


/"Imogen!/" Vivianne calls and dashes off. I glance up from my pitiful shoes to see Imogen in an elegant silver gown. The last thing I expected was for her to dress up. I was sure she would wear her pajamas or a potato sack to undermine the concept of school dances. Or maybe she would dress in all black and pull out a plan on how we could swipe a prized possession from the dean's office. But a gown and brushed hair—this I never expected.

/"What in the world,/" I say as I make my way over. /"Where did this come from?/"

Imogen shrugs. /"Sometimes you have to let your inner teenage girl free from her cage./"

Vivianne forces Imogen and I in front of the camera. After our winter-formal photoshoot, we enter the cafeteria-turned ballroom. Vivianne breaks off to greet some friends, so the two of us wander to the snack tables.