
Amber in danger

**knock knock**

Nora knocked on Amber's door

Amber opened the door in her nightwear with lose hair


"let's go for dinner" Nora spoke and Zia nodded

"I am not hungry, you guys can go and eat" she said and shut the door hard on their faces

"well, harsh as ever" Nora said and chuckled

"let's go and eat then"

They reached the cafeteria which is in the first floor

"you have to be careful with Chris" Nora said taking a plate

"he is a jerk, the reason I changed classes is because he used to bully me...

he just needs a toy to play with

I hope you won't become that" she said sitting down with food in her plate along with Zia sitting across her

Zia nodded her head and they finished their dinner quietly and returned to their rooms later


Next day,

The alarm is ringing loudly

**mmm** Nora is rolling on her bed

slowly opened her eyes and off the alarm

Zia also woke up for the sound

"morning" Nora greeted

Zia smiled at her with her drowsy eyes and sat up on the bed

The sun is yet to be up

it was 6 in the morning

"let's go for breakfast" Nora said and Zia got down the bed ..


"same as yesterday, be careful stay away from him

avoid his eyes

that's the only thing I can say to you"

Zia nodded

They went back to their room as they finished eating

They both got ready and came down to the ground

There is will standing infront of the dorm ..

"good morning sir" Nora greeted as she saw him

"good morning" he greeted back

"I will go first" Nora walked to the school

"did you have a good night sleep?" he asked

and Zia nodded excessively

"good to see you in high spirits" he said patting her head

"Be careful of that boy in class ..if something happens you should definitely tell me okay?"

Zia nodded

"are you wearing the necklace?" he asked and Zia showed it to him

"good,if something extreme happens it will protect you but nothing of that extreme will happen in school so don't worry"

"Go to school" he said and Zia walked to school

she reached the class

"look who it is the playing friend of Amber" Chris spoke as soon as she entered the class

Amber is sitting in her seat looking annoyed

Zia silently walked to her and sat beside her

"now the friends sat together!! how cute"

"ignore the dog barks" Amber spoke as Zia is about to look back at him

Zia nodded

suddenly a egg was thrown on Amber

Zia got suprised and stood up

she panicked and tried to touch her head

Amber stopped her hand

"it will smell" she said standing up and walked out of the classroom

"okay everyone sit down class time" Mr.wolves spoke as he entered the class

Mr.wolves is an expert in historical myths.

His family has been researching about the wall of death since ages ..

The only book that has the information is being hidden in the underground and he is researching forever to find information about that book.

He teaches history in the class

He is the most strict teacher in the school

He saw Zia

"new joining?" he asked and Zia nodded standing up

"can't you speak?"

she flinched for his loud voice and slowly nodded her head

"today you will be learning about----"


Amber went back to dorms and took a bath to remove the egg smell over her

she changed her dress and started walking back to the class ..

The ground is completely empty ..

suddenly she heard a sound from the bushes from side of the dorm

she walked towards that direction and slowly moved the bushes and saw nothing

she was about to go away and again heard a sound more further into the forest

She suspected something and turned back to leave fastly but someone closed her mouth from back and pulled her into the forest


[why isn't Amber back yet] Zia thought

"The wall of death is like an ancient treasure ..

there are many secrets of our forefathers are lied inside building it ..

Now then what is in the other side of the wall of death ? ..

no one knows that

Then from where did this magic come from ..

in this world every question is related to the wall of death in some form .." Mr.wolves is teaching while Zia is half listening to it with her mind is completely on Amber

"that's it for today.Tomorrow you will learn about magic circles" he said leaving the class ..

it's the lunch break

Zia ran out of the class immediately and left to the washroom

she saw all the doors inside and everything is empty ...

she went to Nora class

she peaked inside and Nora saw her

"what happened?"

"Amber went out in the morning and didn't come back yet" she wrote on her book and showed her ..

"maybe she went back to her room"

"her bag is still in the class" Zia wrote and showed her

"okay let's look for her"

Zia nodded and they both started searching all the rooms in the school

The came out of the school

"once let's check her room too" Nora said and they ran to her room

**knock knock**

they knocked many times but no one opened the door

"I think she is not here" they said and came out of the dorms

**ring ring**

The lunch break is over

"I have an exam right now"Nora spoke looking at the school

"you go to class i will search for her" Zia wrote and showed it to her

"you sure about that?"

Zia nodded

"please be careful" Nora said and ran back into the school ..

Zia went inside the forest looking for her ..

she is looking all sides and every side is looking like the same

As she is running she saw a small store house in the middle of the forest ..

[what is that]

she ran towards it and the door is locked from outside

she looked through the window and saw Amber lying down inside

she banged hard on the door