
Wait, I can prestige.

I do not own anything shown in this book. The only thing I own is my oc. ---- In a pitch black void, where there is no light, Just darkness. A small light formed, slowly lighting up the darkness which has plagued the void for centuries. And from this light came forth a humanoid being. The silence of the void was all that greeted the being, as it slowly looked around at its surroundings. All of a sudden a voice spoke out from the void. "Welcome, ______ to the system. I am here to help guide you, as you traverse the multiple realities you would come across in your adventures. Now please state your name." The being was silent for a moment, as it slowly processed the voice. This lasted a while until the being spoke for the first time since it arrived. "Shoji Okuda" ----

NoHornyOnlyBonk · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Awake

Here we go chapter 1


In a pitch black void, where there is no light, Just darkness. A small light formed, slowly lighting up the darkness which has plagued the void for centuries. And from this light came forth a humanoid being.

The silence of the void was all that greeted the being, as it slowly looked around at its surroundings. All of a sudden a voice spoke out from the void.

"Welcome, ______ to the system. I am here to help guide you, as you traverse the multiple realities you would come across in your adventures. Now please state your name."

The being was silent for a moment, as it slowly processed the voice. This lasted a while until the being spoke for the first time since it arrived.

"Shoji Okuda"

[Processing Name]

[Name set to Shoji Okuda]

"Thank you for your registration, now I would offer you to change your appearance but a preset has already been made for you. You cannot deny this preset." Before Shoji could respond to the voice, a mirror appeared in front of him. Showing him what he would look like.

(Imagine Shido with silver hair and blue-silverish eyes.)

To Shoji, his appearance change didn't really affect him that much, since his memories of his past life are blurry. The only thing he is able to make out is a girl with silver hair. And that is all he can make of it. But before he could ponder anymore the system broke him out of his thoughts.

"Now that your appearance is done, are you ready to do the tutorial? If you want to do it say yes or if not say no."


"You have accepted the tutorial, please say stats to continue." Shoji was confused but did what the system asked anyway.



[Shoji Okuda, LVL 1]

[Race: [Locked]Spirit/Human]


[Strength: 60]

[Agility: 90]


[Int: 40]

[Wis: 50]

[CHR: 30]

"These are your stats, right now you are above the peak human athletes in the world. But in the supernatural world, you are considered a bug to them. Now let's go into your skills"



"As you see you have no skills, currently you are in a blank state. Being level 1 and not having a blank state would give you skills from your previous life, but since you don't remember your previous life except for one thing, no skills have transferred over." The voice explained to Shoji

"Now here is the next important panel, Perks. Perks are a wonderful thing, but you can also get useless perks. Like your cleaning skill is multiplied by 500%. A good perk is one where once a week for 24 hours you can get 600% more experience. But since as aforementioned, you are a blank state meaning you have no perks.




"You have now completed the tutorial, as a reward, I am giving you one gacha spin. With gacha, you may have a chance of getting something good or something bad."

[Spinning Gacha wheel]

[You have acquired (Seductive Sweet: Rank C)]

[Description: Seductive Sweet makes you more alluring towards both genders. The negative side to this is to try not to get kidnapped.]

'Hmm, it seems like I got something that is a double edge sword. This could make negotiations easier, but reading the negative side of this perk is making me a bit scared for myself. That is going to be annoying in the future.' Shoji was brought out of his thoughts by his system.

"Now that the tutorial is done, we are now sending you to your new home reality. Which is Draconic-Deus-36512, and when you are out traveling reality your home reality is paused. We are sending you there now." Before Shoji could say anything, he was sent away to his new home reality. It was silent for a while until the system spoke out again.

'I don't know how he retained memories of that girl, he should have lost them when he came here. Do you love her that much, that your soul would not forget her? Even when crossing over into the void. *Hmph* that is impressive, well I'm going to go make sure he doesn't die.' So the system left, leaving the void empty as it was before the light.


Here is the first chapter, introducing the main character and his system. I hope you guys enjoy it.