the other party, but we cannot completely let go of the communication.

Relatively speaking, the people at the bottom do not have such worries. After hearing the news of the success of the "ice-breaking journey", most of them are still happy. A large group of people enjoyed themselves and gathered in twos and threes on the square to celebrate and talk.

The TV screen in the center is rebroadcasting images of high-level civilizations signing treaties with the Gliese people, including the "Treaty of Peaceful Coexistence", which includes mutual respect for territorial sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, peaceful coexistence, and so on.

In fact, this kind of treaty is not very binding without the witness of a third-party civilization, and can be unilaterally torn up at any time.

But Zhang Yuan still felt that it was indeed unlikely that the two sides would go to war, unless the other party's historical stories and help information were all nonsense.

It is unlikely that these historical stories will be false. If the two parties want to cooperate, relevant investigations will continue. The possibility of completely falsifying the entire history of civilization is too low and too difficult.

In the next day or two, Zhang Yuan temporarily let go of the burden on his body... He is really tired. Since he started the entire diplomatic work, he has hardly had a good rest. He even pinches the stopwatch when he eats. Work right away.

But now, I finally have the time to fall headfirst on the bed and sleep for a day and a night first! Leave other things to others!

At the same time, some cultural arts about Gliese civilization began to appear on the human Internet.

These are excellent cultures carefully selected by government departments.

At present, most of the cultures left by the Gliese civilization are dross, but it is undeniable that they have indeed created many beautiful arts, not limited to sculptures and paintings, but also movies, music and so on. It is not a big problem for the public to appreciate these arts, and it can also enhance the understanding of this civilization and reduce panic.

In fact, human beings are quite arrogant creatures. The saying that "man is the spirit of all things" has been engraved in the subconscious of many people.

In the solar system, it is impossible for a naturally born species to threaten the status of human beings. As the top of the food chain, human beings can be said to have an attitude of whatever they want.

For example, Corgi, Teddy, some breeds of puppies, their tails are cut off in order to "look cute".

Another example is purebred dogs and cats, which obviously have a large number of genetic defects, but they reproduce in large numbers just because they are "cute". In fact, their vitality is weak, their resistance is very poor, and they are plagued by genetic diseases from birth; Tiger Wang was locked in a cage for people to admire; elephants and bears became members of the circus...

This long-term habit gave everyone a sense of superiority inadvertently. The so-called Animal Protection Association, cat lovers, and dog lovers are only based on this sense of superiority of being able to control animals. Without this sense of superiority, it is impossible for anyone to love cats and dogs.

But now it is different, a kind of life with the same high intelligence has appeared, it has given birth to its own culture, and it can even manufacture nuclear bombs, and it is almost uncontrollable by humans!

The emergence of this kind of life, it is impossible for human beings not to be nervous...

There will even be a tendency to destroy each other!

This destructive tendency is actually a kind of arrogance.


Human beings must get used to the emergence of alien intelligent life.

Just as Zhang Yuan deduced, there are at least millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of intelligent life races in the universe. Blindly thinking that they do not exist, or thinking that human beings are the best in the world, is just a phenomenon of deception or extreme conceit.

If you want to become a real interstellar civilization, positioning yourself is the first step.

The current art and cultural exchanges will allow citizens of the new civilization to further understand each other's culture and ideology. When all kinds of unknowns disappear, this tension will gradually dissipate.

Finding your own position is very important. Humans are just an ordinary civilization in the universe. There is no need to see another intelligent civilization and think that the other will develop and destroy you for nothing. This is completely oppressive phobia... Grab Seize the opportunity to develop upward, neither arrogant nor inferior, this is the most important thing.

"It's started... Alien civilization movies! Hurry up and buy them!" "

It is said to be the art of this Gliese civilization, haha, alien movies... I don't know what it is..." "

It's over... It's too late, I won't be able to grab it if I'm a second late!"

Several men were shouting up to the sky, and then they were scolded by their girlfriends.

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault, I feel sorry for the few dollars, and all the tickets for the first show are gone!" The

movie ticket price is 30 yuan per person, which is still a bit expensive compared to the current salary level of around 2,000 yuan. . Of course, it's just a little expensive, and a little extravagance is not a big problem.

A movie about an alien civilization, but this is the first time it has ever been seen!

Under this gimmick, there was an endless stream of people buying movie tickets, and all seats in the movie theater were sold out within seconds. The staff are working overtime to arrange the sessions.

Diplomat Wang Junpeng was very lucky to grab two movie tickets, but this time he did not call his good friend, but... a beautiful and lovely girl, Miss Cha.

It can't be said that he values ​​sex over friends. He has been on a diplomatic mission on that alien planet for several months. If he doesn't spare time to accompany his girlfriend, he will probably have a green grassland on his head!

However, the imaginary Qingqing grassland did not happen. Looking at the admiration and admiration in his girlfriend's eyes, Wang Junpeng was so happy. No, this is not just joy, but a feeling of... flying freely!

"Ah, Mr. Wang, I really grabbed a movie ticket! However, I like the AA system, so I will transfer the movie ticket money to you."

This tea lady is good at everything and has a gentle personality. They all have AA system, which makes Wang Junpeng very annoying.

But girls in some countries are like this. They don't like other people's treats. This kind of financial independence is also quite good. Isn't this what real women's rights should be like?

The two walked into the cinema very happily, found a seat and sat down.

The name of this alien movie is "Struggle, Aqiang!" ", tells the story of a Gliese man "A Qiang" who wants to be a great artist in the materialistic underground city.

As a boy who grew up in the countryside, he has inherited many traditional skills from the art master Abela. Aqiang is good at puppetry and can sing, speak and dance.

However, when he came to the big city, he found that the times had changed tremendously. Aqiang, who came from the countryside, promoted rural art everywhere, and was left out, despised, reviled, and called a "bumpkin".

It walked alone on the street, and suddenly found that the world was not what he imagined, and there was no place for him at all... The

whole story is very long, about two and a half hours, and mainly describes Aqiang's life in the city. Encounter, but at this moment, the movie theater has become silent, and it is no longer as lively as it was at the beginning.

Wang Junpeng said softly: "...Indeed, in traditional art, things that require a certain degree of thinking to get pleasure are not as good as entertainment that can directly stimulate the senses." He found that Miss Chazi sitting next to him was already addicted to the

plot , For a while, I even forgot to eat the popcorn. Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the dark lights in the cinema to do some bad things, but after thinking about it, I still have to watch such an excellent movie seriously, this is not a bad opportunity...