
Wait!! Is This Naruto??

In the modern world, there existed a certain soldier. And he was a Gurkha. The same Gurkha to which a German general said "If I had Gurkha, I could win the whole world." From Nepal. A country which never celebrates independence day despite battling with British Army. It's not like British couldn't win. It's just that they were astonished by Gurkha's bravery so much that they included them in their army way back before. His name was Hindu Prasad Lingden. He was currently retired and enjoyed living his life with his precious family. He used to be a professional in getting his job done. From assassination of terrorist to guard to spy to infiltration. He gets his job done quick and fast. And he had a motto. "Simply being weak than others doesn't mean you aren't strong. To overcome that dissatisfying feeling you simply have to work hard and surpass others." Now at first glance you may think he is someone who is very strict towards others and himself and doesn't like something small and may force his dreams to others and a stiff old guy. But he is exact opposite of that. He didn't force anything towards his family of any of his ideology. He let them choose their own dream. And the most surprising part about him is that he is an otaku or someone says weeb. And his favourite ones was related to his job which he loved since he was a child. Like Naruto and many others. He truly was veteran in his job but surprisingly he was more veteran in anime than his job. He had decided to join military through watching those Shinobi who are dedicated their life to protect their loved ones. But sadly he used to belong to poor family. But one day his cousin introduced him Naruto and he decided to never give up just like Naruto. So what would happen if such a guy enters the Shinobi world? Find out here. By the way Naruto doesn't belongs to me. I only own the new MC and some changes here and there. Note :- The mc will be good but not completely. He will be unpitying towards his enemies but this will be unlikely on some cases. As Naruto's full of broken villains. Also if you are interested, then by all means please join my discord server where we can chat and all. Link :- https://discord.gg/FcZNYA9y

Gokage_Sensumo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 9 Zabuza's Entry

"First of all sorry for the delay as I had to prepare for my finals."

Surprised, I found myself unable to contain my astonishment at the unexpected turn of events. In the blink of an eye, something extraordinary occurred, catching me off guard. The demon brothers had managed to seize a favorable advantage, striking my real body with a single, vicious scratch before I could react. To make matters worse, their claws were smeared with a perilous poison.

"Well, well," I murmured, a sweet smile playing on my lips, concealing a deeper meaning. "Isn't your timing impeccable, Kurama?"

"Shut up," Kurama retorted, his voice laced with irritation. "Consider yourself fortunate that I, the most powerful Tailed Beast in existence, am willing to spare my time for you. And cease your attempts to emulate Kushina. Now listen—"

However, Kurama's thoughts veered toward a crossroads of trust as he pondered whether to place his faith in Naruto. If it weren't for the humans' past mistreatment of him and the other Tailed Beasts, he would have readily aligned himself with Naruto's cause. For time being, he choosed to observe me, his decision to trust me momentarily delayed by unfortunate timing.

'Recognizing his disdainful demeanor, I promptly severed my connection with him. To remain connected would have surely spelled my demise, and I had no desire to tolerate his attitude any longer. Simultaneously, I noticed the demon brothers fixating their lethal intent on me, their aim narrowly missing as I deftly evaded their strike.'

"Sate, sate, sate," I spoke, addressing the shinobis of Hidden Mist. "We have an enemy here. Let us proceed with combo 3, Sasuke. Sakura, your duty is to protect Tazuna-san from any unforeseen circumstances," I instructed the team.

"Understood," replied Sasuke and Sakura. While Sakura felt a bit nervous about her first real-life battle, unlike the practice spars she had experienced, Sasuke remained calm, possessing a power level far surpassing that of the attackers, the Demon Brothers.

Both of them attempted to execute the same attack they had used against Kakashi. However, Sasuke's adept Shadow Shuriken Jutsu, combined with swift strikes using shurikens and kunais, easily deflected their assault. The chains that had threatened us were now restrained, and the additional shurikens and kunai clones inflicted minor injuries on the enemy. The attention of the attackers was now primarily directed at Naruto and Sasuke, and we braced ourselves for what lay ahead.

Naruto and his comrade exchanged a nod of understanding before facing their opponent. As the Water Style: Aqua Blast jutsu was unleashed, one of them managed to evade the attack with a close call, while the other valiantly sacrificed himself to protect his companion, taking the full brunt of the jutsu. Although the uninjured ninja remained slightly damp, the soaked one suffered moderate damage from the water-based technique.

Seizing the opportunity, both Naruto and his comrade simultaneously unleashed their Lightning Style: Thunder Volt jutsu. The combined electrical assault proved devastating, leaving their adversary paralyzed and unconscious for a brief period. The effectiveness of the jutsu was amplified by the presence of water from the previous attack.

After witnessing the impressive display, Kakashi descended and commended his three students. However, he couldn't help but feel perplexed about a particular matter.

'Hn.' A certain someone thought.

"Naruto, what just happened? And do you have any idea how we should proceed?" Kakashi inquired, his curiosity piqued by Naruto's nonchalant statement about uncovering the truth behind his parents' tragic demise, as relayed by an anonymous witness.

"I believe I've finally discovered the one responsible for my parents' death," Naruto replied casually, his voice carrying a weighty revelation.

"I see. That is quite... Wait, do you have knowledge of it? Who is it?" Kakashi questioned, taken aback by Naruto's unexpected revelation, struggling to process the twin shocks.

"Of course, I know my parents, but that's not important right now. First of all..."

Reluctantly, I did something I never thought I would. I stabbed my hand right where the claw coated with poison had struck.

A few droplets of blood splashed onto Naruto's hands, and he muttered, "It sure hurts."

As expected, he didn't hesitate at all. Soon, I will fulfill my dream, my ambition, Sasuke thought, admiring his rival.

"I see, Naruto. I understand that the poison is out, but what about the bleeding?" Kakashi asked, concerned. He knew that a simple bandage would take care of it, given Naruto's exceptional healing factor.

"With a simple bandage, I'll be okay. You know my healing ability," Naruto replied confidently.

'Phew. It's great they didn't notice,' Tazuna thought, relieved.

"But don't you think you lied to us, Tazuna-san?" I confronted him.

"What do you mean?" he nervously questioned me, while I finished applying the bandage.

"Instead of more weak thugs or bandits, why are these weaklings attacking us, or rather, you? If shinobi are targeting us, it naturally means the mission's ranking has increased to B-rank or even higher," I pressed him.

He remained silent.

"Fine, just tell us the reason. We are willing to help you," I answered with confidence and a reassuring look.

"Huh!?" Sakura thought, surprised by my assertiveness.

"But Naruto, do you really think we can handle this situation? I mean, this mission is beyond our current level. We aren't even chunin yet," Sakura asked, understanding the gravity of the mission.

"We probably can. Have confidence in yourself; you are strong. Okay?" Naruto reassured her.

"Now, mind telling us why?" Sasuke inquired, hoping to gather more information.

Tazuna proceeded to reveal everything about Gato, how he controlled the Land of Waves' shipping business and engaged in illegal activities. The bridge they were tasked to build would pose a significant obstacle to Gato's plans, as it would connect the Land of Waves to other lands, making it harder for him to maintain control. Tazuna even resorted to emotional blackmail, mentioning his daughter and grandson. Hearing Gato's name, Kakashi's expression briefly soured, but he knew Gato would be no match for him.

"So, Kakashi-sensei, I want to help him. What do you think? Moreover, assisting him would benefit the Land of Waves in many ways. He can pay the remaining funds once the bridge is built and their country prospers," Naruto asked Kakashi, seeking his confirmation.

"Sigh. Fine, we can continue," Kakashi replied, showing his agreement.

Tazuna thought, 'I won,' as he flashed a peace sign.

Meanwhile, in a certain building deep in the forest...

"Did you say you failed? Do you know how much I paid to hire you? To kill that old geezer who isn't even as powerful as a genin."

"Stop your damned grumbling...!!" an extremely dangerous-looking man said, pointing his huge sword, Kubikiribocho, at the man dedicated to killing Tazuna for personal gain. This dangerous man was none other than Zabuza Momochi, once known as the Demon of the Mist.

"Next time, I will kill him personally with this Kubikiribocho," Zabuza reassured his client.

"I-Is it going to be okay? It seems the enemy has hired capable shinobi too. Gato sought reassurance from Zabuza, who responded by proudly asserting his former title as the Demon of the Mist.

In the subsequent scene, five individuals strolled leisurely toward their destination, maintaining a casual pace. They traversed through the forest and eventually boarded a boat, engaging in casual conversation. Meanwhile, Jounin-level Kakashi pondered the prospect of battling other Jounin, given that the Chunin had proven inadequate. Naruto, utilizing his honed Uzumaki sensory techniques, sensed the arrival of two new foes: Zabuza and Haku.

Observing Zabuza's presence, Naruto realized it was time to take action, while also sensing Haku's proximity, although his chakra masking abilities made pinpointing his exact location challenging. Aware that his days of being overpowering were drawing to a close, Naruto swiftly extracted a kunai from his pouch and hurled it in Zabuza's direction.

Sakura, puzzled by the commotion, inquired about the situation, while Kakashi and Sasuke grasped the gravity of the moment. Sasuke volunteered to investigate, and they discovered a distressed snow rabbit, wounded by Naruto's thrown kunai. However, there was something peculiar about its fur color, leading Kakashi to deduce that they were in a location with less sunlight, defying the usual white coat of a snow rabbit in winter. Sasuke and Sakura had similar but less conclusive thoughts.

"I see. This is far beyond the league of the demon brothers," Zabuza muttered, his eyes narrowing as he analyzed the situation. With a smirk, he swiftly moved to complete his deadly task. With a swift motion, he hurled his sword towards the group, intending to end their lives in an instant.


The sword hurtled through the air, slicing through the silence, only to collide with a sturdy tree. As the dust settled, a figure emerged, his piercing gaze fixed upon them.

"Well, well. If it isn't the Rogue Ninja of the Hidden Mist, Momochi Zabuza! His presence indicates that 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥 that things might be tricky as I am now," the man spoke with a certain air of caution, aware that things were about to become more challenging for him.

"I assume you're the 'Kakashi of the Sharingan.' My apologies, but I must insist you hand over the old man," Zabuza declared, his voice laced with determination.

The three young genin weren't entirely surprised by this revelation, having been briefed about it beforehand.

"Form the Manji Formation, everyone. It's teamwork here." Kakashi directed, his headband now fully exposed, revealing the Sharingan within.

"Ah, I never expected to encounter the fabled Sharingan so soon. Well then, let the games begin, and let's end this conversation, 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘳, I must hasten to send that old man to the afterlife," Zabuza announced, his intent clear. The three genin swiftly assumed their positions, prepared for the imminent clash. "But before that, Kakashi, it seems I have to deal with you first," he added, his grip tightening on his sword.

Zabuza stepped back, his chakra gathering and pulsating with intensity. Kakashi observed the surge of power, recognizing its significance.

"Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu."

Zabuza vanished before their eyes, swallowed by the thickening mist. Sakura's voice trembled with astonishment, "Did he just disappear? Who is he?"

"He is Momochi Zabuza, also known as the Demon of the Mist. His reputation for silent killings precedes him. Before you realize it, he could have already sent you to the afterlife without a sound. Don't let your guard down," Kakashi warned his young students.

The mist grew denser, obscuring any glimpse of Kakashi's whereabouts. Naruto noted the rapid thickening and voiced his observation, "The Land of Waves is surrounded by oceans, so the mist rises swiftly."

"Eight vital points: larynx, spine, lungs, liver, subclavian veins, jugular, kidneys, and heart. I wonder where I should strike," Zabuza contemplated aloud, exuding his lethal aura. He was taken aback, however, by the varied reactions of the group. The raven-haired boy displayed only slight fear, while the pink-haired girl appeared more frightened. In stark contrast, the blond-haired boy scanned his surroundings, searching for any potential danger as though it were a mere triviality. "As expected of Kakashi's students," Zabuza silently acknowledged.

"Naruto, do it," Kakashi commanded.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough," Naruto declared, his jutsu swiftly unleashing a powerful gust of wind that dispersed the lingering mist. And then...

"No matter what you do, it's over," Zabuza declared, already standing near Tazuna. With a swift, deadly strike from his massive weapon, Kubikiribocho, he aimed to end their lives.

Naruto and Sasuke adeptly intercepted the attack using their specially modified kunai. Sasuke's kunai crackled with the power of lightning chakra, while Naruto's bore the combined forces of lightning and wind. Even Kakashi and Zabuza, nearby witnesses, couldn't help but be somewhat astonished by this display. Meanwhile, Sakura dutifully guarded Tazuna, fully aware of the imminent danger.

As the kunai clashed against the incoming strike, it became evident that Zabuza's assault was a mere illusion. The water clone dissipated, leaving behind traces of its weakened strength. "Well done, all three of you," Kakashi commended his talented genin, appreciating their swift reaction.

But before they could fully bask in their victory, Zabuza's mocking voice resounded from behind them. Sakura's alarmed cry alerted Kakashi, though the experienced ninja knew that even a second's delay could prove fatal in the midst of a battle. Yet, Zabuza's strike sliced through Kakashi's form, or so it seemed. In a cunning twist, it turned out to be yet another water clone, leaving Zabuza none the wiser. Kakashi had skillfully copied the jutsu, his actions concealed from Zabuza's observant eyes.

(Naruto battle theme)

With a kunai poised menacingly at Zabuza, Kakashi declared, "It's over." Zabuza, ever the skeptic, sneered in response, refusing to be deceived so easily. And to everyone's astonishment, even that declaration turned out to be another water clone. Sakura couldn't contain her disbelief. "Another clone?" she exclaimed.

Before anyone could react, Zabuza, materializing behind Kakashi, launched another fierce attack. Kakashi, demonstrating his agility, evaded the strike by swiftly lowering his body. Unfortunately, this maneuver left him vulnerable in this critical moment. Seizing the opportunity, Zabuza plunged his Kubikiribocho into the ground and, with a deft motion, caught the weapon with his left hand. Kakashi found himself propelled forcefully toward the nearby lake, propelled by the impact of Zabuza's kick. Sakura's thoughts echoed her concern. ' That Kakashi-sensei was sent flying.'

As Zabuza prepared to deliver a potentially fatal blow, his advance was halted by the sudden appearance of Makibishi Spikes. Realizing the folly of underestimating his opponents, Zabuza couldn't help but think, 'How foolish.'

Kakashi's intuition warned him of an unsettling sensation. "There's an unusual weight to this water," he remarked skeptically. Disbelief clouded his thoughts momentarily until the truth dawned on him. "Indeed, Kakashi," Zabuza acknowledged, his hands weaving intricate signs. In an instant, Kakashi found himself ensnared within the inescapable confines of the Water Prison Jutsu.

( In the next chapter there are chances of Hiraishin's appearance. But what do you suggest?)