
Waking dreams

A teenage girl which 13 different personalities and temperaments and each personality has a different psychic gift except for the 13. She is still waiting for her's to wake up.

Ghaadha · perkotaan
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5 Chs

Chapter 3



Today on my sixteenth birthday, I have to come to understand that twelve other personas are living inside me. They each have alternate interests, temperaments, and gifts. They are as follows.

Daisy can hear people's thoughts and can project her thoughts into them while convincing them it is their own. She is a pacifist also a vegan, likes to play the guitar, loves the beach.

Emma sees and senses Auras. This has allowed her to identify murderers and murder weapons not to mention she managed to find the murder victims' corpses. She is vegetarian, loves snow, plays the flute, if she finds a corpse she will spend at least a day or two eating little to less food.

Elise can move things with her mind, she previously needs to look at the object and focus. Now she can move things by looking at them or not. She can even move objects if she can remember where the object is. She is omnivorous, plays the violin, hates shopping.

Elsa has the ability of hypnotic suggestions she first had to touch the person to convince them, now she can make anyone do anything even over the phone. She is learning to be vegan but has failed terribly. Our neighbor has a motorcycle that she often borrows for joyrides and she loves mystery novels.

Elizabeth can find people by acquiring an object that belonged to the missing person, now she can find them if she sees a photograph but she knows the person then nothing of the person is required. She is also vegetarian, she likes to paint, and she loves the beach even when it is cold.

Selene can see ghosts; she has learned to help them by traveling to the world of spirits. She enjoys drawing and likes Thai and Japanese food mostly. She has seen a lot of stuff in the ghost world that made her mature a lot faster than any of the others did.

Andrea can astral project herself anywhere while she sleeps and has even learned to astral project herself to time travel to the past. She can go a few hours back or a few days back. She used it to spy on Mom's new boyfriend. She even figured out how to flit into people's dreams and access their memories. She loves Pizza and lasagna, enjoys karate movies, singing in the bathroom, and doodling.

Maria can see everyone's dark fantasy. It was frightening at first but now she has learned to block it and also if necessary project it back to the owner of the nightmare or anyone else if she wants to. She is introverted; she loves everything chocolate; she spends her free time in the comic bookstore engrossed in the manga, marvel, dc you name the comic she has read it. She hates it when the diner puts pickles in her burger.

Nancy can make you see or feel whatever she wants. She even managed to dupe a police officer so dad wouldn't get a speeding ticket. She is fluent in seven languages, loves to learn new recipes. Hates rock music.

Alice can make people forget anything she wants them to. Thankfully, she never used it on mom and dad. She is efficient in sign language, introverted, spends her spare time painting. Loves Indian food, she can't cook to save her life.

Francesca can see through the eyes of anyone she wants and track them down, she says when she enters the mind of whoever it is, she can choose to go towards the person or not. If she chooses to approach him or her, she feels a force tugging her to go in a certain direction, she calls it magnetic attraction. If she is careful when she enters someone's mind, she can slip into the unknown like a bodysuit to get a feel of him or her, before she makes him or her do something. It is rudimentary; she makes him or her call someone or makes him or her doubt his or her decision, because of Ford and certain annoying people she has learned to sense people who makes her feel uncomfortable approaching her and how to get away from them safely, she called it the repulsion. She will eat anything mom makes for her if there are French fries or hushpuppies. She hates politics, and best of all like the rest of us she hates Ford and the FBI.

Next to last Victoria, deflects what comes her way. Cars, bullets, and people you name it. She loves trains, Russian food and she likes Vampire and noir novels.

Rebecca is the dud. She has no gift at all and she constantly asks us to help her find her gift. She likes Ramen, Mortal Kombat, and diving. She hates books.

Then there is me, Amber, I can see the future. Yes, I know, people say there are fakes out there but I am the real deal. I can see what happens when they make a decision. I can draw their next ten moves the second a thought flits into their minds. I can figure out if danger is heading my way if I make a wrong choice. I can keep an eye on certain people if I put my mind to it. I am not a pacifist; I like to ride the Volkswagen beetle that mom and dad bought for me today. I prefer to see thunderstorms and hailstorms, which means if I am away from home I have a reason to stay and do all sorts of shenanigans until it passes, I like a good steak, potato wedges, or a triple-decker cheeseburger. I enjoy staying awake until late.

Lily Holtz is our best friend. She is the only one of our friends who knows about our illness and abilities. She has stood up for us on several occasions, has risen to be a guardian who looks out for us. She is a Goth, but she is a kind person. She has been our collective friend since we moved to this sleepy little town. She says it is fun to have so many friends even if they are in one body. She enjoys the adventures we go on; we get to learn how to use our gifts. Blissfully Alice has spared Lily from her memory wipe gift. She asked Lily to keep her distance from her until it was under control. She happily complied; she didn't want to lose her only friend. The only minus about Lily was that Ford was her cousin and he lives across the street from her house. He would make it his business to follow us to figure out what adventures we were going to so he can spoil it. He feels like he should be in charge of the situation. Thankfully, he ultimately decided to head towards his default nature of creating troublemaking. His parents sent him to stay at his paternal uncle's dairy farm as a helping hand for the rest of the summer so we were free to do whatever we wanted. Yesterday Ford came back from the punishment his dad gave him. The security caught him trying to break into town hall to destroy his records; they placed him under house arrest this morning. They also gave him an ankle monitor. His parents are livid. They are threatening to send him to military school.

The only other person I have to keep an eye on is Agent Pierce. She seems to think there is a person with a special ability. She has yet to find this Unsub as she calls me. She has given several interviews to local and surrounding news channels and papers in the hopes that a Good Samaritan would help her. So far, no one has come forth. They have considered her a disturber of the peace. They have no interest in helping her. They would be happier if she would choose to leave. There is a running bet that she would get suspended or be sent away. She is no closer to finding me today than she was for the last three years. She has interviewed quite a few people and even brought experts to help figure out which one is the real deal. A few parents did try to help but even they gave up whilst she remains with the firm belief that she will find me. Good luck!


"So what is your name for today?" I turned to see Ford by the fence, like few of the skeptics in this town; he doesn't think I have an illness. He thinks I enjoy playing pretend. I was not in the mood to be nice, "When you go through the trauma of watching your parents die when you were a kid you will understand my condition." He laughed, "Your parents are next door. Are you saying you were adopted?" I itched to go back in time for every single time he created trouble to give him a prison sentence. But I decided to take the high road, "My parents died when I was 4, I was put up for adoption, and this nice couple adopted me. You can ask them yourself. Here they come. Mom can you come here for a second." Mom came running towards me and dad was not far behind. She looked at Ford as though he just came out of prison. "Mom could you tell Ford I am adopted." She looked at Ford angrily and explained that she had an accident so she can't have children. She adopted me and she loves me as though I am her flesh and blood. Ford looked hurt that he opened an old wound. He opened his mouth to apologize when his mother came and yelled at him to get inside. That night I stepped into his dreams and looked through his memories like the secretary goes through a drawer of looking for a specific file in the principal's office. I found something that I could use if he ever tries anything again. The next morning I packed my things to go camping with dad and his new wife. She wasn't very nice so mom gets sole custody.

-Chapter 2-


I was in the living room enjoy leftover Pizza, when I got a call, "Hello! Dear, this Emily, Lily's mom. Did she call you today? I was expecting her arrival but she hasn't shown up." I went into panic mode. Lily is missing? That is highly unlikely. She could be kidnapped. "No Mrs. Holtz. I haven't heard from Lily since last night. I will try to find her and let you know." I closed my eyes to focus on locating my friend as my heart was pounding in my ears. I saw her bound and gagged and I started feeling the darkness envelop me.

~ Francesca~

Gross! What am I doing on the floor? Who is screaming on the phone? I picked up the phone to hear Lily's parents arguing. "Mr. Holtz? Is everything ok?" a concerned voice, "Who is this?" I clarify, "I am Cessa." Mr. Holtz, "Sweetie, Lily might be kidnapped please find her." I assured them Lily is fine. "Most likely, her car broke down, she is careless and less likely chance to be kidnapped, she might have left her phone on the charger." As soon as they hung up, I sat down to focus. This is not what Lily does. I found her sitting in a toilet shaking with fear. A man was waiting for her outside. I saw his face and I switched from Lily to the creep. I told her in code it was Cessa, she just lit up. I promised to help her escape. She just played along and managed to escape. I flit from one person to another until she reached my house. I had a nosebleed by the time she arrived. She happily took care of it. "Thanks for finding me Cessa. I was scared because I thought it was Nancy's turn. I was not sure if you would wake up. Thanks for the rescue." I smiled, "Actually it was Liz's turn, the pizza gave it away. She always orders half Grilled Chicken and half Beef Bolognese. You are welcome, dear. Please call your parents but don't tell them I found you ok." She winked at me as she called her parents, "Hey mom. I was out with Josie when someone stole my car. I know who would steal that junk of a car. I had to hitch a ride to reach the Queen's residence to make a call; the driver dropped me not far from here. My phone was in the car so I couldn't call for help either. Yes, mom. I promise I will stay away from Josie, I have recognized that she is trouble. Sorry, I frighten you, mommy. Ok." She gave me the phone. Mrs. Holtz was delighted, "I would like to thank you." I laughed, "No I didn't find her. I got dressed to find her brother when she walked in. I had nothing to do with her recovery." Her parents laughed too. "Sorry dear, we have watched too much news about people with excellent tracking skills. I hoped it was you. I guess I was wrong." We all laughed together at the joke at the absurd idea I might be the psychic. Little did they know they were right?


"Miss Queen! Can I have a word with you for a moment?" I replied with sarcasm. "Sure Agent? What is your name?" She answered, "I am Special Agent Patricia Cook and this is Special Agent Samuel White, I was wondering if I could ask you some questions regarding your whereabouts last night?" I heard fast steps behind me. "Excuse me but she is a minor, which means a parent or a guardian has to be present for questioning or this is illegal." I recognized the voice. It belongs to Hannah Fisher; her family consists only of lawyers and is the richest in the town. Hannah has an issue with the FBI so she was kind enough to step in and speak on my behalf. Her father was not far behind her. He gave them his card and asked to see me when mom and dad were present.

"I think we have already establish led the fact that my daughter is not this psycho you are looking for. She has heterochromia iridium, her left eye is blue and her right eye is brown. My sister was the nurse who delivered her. Her parents were good friends of mine they wrote in their will that I look after her. Here is proof, so unless you have DNA proof that this is the girl you are looking for I suggest you take this conspiracy elsewhere." Agent White raised her hands to pacify mom. "Of course we have no proof that this is Miss Willow. We have no DNA evidence we can present that could prove it. We just have a picture of her, which we use a program to see what she would look like if she were a few years older. She looked almost like your daughter." Dad was angry, "I was in a town not far when I heard about this Elizabeth Willow. She died in the fire. Her great aunt tested her DNA with the children and the results say the dead girl was Elizabeth. So why are you harassing the doppelgangers? Are you assuming they are gifted too?" The agents looked puzzled, "Did the great aunt do that? We were not aware of this. We will get back to you. You can go"

The next morning when I came down for breakfast I heard mom and dad arguing with someone "Mr. Queen, we would like to apologize for harassing your daughter about something that was none related to you. Can I ask when did you adopt her exactly?" the afro haired woman looked skeptical. Mom gave her the death look, "We adopted her two months after her mother died and before we moved here." the tall thin man inquired with interest, "Can we have an exact date please?" Dad fumed, "Sure. It was September 15, 2007. Here is a copy of the adoption papers. We would give you the original but we have no faith we will get it back." They looked at us red-faced with humility. They took the papers and left. They kept their distance as they tried to piece together how there are doppelgangers. They parked outside and followed me everywhere in the hopes that they would catch me but Hannah managed to get them off my back.


I told Hannah, her parents, my friends Crystal, Patrick, and Sadie that I was the one the Feds were looking for. They wanted to know why I was hiding what I was. I explained that every time I use it takes a toll on my body. I join them I would end up like Marcy Grayson only it would happen fast. I explained that she used to work for them, they overworked her and watched her go insane, she committed suicide, and they didn't mourn her death just moved as though they were happy to be rid of her. They decided it was time to find a new psychic. I didn't want to kill myself. They were scared that the Feds would do such a thing. They investigated discreetly and discovered I was right so they promised to keep me a secret. One of them was Patrick he is a deputy of the Sheriff's department. I made the Feds leave me alone so I had no hassle from them. But when mom died the Feds started having itchy fingers. I had no choice but to pack up and make a run for it. Either that or move in with dad.