
Walls up: She's Broken

This is the story of Sky Brown: She spent years building walls in hope of protecting her heart With a past like hers these walls were bound to be built Her life is black and blue, with a heart that only needs someone to mend it She never thought anyone would enter inside her walls until him; Jay King, who also sadly has a past that turned him hurtless But his walls are walls of anger, regret and hate These two had no intentions of meeting each other but Fate brought them together With dark pasts that will threaten to destroy their future together Will they be able to find a way out of their walls? Or will their walls only break them further?

galaxystar1 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

3. Death

As I drove towards Saint Marris hospital, there is only one word running through my mind. Death. The thing that has changed my life 3 years ago. The reason I hate hospitals.

I really can't lose Sakani he is all I have. I have lost enough and why can't God feel sorry for me.

Layla insisted on coming with me but I told her to go to the office and inform them my reasons of being absent. She did so promising to come to my house later on to check up on us.

35 dreadful minutes that's all it took me to arrive to the same hospital that took everything away from me. The same hospital that is probably about to take my last light in my life, my joy and my hope. My last reason to live.

As I parked my car in the parking lot I quickly wipe the tears on my face. I am being pathetic, I need to be strong for Sakani. For him I will do anything.

I quickly ran inside to the lady at the reception. She looked up at me and her eyes shined in recognition probably because I have been to this hospital multiple of times.

"Room 35B, Sky". she said giving me a sympathetic look and a smile. I muttered a 'thank you' and made my way to the room.

Every step I took felt heavy. Every step I took felt as if my body was becoming weaker. Every step I took my heart was breaking more. I arrived to the door breathing out slowly before entering.

When I opened the door my heart broke further as I paused at the door. Sakani's skin looked pale, his face was more pale than the rest of his body and he had tears on his face. What broke me more was that his blue eyes were now dark without the light I saw this morning. His blue eyes now looked like mine and I hated that, I wanted them to shine with joy just like his name. He saw me looking at him and smiled at me.

"Sky, you came". He said as I went to hug him.

"I will always come baby. You really scared me". I said pulling away from the hug to get a better look at his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to". He said with tears forming in his eyes.

"No baby don't cry its okay. You are okay now Kani". I said kissing his forehead. He snuggled into me closing his eyes.

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath and opened them. I let my eyes wander around the room until they landed on a guy. A hot guy. He has his hands in his pocket. Wow is he a model because he sure can't be the doctor. He has forest hypnotizing green eyes, pink round lips and I can't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss him. His jaw my goodness it was a chiseled jawline and it made him look more sexy. His muscles let me not even get started on them, they look like the ones you see on magazines. I probably look like a freak checking him out. But can you blame me? It's not everysay you see hot guys.

"Hey". Mr green eyes said clearing his throat. I stoped gawking at him and I looked at his green eyes. Lord help me!

"H-hey". I shuttered which made him chuckle. Sky snap out of it.

"I'm Jay. Jay King". He smirks at me.

"I'm Sky. Sky Brown". I smirked at him. I raised my eyebrows at him as he was looking me with a smirk.

"Uhm why are you here?" I finally asked him seeing that he does not understand that I was giving him a questioning look . He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. Wow his chuckle is the one that make your knees weak.

"I'm the one that found Sakani by the playground alone having an asthma attack. I offered to bring him here because no one knew what to do." He said.

"Fucking morons don't even know how to help a child having an asthma attack". I mumbled to myself but Mr green eyes heard because he chuckled shaking his head. "Sorry you weren't supposed to hear that".I muttered my cheeks red from embarrassment.

"No it's not a problem, I understand how you feel". He smirked at me walking closer to the bed I am siting on with Sakani who is now fast asleep in my arms.

"Thank you for helpi-" I was cut short when a young doctor came in.

"Ms Brown your son is fine, the asthma attack is nothing serious". The doctor said writing something on his clip board. Well the fact that he called Sakani my son just confirms that he is new to this hospital. From the corner of my eye I saw Jay's eyes go wide probably because the doctor just called Sakani my son. Interesting.

"What do you mean it's nothing serious. This child hasn't had an asthma attack in two years and you want to tell me everything is fine?". I shouted at the doctor forgetting that Sakani is sleeping.

"Yes it's nothing serious, he was probably nervous about starting first grade so please calm down". This made me more angry.

"Doctor fucking whatever your last name is, don't fucking tell me to calm down I have every right to be angry".I told him standing up with Sakani in my arms but positioning his head on my shoulder and walking towards the door, stoping to look at the doctor. People seem to be getting on my nerve today.

"Your diagnose is bullshit just because he started first grade today doesn't mean that he was bound to have an asthma attack. He could have had it in the middle of the year or anytime. So please fucking do your job and stop assuming things". I said causing his face to turn red. I seem to be scaring a lot of man today, fucking great.

I glanced at Jay and I saw a mixed of emotions in his eyes. It was as if he was surprised at what I just did but also amused and his green eyes lightend, as though he found the situation interesting. He had his permanent smirk on his lip with his hands folded on his chest. I got out banging the door behind me and walked towards the pharmacy to get the medicine Dr. Fucking moron prescribed me with.

When I got to the table the lady asked me to sign the papers. How the fuck does she expect me to do that with a child on my arms. I tried to position Sakani in a way that I can sign them. I felt someone tap my shoulder sending weird foreign shivers through my whole body and I turned around meeting Mr green eyes.

"Hey I can help you carry him, while you sign the papers". He said reaching out for him. I placed him on his arms and signed the papers.

After signing the papers and getting the medication I sent the lady a glare. We walked towards the parking with me leading the way. The whole way there we were both quiet. I couldn't help but think that he now thinks that I was being an unreasonable bitch. I know I shouldn't care what he thinks but for some reason I do and I hate that I care.

We got to the car and I unlocked it allowing Mr green eyes to put Sakani in the car. We stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say to each other.

He clears his throat. "Your son is a handsome and brave boy". He said surprising me for referring to Sakani as my son.

"Thank you, he sure is brave". I said not bothering to correct him.

"You should probably get going and get him to rest". He said with his hands now in his pocket. "I will see you soon?". His green eyes filled with hope. Why?

"Sure, thanks for everything".He nodded his head and mutters a no problem before heading towards his car. I quickly got in my car and made my way home. Well that was interesting.

By the time I got home Sakani was already awake. We got out of the car and made our into the house leaving our shoes by the door.

"Kani, do you want anything to eat it's already lunch time now". I said making my way to the kitchen.

"Just a sandwich please Sky". He said sitting on the bar stools.

"You want to tell me what happened today?". I said making his sandwich looking at him from across the bar.

"I was just nervous and scared that no one would like me". He muttered with his eyes glancing down.

They is one thing I like about Sakani sometimes is that he is too smart for his age. And for a child his age he shouldn't worry about haters.

"I'm sure you will make some friends next time you go to school baby. It's really okay to be scared sometimes". I said handing him, his sandwich and kissing his forehead.

The rest of the day was just spent with us watching movies. Layla did stop by as she promised but she couldn't stay as it was a school night. She also told me I was the topic of the school for making a scene in the maths class. I rolled my eyes at that knowing that people probably exaggerated the story for it to be that popular.