
Wake-up Call – Chapter 101 – Winamp Playlists

[Colin Wallis]

For reasons I would rather not explore, there's only one line running through my head:

I never asked for this.

"There. He's awake now, and the surprise's ruined. Are you happy now?" Minnie asks Dragon without dropping her sharp smirk in the slightest.

"I… I just—there's the question of consent—"

"What? You three don't have an 'It's all right to wake me up with oral sex' clause? What kind of prudish bisexual polycule are you running here?"

"The kind where it's [three people]," Hannah snipes. Which would be much more believable if she wasn't wearing the kind of lingerie that features more transparent green fabric accenting tanned skin than pragmatic support.

Not that it does an inadequate job of supporting her… well, her everything that could be at all enhanced by support, given the way her garters dig into her thighs and the belt on her cinched waist as she sways on all fours on her bed, over my left leg, pressed right against Minnie and her loose shirt hanging low enough to let me appreciate a clear lack of a bra.

Or even pasties.

"Colin?" Dragon asks with what appears to be sincere concern as she peers up at me with what, just a few hours ago, was a perfectly chaste Star Trek set of pajamas from the Next Generation era, coded with the engineering colors, and is now precisely the very same thing, but juxtaposed with two other ensembles that make it very hard for me not to remember accidentally stumbling upon the raunchiest side of the Star Trek fanfiction community only to find out how Counselor Troy discovered that Data didn't need extra batteries.

"Hi?" I finally offer.

"Oh, great. Now he has brain damage. [Again]," Hannah mumbles.

My left eye twitches.


And my vengeance is executed.

"Wha—" Minnie starts to ask before she turns to watch as her old friend shudders while still on all fours.

With my leg lifted to rub her sheet up and down along her body, paying particular attention to putting some pressure between her own legs.

"Oh, [now] we're talking," Minnie says, slowly turning back toward me, licking her currently blue lips in a pretty unambiguous message that coincides with her tugging on those very same sheets until they go below my waist and she leans down, the light coming in from the open door behind her making the bare, twin curves of her ass cheeks glow at the apex of their curvature in a way that most cinematographers would deem a pretty adequate rim lighting.

I swallow.

Then I remember that I went to bed without eating dinner, and I briefly consider mentioning such an unfortunate state of affairs before Minnie interrupts me by dipping lower, her nostrils flaring as she hovers just above an incriminating tent that I will attribute to a physiological phenomenon related to blood flow while sleeping if at all questioned.

And she looks up at me.

So I, understandably, swallow again.

"Are you… sure?" I ask.

Who? I have absolutely no clue.

"Dude, what part of 'blue lipstick and green lingerie' is so hard to understand?" Minnie answers with an insultingly raised eyebrow as her eyes go from my pajama-covered erection to my own eyes and back again.

"I…" Hannah doesn't quite answer.

"Do you… Would you like it? If we did this? Together?" Dragon asks.

"Would I like getting oral sex from three objectively attractive women? That is a question for the ages. We may need to recruit a Thinker to solve this dilemma—"

"You stop traumatizing that girl right now—"

"I've got years of neglectful parenting to catch up on. That second trigger isn't gonna cause itself."

"Yes. And now imagine Lisa Wilbourn [with a second trigger]."

I look into Dragon's exasperated eyes.

Contemplate the scenario she posits.

My erection wilts.

"Hey! I was about to use that!" Minnie says, batting at the sad remains of my morning glory with an uncharacteristically feline paw.

I glare at her.

She smirks back.

"Can you [stop teasing me]?" Hannah asks, her cheeks visibly darker even in the low backlight, her lip immediately bitten as I acknowledge that I'm still rubbing at her with the top of my left foot, and I notice her power laying on the mattress by her side, glowing in a subdued, dark green.

Turned into a riding crop.

I arch my eyebrow. Look to her side.

And when she follows my gaze, right as she opens her mouth to protest her innocence, I [pull].

She gasps, stumbling forward, falling over my leg, her face on my stomach, her eyes on mine.

And I lean down until our breaths mingle.

"No," I say, answering her former question.

"Holy shit," Minnie mutters.

And I grab my girlfriend's arms and pull her up, over me, before I force her down into a kiss.

She flails for a single moment before she stops resisting, and I push my tongue into her mouth as soon as she starts moaning against me, the faint humming of her surrender making my heart not quite race but beat harder as my field of view narrows until only darkened cheekbones and wide eyes remain in front of me.

My hands wander over her smooth back, fingertips briefly caressing the lines of bulging flesh that surround elastic fabric digging into her wonderful body, and I feel her spine undulating side to side as she moves over me in that way she does when she wants me to [know her]. To have every curve of hers pressed against me, engraved in my touch.

I respond.

How could I not?

"Are… Are you…?" she asks, almost out of breath as she looks at me with trepidation and other things my girlfriend shouldn't feel after kissing me.

"It's you," I say, the only answer she should need.

And she wiggles her hips, the erection trapped underneath them not abating in the slightest.

Quite the opposite.

"So, you—" she starts to say.

"No. Not me. You. You tell me what you want," I interrupt.

And I try not to obviously look at the duo of heroines still huddled by the side of my hip, spectating this with clear anticipation.

"I… want you," Hannah says.

"And I want you. Need you. What else?"

"I don't understand—"

"[Hannah]," I say, not quite harshly. Maybe in my command voice.

Her mouth immediately shuts.

And she drops down on top of me, hugging me tightly, rubbing her face on my chest, clinging to me in a way that would've ended up with scratches on my back if the shirt wasn't in the way.

"I missed you. I missed you so much. Every day. Every minute. Every time we stepped into your room and you were there but weren't. And Dragon was there, but so was Minnie, and they helped me so much. So much more than I thought they could. And now… Now, I don't want to let them go. I want them with me. Us. Please," she says.

She says, her warmth on me, her body tremulous as her voice, and her eyes pleading.

And the bed shifts as Minnie discreetly teleports to Hannah's side, picks something up, and hands it to me.

I arch my eyebrow at her.

She, still on all fours, the collar of her shirt once again letting me know about her lack of a bra, shrugs in a very eye-catching way.

And I try very hard not to roll my eyes and sigh.

Then, because I'm a very good boyfriend and have excellent communication skills, I land a sharp smack on Hannah's firm derriere with her own power.

"[Hn!"] she lets out as her whole body jerks against me and my trapped erection.

Then Minnie smiles at me in precisely the opposite way of her predatory grin, the tenderness usually hidden under reckless enthusiasm coming out for a brief moment, and leans down to kiss the stung skin.

"Ah! [Minnie!"] Hannah says.

"What part of today makes you think you have to let go of anything?" I ask.

She bites her lip nervously and remains silent until a very loud kissing noise comes from behind her, and she shudders.

Then she looks to her left, at Dragon offering her an encouraging smile, and to the woman wiggling on the bed in a way that is perfectly calculated to have her pert behind catch glimmers of light in a way mesmerizing enough to count as a Master sub-rating, and, finally, back at me.

At me, and whatever way I'm looking at my girlfriend telling me that she wants two other women, only one of which is our mutual girlfriend.

"I don't… You told me… Colin, I know that you want me to be happy, but if you don't like me and Minnie being together… I—"

My fingers on her lips. My eyes on hers.

Something burns.

"Hannah," I whisper, or growl, or murmur, or whatever it is that crawls out of my throat, "I don't have any answers. None other than I do [need you] to be happy."

She doesn't say anything.

But she smiles.

"I love you," she says.

And, before I can answer, [someone] pulls my pants off.

My cock pushes up into thin lace, and Hannah moans as she arches her back, pressing her breasts down on me right as a wet tongue traces along my balls and short hair caresses the inside of my thighs.

Dragon is by my side, kissing my neck, her deft fingers meeting mine over Hannah's back.

And Minnie pulls Hannah's panties aside.

I can't even think about what to say before she takes me and guides me, moving my shaft up and down, rubbing my head against Hannah's warm opening, and pressing me against her clitoris right before the girl on top of me lets out something muffled and leaps forward, taking my lips and thrusting her tongue inside of me.

I answer her kiss, grabbing her as possessively as I can with a single arm as I snake the other one under Dragon to pull her closer to us.

And Minnie pulls me up, my hips following her direction as I bury my cock inside of Hannah.

She moans against me once again, as responsive as ever, the humming vibration of her lips bringing out something from inside of me that wants to claim her, that wants to turn the moan into a scream. That wants her to call out my name.

But Minnie doesn't let me.

She's bathing my testicles with her saliva, licking and kissing, keeping me from moving as fast as I suddenly want to, directing me with her mouth on me and her hands on my thighs, only letting up when she licks along the underside of my shaft to reach where I sink into Hannah's flesh, the tip of her tongue trying to dig between us without quite managing, but making Hannah shudder in a way that ends up with her still-covered breasts pressing against me hard enough that her stiff nipples are obvious.

That her arousal is painfully clear.

"This should've been about him," Dragon murmurs with what would've been reproach but comes out as purring enticement. "You're being very, very selfish, Hannah."

And another smack echoes inside the dark bedroom.

Hannah stiffens, her tongue rigid in my mouth, her sex clenching in pulsating rhythm around me.

And Minnie stops licking me for the single moment it takes her to lay a second kiss on Hannah's stinging derriere.

"There," Dragon says before nibbling on my earlobe, her tongue briefly dipping into the canal above it. "Now the bad girl's been punished."

And Hannah, her tongue still trapped between my lips, [mewls].

My hand goes from her back to her behind. To the round globe enticingly framed by thin, green lace, and the digging elastic crossing the generous curve, and I grasp her, burying my fingers into taut muscle that still yields to my touch as her arms around me quiver and her trapped breasts shake against me with the motion.

And I push up.

Minnie whines when I move past her lips, and it takes her just a moment to teleport behind Dragon, cuddling her and catching my arm against the thin shirt doing barely anything at all to cover Minnie's breasts, her head peeking above the side of Dragon's still kissing my neck to stare hungrily at Hannah and me as I finally move as hard as I want to.

My feet are flat on her bed, my legs angled, my hips pushing her whole body up.

And then I pull back faster than it takes her to fall, her legs scrambling to get in position before I rise up, and she throws her head back to let out a keening moan, my own mouth free for barely a second before Dragon hungrily dives in to take her own tongue-tangling kiss from me.

"Colin!" Hannah yells.

And I fuck her.

I don't feel like being delicate or gentle. I feel like claiming her. Like making her understand that she can be with Dragon and Hannah, but that doesn't mean I'll ever let her forget that she's with [me].

She clenches around me, moving her hips in tight circles, rubbing herself against me when I hold both of us up.

Then she trembles when I pull back, whining until I go back in. Until I fill her yet again. Until she can once again feel all of me, holding as tightly as she can, only to protest when I pull out once again.

"Fuck. You're all so hot," Minnie growls as I feel her hands going between Dragon and me, the Starfleet Federation's uniform pulled up until breasts just slightly more modest than Hannah's spill free only to get eagerly captured by Minnie.

A part of me thinks that she shouldn't. That Minnie groping Dragon wasn't part of the deal.

But there's no deal.

And Dragon's tongue moves faster in my mouth, her muffled moans a bit louder, her hand joining mine on Hannah's ass, both of us massaging her as the muscle shifts with the effort and strain of holding herself up, in wait for my cock to once again make her body tremble when I push against her and let her grind her clitoris on me until her arched back finally tires and she drops on top of me to kiss the corner of my mouth, her tongue insistently poking at me until Dragon shifts and we turn our kiss into something shared three ways.

Two tongues caressing mine, all of us moving between our lips, chasing one another, only briefly entering a mouth before being pulled away to keep the tangle between us.

Minnie grabs my hand, the hand clutching at Dragon's back, and she moves me beneath her loose shirt, between the toned legs I tried not to admire when the door to Hannah's apartment opened, and I caught her stretching with her maddeningly revealing sportswear.

I feel feverish, heat washing over my forehead as beads of sweat bloom all over my body, most of it trapped between Hannah and me, slickening the rubbing of our skin.

The air that I take in carries the scent of both Hannah and Dragon. Of their own sweat. Of their arousal. Of the spit dribbling down their tongues and over mine.

And my fingers find Minnie's sex.

I jolt up, pushing even harder against Hannah, making her moan into our three-way kiss as she struggles to hold on, to keep herself above me, and Minnie's thighs clamp around my wrist, trapping me so that I'll have no choice but to include her in me making love to my girlfriends.

Dragon groans, and I don't know if it's because of my kiss, because of the idea of Hannah yielding once again to us like she did during our first time, or because of Minnie's hand on her breast.

And it's disorienting. It messes up the flow of the encounter. It makes it hard to understand when I do have an effect or when I don't, if I should push harder or go slower. If I should kiss, nibble, or thrust.

It makes it… complicated.

But when have I ever taken the easy path?

So I shift under Hannah and turn both of us around, my hand fleeing from Minnie's wet heat to her mournful protest as I pin Hannah between Dragon and me, my first love immediately wrapping arms and legs around her first girlfriend, smiling at me from the side of Hannah's shocked face as Dragon [offers] her.

And I plunge.

I sink myself as deeply as I can, reaching farther than when she was holding herself above me, and this time it's me that draws circles against her clitoris before Minnie teleports herself behind me, her hands going under my Armsmaster pajama shirt and caressing my chest as she nibbles on the side of my neck, still wet from Dragon's tongue as I feel Minnie's heat pressing down on me, her wetness on my skin.

And she adds her weight to me.

To my thrusts.

"Fuck her. Let me see how she looks when she comes. When you [unmake her]," she growls right under my ear before her tongue gives way to teeth and a nibbling that's just short of her possessively biting down on me.

I do. I push, aided by the acrobatic woman eager to see her long-time crush rolling her eyes back in ecstasy as she abandons herself to the heated torture of three lovers focused on her pleasure, and Dragon's hands reach down from Hannah's arms to displace the magnificent green bra and tweak a single nipple before also teasing at her clitoris, her deft fingers playing with my shaft as it goes in and out of the wet sex clinging to me with desperate strength.

I could come like this.

I could come with Minnie pressed against me, her hands massaging my chest and rubbing my own nipples, her teeth and tongue making me clench my jaw. With Dragon looking up at me with awe and desire. With Hannah losing a bit more of herself with every thrust and caress.

I could come surrounded by three women, by the scent of their mingled arousal, by the heat of three bodies and their touch on me.

But I hold back.

I hold back until whimpers give way to moans. To wordless proclamations. To a flash of green to my left shifting into too rapid shapes for me to follow as Hannah's mind slips and her power with it.

I hold back until she grabs my face and pulls me down into yet another kiss, this one desperate as her whole body quivers, tensing and releasing fast enough to shake the bed even harder than we already have.

Until her legs slip from Dragon's hold, and she wraps them around Minnie and me, pulling me harder against her, holding me inside and not letting me go as she screams into my mouth, her release barely silenced by a kiss that goes on and on until her tongue falls limp under mine and her hands and legs, demanding I stay, fall to the bed below.

Dragon goes from predatorily kissing her to reassuring, tender pecks; to soothing caresses that circle around Hannah's belly, the back of her hands making my abdominal muscles spasm with the feather-soft touch.

And Minnie… [humps me.]

"God, that was so [hot]. That was so fucking hot. That was… tell me you just came inside her. Tell me you stuffed my Hannah full of your semen and cock. Tell me you ruined her for anybody but you, that she won't ever be able to come like this again unless it's with you [mounting] her," she says into my wet ear, puffs of heated air floating between us as she keeps rubbing her entire body against my back.

The feverish heat is still there, something washing across my forehead, going between my thoughts, burning what gets in the way of sharp focus.

Of a goal.

Slowly, each muscle straining just enough to stand out against my skin, I push up and away, coming out of Hannah's sex inch by agonizing inch, the whimper she lets out at the loss of me making me [exult].

Minnie clings to me, watching over my shoulder.

"You're still hard," she says, breathless, desire and disbelief plain to hear.

"Get under me. [Now]," I growl.

She shudders.

And, almost instantly, she's between Hannah and me.

Looking at me.

Her arms are stretched up, her hands on my nape like when she teleported into my lap earlier in the day.

And her eyes, for a single moment, show me the same kind of vulnerability.

"Hannah. Hold her," I say.

And exhausted arms follow my command, slowly wrapping around Mouse Protector, tugging up her loose shirt to show me those breasts that her grey sports bra did such a poor job of hiding. Then she massages her belly like Dragon did hers as my other girlfriend manages to get out from beneath the other two women, all of us shifting as she does.

"Sorry," I whisper when she looks at me, her smile reassuring me like she always has before she leans forward to lay a single kiss on the side of Minnie's brow.

Then she grabs my cock and guides me to the bare sex of another woman.

Minnie wraps her legs around me.

And I sink.


It's a miracle that I have lasted this long. That I have managed to get both Minnie and Hannah off without coming just to the combination of sights and touches all three of them have assaulted me with.

But I have, and the two old friends are huddled together, sharing slow kisses and tender caresses. Just laying by my side on sweat-soaked sheets as my cock feels on the verge of outright exploding.

So I turn to my other side. To Dragon, and—

"No," she says with a smile and a finger on my lips. "Not today."

"But…" I pause to kiss the finger in reach, and she giggles in a way that reassures me there's nothing wrong. "You still haven't—"

"Colin, I [have]. The mental simulation is more than enough for me to finish—and there's been plenty of physical ones."


"You're on the verge of cumming. I… I want our first time to be… Can I be a bit selfish? About this? I always thought it would be just…"

She trails off, not knowing how to follow or how to do so in a way that her overly developed sensibilities won't consider offensive.

I find myself returning her smile.

"It's not selfish. And, even if it was, there's nobody in the whole world who deserves a bit of selfishness as much as you do," I tell her.

Her smile grows, and there's something silly in it that squeezes my heart and makes me fall just a bit more for her.

It is then, of course, that the bed shifts yet again, and I find myself spinning to fall on my back.

With a woman wearing blue lipstick lying on her belly, between my legs, her feet idly kicking back and forth behind her as she rests her chin cupped in both hands, looking at me with my cock standing straight between us.

"You're adorable," she says. "You're like a big bear who turns out to be a cuddly teddy. You're generous and attentive in bed, a great guy all along, and I'm going to do my best to show you precisely why you should consider letting me hang around as often as I feel like."

And then she blinks forward, and her hands lie flat on my belly, her head hangs over my cock, and her eyes stare into mine with a hungry focus that makes it not a surprise at all when she sinks down and swallows my entire tip past blue lips.

Then she pulls out just a bit and opens her mouth, making sure I'm looking at her before she makes a [spectacle] of licking around my cock, her pink tongue contrasting with my purple tip even with the low light still coming from outside the room and once again gifting her athletic behind with very flattering rim lighting.

I swallow a low, undignified moan that should have been a line about how 'Teddy' better refer to 'Teddy Roosevelt' because that's about the only joke my exhausted brain can come up with at this very moment as Minnie's tongue speeds up and I clench my fists over the mattress cover, holding onto [something] as she alternates demanding suction with frantic licking.

Then the bed shifts in the way it does when two women crawl rather than teleport, and Hannah and Dragon flank Minnie, the three of them staring at me before my girlfriends lean with open mouths and wagging tongues to reach the parts of me Minnie doesn't attend to, their saliva quickly replacing Hannah and Minnie's juices as three tongues move up and down and all over my quivering [cock].

"I… I'm going to—"

"[Come]," Minnie says, grabbing my shaft and jerking me roughly as Hannah and Dragon take her place on my tip, the two kissing with me in the middle for the second time tonight. "You're going to come and shower me with as much sperm as Hannah has ever gotten. You're going to come and empty the balls I licked when you were inside of her. You're going to give it all to me, [Colin], and you're going to scream [my name]."

She smirks at me.

I narrow my eyes.

And then I grab her hair and pull her down, making her swallow my tip, her eyes widening in surprise right before I…

Do precisely what she wants me to do.

The orgasm is sheer relief, the tension of holding back burning away with each burst of liquid lighting I pour into Minnie's mouth, her cheeks bulging out as her eager tongue laps at me, accompanies me even as I jerk my hips up involuntarily, pushing my tip right against her throat, her swallowing motions just coaxing me farther as I give her all that I didn't pour into Hannah's womb or Minnie's own.

My hands tremble while holding her, my arms tense with sheer waves of sensation.

And her eyes find mine.

With hunger. With demand.

And with a hint of tenderness.

And, just like that, I finally let go of everything, a last spurt burning its way out of me as I fall back into the bed, my arms spread by my sides, my breathing coming out in ragged gasps that dry my lips, my eyes swimming everywhere and nowhere.

Then, after a brief moment of stillness, I hear a wet kiss as three tongues alternate the duty of cleaning me up until they agree that the task is done and Hannah and Dragon crawl back up, Dragon cuddling on my left side, her hand on my chest and her smile on my shoulder as Hannah drops bonelessly on my right, the exhaustion clear in her stillness right before Minnie teleports on top of me and lays a single, shy, almost chaste kiss on the side of my chin before tucking her head beneath it, rubbing her crown with my beard while giggling quietly and warmly.

"Minnie?" I ask.

"Yes?" she answers with a tone that almost shines.

"The light's still turned on."

There's a pause.

Then a string of curses.

Then, the only one of the four of us who can move without disturbing the rest of the pile teleports out of the room, turns off the corridor's light, closes the door, and teleports right back on top of me.

And, while she still grumbles, I lean down to kiss the top of her head.

Her giggles are the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.


Minnie is cute.

… Yes, that is the total sum of my thought process at the moment. I'll be impressed if anybody else manages a deeper truth than that regarding this chapter.

Anyway! As I threate—I mean, promised, Tagg will make an appearance in a couple of weeks. I'm pretty sure it will remain on brand for him. See you and your SAN damage in a few!

As always, I'd like to thank my credited supporters on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/Agrippa?fan_landing=true): aj0413, LearningDiscord, Niklarus, Tinkerware, Varosch, and Xalgeon. If you feel like maybe giving them a hand with keeping me in the writing business (and getting an early peek at my chapters before they go public, among other perks), consider joining them or buying one of my books on https://www.amazon.com/stores/Terry-Lavere/author/B0BL7LSX2S. Thank you for reading!