
Waltz of the Butterflies

Breathe inside the tales inside a colorful country

mythic1220 · Realistis
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2 Chs

Rainbows and Butterflies

Part 1: The Definition of Art

A collection of human heads, coats made out of human skin, a bucket full of eyeballs, the ropes rolled on top of the cabinet made out of silky hair, A hanged frame full of nails. The house was a masterpiece in the views of the young 17-year old Leo Archer. "It is perfect!, this house is the meaning of perfection!, My glorious masterpiece!". An immense delightful feeling made his body feel an orgasmic sensation. His eyes were rolling up and down, The yukish saliva dripping from his mouth that is filled with yellowish teeth. His romantic excitement made cheeks rose red and his brown hair messy.

The morning sun rises and its sunlight enters through the blurry glassed windows of the house. His house was positioned at the violet atmosphered south side of the capital where tall spruce trees reign over the land and where snakes, snails, and spiders live in harmony. His shelter was surrounded by these tall trees but it can not stop the sunlight from coming in. Its base was built by polished concrete while its roof is made out of wood covered by the leaves of the trees.

Leo Archer is a self-proclaimed artist, he hates it when he is called a murderer or a serial killer. Leo dedicates his life to the proposition that art sometimes needs a little touch of cruelty.

As the morning sun has already risen, he woke up for the first time in his life feeling no excitement. His breakfast was an exotic meal made from the moving things around his shelter; fried tarantulas. The mouth munched the crunchy crust of each tarantula he ate.


Someone was knocking at the door and he noticed it with his body starting to be filled with romantic imagination. He opened the door and comes an average female who seems to have lost her way. Her hair was silky red and her scent has already entered the nose of Leo.

"Sorry to bother you but I come from the kingdom of Edward. May I ask where is the capital of this nation?" The girl asked formally to Leo. Leo stared at the female with wide-open eyes. The girl started to get disturbed by the creepy man in front of him, but Leo seems to have his heart beating loudly by this girl.

"Your face looks perfectly beautiful". Leo with his classic romantic excitement compliments the young lady. "Nevermind I'll be going now". The girl feeling annoyed decides to just leave, but Leo's emotions are already attached to this girl.

"No wait don't leave yet my darling, Let's make your face even more beautiful". The girl confronts Leo and laughs infront of him."you're a very funny guy see you later". Leo also laughs while grabbing something hanging behind the door.

"Now let us make another masterpiece". Leo grabs the axe behind the door then smirks at the young lady. The lady was frozen with fear as she just stands there like a statue. Leo slowly walked towards her, the young lady took two steps backwards but she was already done. Her heart was pounding and she tried to scream but it seems like her vocal cords won't cooperate. Fear became a tangible, living force that crept over her like some hungry beast, immobilizing her; her brain, holding herself captive. She was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing atmosphere holding her tightly.

Leo feeling the mood to create another perfection and without hesitation runs towards the paralyzed young lady and buried the axe into her brains. Leo's lungs breathing became heavier after that, the lungs were in need for air. It was still morning so the corpse is still visible a few meters away. Leo dragged the corpse into his house.

"Another piece for my collection".