
Waking Up as Naruto

Everyone dreams of transmigrating in the fictional world of their dreams. This is what happened to me. As one day, I suddenly woke up as Naruto, and this is the story of my journey as Uzumaki Naruto. A journey to the top of the ninja world as the strongest. Disclaimer: I don't own the rights of Naruto and its franchise. I also don't own the cover of this story.

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9 Chs

Plans for the future


Naruto sighed as he opened his eyes and observed his body. His entire body was covered with sweat and he was sitting in a small peddle of sweat.

He then started to talk in english, even though at first, it sounded strange with that body. But it was important as he might be being spied on by the Anbu or the root of Danzou, after all he was the host of the nine tailed demon fox, Kyuubi.

"Thanks god... I managed to strike a deal with Kurama... I thought that I was going to die from Kurama's aura... But I'm thirsty and sweat so much thar I think that I might have suffered from severe dehydration, had I not woke up by now...

I will grab a cub of water as I go to take a bath and start to right down my plans for the future.. After all, there are a lot of death flags in Naruto, even though there are many plot armours but I'm not sure if they still apply for me."

Naruto woke up and went straight towards the kitchen, and drunk four glasses of water. Then, he went to the bathroom and spent around 5 minutes in there.

When he got out, he was wearing his trademark orange pants, and orange and blue jacket, but the latter was unzipped. He was also wearing a dark green t-shirt with the red whirlpool which was the symbol of the Uzumaki clan on it.

He went directly the kitchen once again, but this time around, he opened the refrigerator and took out a 2 litter bottle of cold water. He proceeded to enter his bedroom, and opened his cupboard in which he stored all his exercise books, copybooks, and scrolls.

A bottle of ink, a sharpener, a few pens, brushes, erasers, and pencils were also stored there, and he took out all of the stationeries. He placed everything on the floor in front of him as he sat down down. He then opened an empty scroll and started to write down in it with a pencil.

After more that thirty minutes of writing and brainstorming, he managed to write down his future plans to ensure that he grow up into a powerful ninja in the shortest time period possible.

At the same time, he wrote down a general overview of this world future events that will affect his livelihood. He wrote all those information in english to be sure that noone will be able to use those information at his expense. He then read it without uttering a single word and then, closed the scroll before placing it down in front of him.

'In summary, I have a very large chakra reserve that is about thrice more than Kakashi right now, while I'm still not yet at my peak... But I have very poor chakra control, and thus, I'm wasting it whenever I perform any ninjutsu.

My shurikenjutsu which involves the throwing and other techniques in which shuriken and kunai are involved, is also poor... My kenjutsu which involves the usage of swords, is not better.

Even my basic knowledge of ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu are lacking... No wonder, I am the last in the graduation exam... Damn it... Anyway, no need to waste my energy over some spilled milk...

At least this body has a large amount of stamina and incredible regenerative abilities... If I use the kage bunshin no jutsu(shadow clone technique) that I learned from the forbidden ninjutsu scroll, the properties of this body, exercise books and scrolls here, and my knowledge as transmigrator about both this world and mine as my new foundation, I can get this body ready for the fight with Momochi Zabuza, Haku and their henchmen.

In terms of ninjutsu and genjutsu, I'll only consolidate my general skills and put more emphasis on advancing my chakra control into advanced stage, master chakra flow and become a master in shurikenjutsu. Once, I have mastered those three field, I am sure that I will be able to survive even the konoha crush plan of Orochimaru if it happens earlier.


Naruto cracked his neck and stared at the clock that was above the cupboard.

'It is still 5 O'clock... To think that only five hours have passed since I got here... I adapted better than I would have expected... Anytime is very precious right now, as I have less 6 hours before the start of the bell test, and less than three months before my encounter with zabuza and his henchmen'

" Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!!!!."

[puuuuffff..... pufffffff....]

Naruto who was still sitting performed the clone seal by crossing his right index and middle finger with his left index and middle finger, and he was rapidly surrounded by eight identical clones of himself.

" Alright... Guys, you know what you should do... Let us become stronger!"