
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
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844 Chs

10... 10 Alien Spaceships!

Since there are no satellites or airplanes, the war philosophy of the Taipu civilization generally stays in the era of giant ships and cannons. Whoever has more troops and more powerful artillery, the higher the combat effectiveness of which side will be. Moreover, in order to overcome air friction, the mass of the cannonball is extraordinarily huge, which is completely an enlarged version of the human cannonball.

In addition to giant ship cannons, there is another mode of war - using airships to transport missiles and bombing the ground. Which side's airships can fly higher, then which side will be invincible.

"War is never far away..."

Just watching the TV room like this, a huge streamlined airship arrived. O'Brien hurriedly ate his breakfast, and boarded the airship with the crowd of passengers.

Immediately afterwards, the air pump sounded "chug-chug", quickly inflating the surrounding auxiliary airbags, and as the volume of the auxiliary airbags increased, the airship lifted off very smoothly.

This kind of airship code-named "Lin Qibo" can reach a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour. In the city, every public airship has its own route, and its rated speed can reach about 50 kilometers per hour.

Fortunately, the sites are all direct, and there are no intermediate stations, so this speed is still acceptable.

Since there is no way to build high-rise buildings, the unit land can accommodate a small population. This civilized residence is like farmland, which is neatly spread out piece by piece, and the central core area must be the parking place for empty boats.

O'Brien's work location is fifty kilometers away at the Meteorological Office of the Observatory, and it takes exactly one hour to get there.

When he came to the Astronomical Meteorological Observatory, he found that the atmosphere inside was as usual. Most of the colleagues gathered together to chat casually, and the working day had not officially started yet.

The Astronomical Meteorological Observatory is mainly responsible for the exploration of outer space and weather monitoring.

Of course... mainly the latter.

The airship navigation system still has high requirements on the climate. Whether it is windy weather or heavy rain, it may lead to traffic paralysis. This also requires that the meteorological station can predict the weather more accurately and issue notifications in a timely manner.

O'Brien's biggest wish is to launch a real weather satellite... There was such a project in the plan, but it died because of too high technical difficulty and high funding requirements.

Even the manufacture of aerial vehicles is very difficult for the whole country, let alone launching rockets.

Therefore, the funds for space exploration are very, very small. Everyone thinks that after a few years when the technology is developed, we will consider this matter. Maybe we can save a lot of money?

Moreover, they have never used artificial satellites, and most Taipu people don't think this kind of thing is very urgent. Can't they live well without satellites? Can't they also accurately predict the weather? Only these meteorologists are eager for satellites, but the appeals of these experts are often useless.

"Tomorrow is past and there will be a new tomorrow. The government's annual appropriation is only a few million. At most, it can maintain a small astronomical telescope or satellite? At this rate of development, it is impossible to have it in the next century!"

O'Brien sneered in his heart, and kept complaining about the short-sightedness of those politicians. It is impossible for politicians to allocate funds without visible benefits.

A large number of scientists are sharpening their heads and thinking about how to make the airship fly higher, and all the funds are invested in the airship. Since the failure of the last plan, the Tep people didn't even bother to think about another aircraft that could produce qualitative changes. Many people even directly believe that it is impossible for iron bumps that can fly in the air.

"What's the weather like today?" Just thinking about it, a colleague greeted him.

This is not a casual greeting, but their job.

Since there are no satellites, climate observations must be done through the airship observatory above. Radio communication and computer technology have already appeared on this planet.

O'Brien glanced at the data on the computer and came back to his senses: "There shouldn't be a big problem...Of course it's just my experience and judgment. Now our area is in a state of high pressure, there is a downdraft, and the probability of rain Rare...the air humidity is not high."

"Another relaxing day." The colleague stretched lazily, as if he hadn't woken up.

At this moment, suddenly, a computer in the next room issued a "didi" alarm.

"It appears that the radio interferometer has observed a signal originating from outer space."

This kind of thing is not once or twice, what kind of neutron star, pulsar, and even the solar wind may have electromagnetic wave signals. The planet's atmosphere is thick enough that even the most violent solar wind has negligible impact on the planet.

"I'll go and have a look, it's good to record it."

O'Brien trotted over to record these signals into a storage device. He suddenly discovered that these signals had a certain pattern, on the contrary, they were more like the universal telegraph cipher of the Tep civilization.

"Fortunately, I have learned telegraph language..." He scratched his head, and after typing on the keyboard, the entire translation came out at once.

"Hello, unknown civilizations, we are human civilizations from afar, coming with peace and goodwill."

"We abide by the principles of equality and free trade. Everything can be bought and everything can be sold, as long as you can pay the corresponding price..."


When seeing this line of text, the colleagues who came over to join in the fun laughed, "I bet some guy with nothing to do sent this message from an empty boat... Even the password is our telegram password, so it's possible that we The Tepu unwittingly conquered the entire universe?"

"What's the bet? A lunch? I've invited you." O'Brien didn't care too much, and began to try to control the space telescope: "But the direction of the radio waves does come from space."

"Their spaceship is staying above the atmosphere, is it true? You are so boring, you have to search for it, and be careful not to be scolded by the station master." The colleague was still talking next door, staring at Screen: "Hey??!"

"What's this?!"

His voice suddenly increased, almost from a flat sentence, suddenly turned into a huge scream!


A large group of colleagues heard the scream and hurried over, thinking that something really happened.

A small shadow really appeared in the telescope!

It seems... staying at an altitude of 60,000 kilometers, no airship can fly to an altitude of 60,000 kilometers, and there is no atmosphere at all.

There was a deathly silence in the air, it was simply unbelievable!

Aliens, aliens did appear.

Everyone in Taipu held their breath, as if their brains had directly shut down, and after a few seconds, they quickly ran to find the leader.

"Increase the resolution by ten times!" The stationmaster of the meteorological station hurried over after hearing the news, and said in a trembling tone.

O'Brien swallowed, his expression not very good-looking.

The shadow on the screen gradually became clear.

It can be seen vaguely that there is not only one spaceship, but... 10 ships!

There are 10 spaceships in total, moving above the atmosphere!