

A ferocious exchange of attacks.

On the battlefield, a fierce battle between a young girl and an old man is unfolding.

Yes, we are right in the middle of the battlefield, under the raid boss's feet, engaging in a full-scale PvP battle.

"Ho ho! The ingenuity of the young never ceases to amaze me!"


"Everyone, be quiet."

Liora dodges Jackjack's rapier by hiding behind the raid boss—Chimera Griffin's legs. Jackjack's rapier pierces the boss's leg.

"Shining Slash!"

The magic enhanced with the unique skill, Killing Blade, attacks Jackjack. He easily dodges, but my Dark Ball is floating where he evades.


It might not deal much damage, but it will stagger him if it hits. When he dodges, Shiwo extends his tentacles.

"Dark Wall! Arts Penetrate!"