
Wake up as a Woman! what will i do now

Ariel thought it would be any other day, but before she knew it, she discovered that she was a woman! What will Ariel do with her new appearance? Unedited novel, any error I would appreciate if you commented on it. Novel originally in Spanish.

Mahiro_retro · Masa Muda
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24 Chs

Noah's mother

Sunday day.

Pi Pi Pi

My alarm went off at six o'clock, just like every day.

Normally I would delay it for a few minutes to go back to sleep and my mom would have to get me up, but today for some reason I woke up energized.

I got up from the bed and arranged it so that it was well made.

After making sure my bed was okay I went to the closet and looked for what to wear today.

After a while I felt that the clothes I had were insufficient.

Hm… I don't have enough clothes…

When that thought came into my head I immediately stopped and shook my head.

I have the same amount as before I was a woman! I do not need more…


No, stop thinking about it.

After thinking for a while I decided on a slightly loose white t-shirt with the message 'Always in style' in gold, a pair of baggy pants and white sneakers.

With everything ready, I left the clothes on the bed and began to think.

It was still early for breakfast so the best thing to do was take a bath.

I went to the bathroom and closed the door.

I washed my face to get rid of the little sleep that remained and began to undress.

First I took off my pajama top, then my bottom.

By the way, my pajamas were blue in the shape of a cat... thanks mom.

Already undressed I saw myself in the mirror and wow, it still amazes me how well built my body is.

I saw my body for a while and then I started to take my bra off.

Ha… it's so refreshing to have them on the air.

With that thought I moved my hands to my hips and began to pull down my panties.

Already naked I walked to the shower and turned on the water.

Ice cold water in the morning… is one of life's great pleasures.

I stayed under the shower for a while feeling the water run through my body.

For the next few minutes I carefully washed my body and hair with various of the products my mother bought.

Special soaps, shampoo, conditioner, face brush… I don't know what they are for most things, but my mom insisted that she use them so I have no choice.

Also, something tells me that if I don't use them my beauty may be lost.

Half an hour later it was over.

Ugh, I'm tired.

I took a towel and began to dry my body.

First the face, then the shoulders, the back, the legs and finally down there.

Finished that I took another towel and carefully began to dry my hair little by little.

Hm… Should I cut it off? It takes a long time to dry it.

Having completely dried off, I took a white robe and put it around my body.

With that I left the bathroom.

Ha… the day can only get better after taking a bath.

I walked to the closet and grabbed a pair of panties and a bra, then put them on.

Then I took the clothes that I had previously chosen and put them on.

I looked at the time and it was seven.

Breakfast should be here by now.

I left my room and went downstairs.

"Good morning mom, good morning dad"

"Good morning, daughter"

"Good morning Ariel"

"Good morning"

My parents were already having breakfast so I joined them.

"You got up early today, are you going out?"

I ask dad.

"Yes, I'm going to Noah's house to help him study"

"You should bring her home, I still haven't thanked her for saving you the other time."


I spoke for a while with my parents and when I realized it was already eight o'clock.

I got up from the table and went to my room for my notebooks and books, this can be of help to Noah.

After that I waited a while until it was half past eight.


"Take care daughter"

I left the house and walked towards Noah's house.


It was eight fifty when I arrived in front of the apartment building.

Let's see… as far as I remember Noah went into this one.

I went up the stairs and got to the second floor, then walked down the hall until I got to apartment number 207.

Knock on the door and wait a moment.

After a while the door opened and Noah came out.

"Good morning Ariel"

"Good morning Noah"


With Noah's permission, I entered his apartment.

The first thing that greeted me when I entered was a small room with some worn furniture.

The kitchen was at the back and there were two doors to the left, I guess they are rooms.

This atmosphere makes me nostalgic...

"Make yourself at home"

"Thank you"

I walked over to the table on the side of the room and sat down.

"First show me the classes you take, I come from another institute so I don't know what you take"

"Wait a second"

Noah picked up his backpack from the table and started rummaging through it, then pulled out a paper with the class schedule and showed it to me.

"Hm… ok, we will study history first, show me your notebook"


I took the notebook and gave it a look, with that I already knew more or less what Noah was seeing.

"So, we became independent in the year of…"

For the next half hour I explained key aspects of our nation's history, obviously trying to make it the most important thing and what will possibly come up on the exam.

"…and for that reason we must thank our ancestors"

"Well well…"

Noah next to me had written down everything he was saying.

"Did you understand?"


"Well, here are some questions, what year did we become independent?"

"It was in the year of…"

"Well, who was the man who helped in the revolution of the year 1700?"


"Excellent, how many years of history does our country have?"


Noah answered perfectly all the questions I asked him, he has a good memory.

"You're ready, now let's go with... literature"

The next few hours were quiet, just Noah studying and me helping him.

Now that I think about it… where is Leo? I haven't seen it.

Which means it's me and Noah alone...


"Something happens?"

"Nothing, let's continue"

What the hell am I thinking, I'm here as a friend of Noah's, nothing more.

Yes just that.

"Okay, you understand quickly, I think it was not necessary for me to come"

"Not at all, you're good at explaining things, so it's easy to follow you"

"He he"

I looked at the time on my watch and it was already three in the afternoon.

Wow, time flies by.

"Well, I think it's time to go"

I said as he lifted me up from the chair.

"Wait, we haven't eaten, how about you leave after lunch?"

I thought for a moment and it seemed good to me.

"Okay, I look forward to your food"

"I won't let you down"

Noah got up and went to the kitchen.

While she was at it I began to see the surroundings.

The decoration was simple but beautiful, it shows that they put effort into it.

I saw a couple of photos on the wall so curiously I got up and looked at them.

In one of them was Noah as a child, he was wearing a cute green dress and smiling innocently.

Seeing her like this made me smile.

In another, Leo was holding a little Noah.

I never asked Leo's age, but according to the photos he is at least 5 years older than Noah.

The rest of the photos were only of the two of them.

There was no trace of his parents.

How odd…

At that moment, I noticed a picture frame face down on a shelf.

I approached him and picked him up.


The photo seemed to be from not so long ago, in it both Noah and Leo had small smiles which seemed to contain a sea of feelings.

Behind them was a hospital bed, in which a woman was lying.

The woman was connected by dozens of tubes and cables to a series of hospital machines, a large respirator was on her face so her face was not visible.

Beneath the photo was a handwritten phrase.

'I miss you, mom'

I slowly put the photo down and turned to where Noah was in case he had seen me.

Luckily she was concentrating on cooking.

She with her relieved sighed and walked towards the table, sitting in one of the chairs.

I… I saw something I shouldn't.

That picture was upside down on purpose, so it's obvious they didn't want me to see it.

Should I give my condolences to Noah? I don't think so, if I do, I would be reminding him of something that isn't.

It seems that we are not that close if she tried to hide that from me…

I will not deny that this hurts me a little.

Well, this is not the time to be sad, if she doesn't consider me so close I just have to keep insisting until she trusts me.

Yeah! I'll do that.

During the rest of the time I thought about what to do so that Noah would trust me and come to a conclusion.

I must carry on as always.

So he will eventually trust me.

"The lunch is ready"

Noah arrived with a plate of meat, vegetables, rice and little else.

Wait for her to bring her plate to start eating.




After eating I left a few notes for Noah to study and went to the entrance.

"See you"

"See you tomorrow"

After I left I thought about how nice it is to be with Noah.


While I was looking at the blue sky I heard a car passing by me.

How strange, almost no trucks like this pass by here.

It was a white van with tinted windows and no license plates...

Wait... Why doesn't he have license plates?

While the doubt arose in me, I saw how the truck stopped and 4 men with ski masks got out of it.

What the hell!?

I looked around and I was the only one on the street.


Before even thinking about it I wanted to run.

But before I could one of the men grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.


When I tried to scream a white handkerchief was placed in my mouth, preventing me from making any sound.

Ha…everything looks blurry…

What are you going to do to me…

My consciousness faded until after a few seconds I passed out.