

Hello, My brothers and sisters in humanity, I present to you one of the most beautiful folk tales, which is narrated to children and enjoyed by both the young and the old, cherished by the elders in my country, Tunisia. Just mentioning Tunisia is enough to understand that this tale comes from a country with a rich history and a grand past. It's not merely a story, but a narrative full of lessons, constructed wonderfully, passed down from generation to generation. Each generation has left its mark on it, adding to its charm and extracting from it pleasures that exceed the present delights. It is enchanting, playing with the spirit and teasing the thoughts.

Elhedi · Fantasi
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5 Chs


The younger brother went to a wise man, told him what he saw and heard, and asked for his advice. The wise man told him that if he presents wheat and a mirror to two women, whoever chooses the wheat is the maid, and whoever chooses the mirror is the mistress. Emotions are cultivated early in life and accompany a person until the grave. A proud person focuses on self-care, beauty, and their emotions align in that direction. Alternatively, if someone pretends to be afflicted by misfortune..

Also, sister will support her brother regardless of the distance between them.

And if you want to be sure, look at their heads, for slaves have a mark tattooed on their heads. Draw the mark's shape on the ground for him.


On that night, the farewell was still at home. She couldn't go to sleep in the hut until her brothers and their wives had dinner. She had to wash the dishes, and her brothers and their wives wouldn't have dinner until their absent brother returned, their eldest brother.

Meanwhile, suddenly, the eldest brother entered in a bloody and dusty state. He collapsed on the ground, and next to him fell his bag that he had been carrying on his back. As it fell, wheat spilled from it.

When Wadaa saw that, she rushed to him in tears, saying, "What happened to you, my brother?! What happened to you to end up like this?!" While the fake Wadaa scooped up the pouring wheat from the ground, putting it into the bag. And so, the brothers made sure of the truth of the story that the original Wadaa narrated to the nūq.

Nevertheless, despite that, they insisted on being more certain. They removed the veil of both and found the mark of slaves that had been branded on their heads during that era, on the head of the one they thought was their sister.


Here, a person might think that brothers are the guardians of the heart. They might even kill the maid for what she did to free herself. Yes, they are indeed harsh guardians. Harsh beyond what you can imagine. They restored things to their natural state by taking a trip to the two pools.

Wadaa swim in the pool of the free and return her free once more. Her beauty and radiance return, and the maid was forced to swim in the pool of the slaves, returning to the ugliness of her misery. But they didn't stop at that. They expelled the maid mercilessly. The poor woman wandered on the surface of this earth with nothing but the clothes she was wearing. We have no knowledge of what became of the poor woman after that, and this was even harsher than death for me.


In the following days, the brothers did their best to compensate for all that Wad'ah had missed, both in her absence during her childhood and in the nurturing she had missed out on. They treated her like a princess, and everyone in the house, including the brothers and wives, served her. This continued for a long time, until the brothers' wives began to envy her privileges, as the brothers had shifted their attention more towards their sister, except for the youngest brother's wife, who genuinely considered Wad'ah as her sister. Here, the devil found another way to sow discord among humans.

The wives plotted to get rid of Wad'ah, and their plan materialized one day. One of the brothers' wives approached Wad'ah, who was sitting alongside the other wives, holding a large piece of Tunisian "rafis" (a sweet Tunisian dish). She smiled and said, "It's a tradition in our village to make Tunisian rafis on this day of the year. Everyone in the household eats a handful without chewing, all in one mouth, to avoid any harm befalling the head of the household." She offered the piece to Wad'ah and added, "Who is the beloved sister to her brothers that will eat this piece without chewing?!" Wad'ah replied, "For the sake of my brothers, I left my mother and my village and came to this land. If I can do that, then I can swallow this piece without chewing." And she did as requested with a smile, thus swallowing the taste. But what Wad'ah didn't know was that the rafis contained a snake's egg.
