
Voyager's Path

When Travis's life has hit bottom and he accidently falls down below the bridge, Travis is sent to the Abyss, a place between places. And he meets Arael, The Goddess of death. She provides him a second chance at life in a new world filled with magic, under her advice That she guides him to have a powerful life there. He reluctantly agrees and finds that He is then reincarnated to a new family as Kota Detrut. Author note: First novel I’ve done, Really wanted to make my own take on that Isekai trope some of those anime do, but I wanted to do it in a way where it doesn’t melt into the power trip fantasy. There will still be updates to older chapters or auxiliary chapters to be up to date. Feedback on chapters or giving a reviews would be appreciated! (I will now be uploading to Royal Road as well for this Novel! So see you all soon!)

James_Gaperinco · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
144 Chs

Who’s at our home?


Been a couple of weeks since that incident in the university. Ever since then, I would say most students have been friendly to me. Most have tried to chit chat with me when I was walking to classes. but as the days went by, it became clear to them that I wasn't really much of a talker. But every now and then, I would show off some of my magic skills. Whether it be outside or in the exam room, I would simply cast my Dry ice spell and people would go crazy over it. You know who wasn't going crazy over all this though?

Amelia Mallory. Since then, she would be snooping around behind me. Keeping an eye on me for some odd reason. Actually, I know the reason, I just kind of hope she'd get over it. Anyways, She's been stalking me and Everyone else. From the lunchroom, peeking from a distance when we leave our class. Sura has gotten quite paranoid about it, but Griffin seemed to have taken it to being a celebrity in the school. I'm not sure what Amelia does after school or before, but if it includes stalking me, I'll probably have to smack her or something.

I was walking out of the school and Tera was waiting for me for reasons I already knew, she wanted to visit kale. Actually. I think today kale wanted Lilith to take a day off of training, probably why Tera wanted to visit.

"Well, it took you long enough." She said, a smile broke on her face. "Did anyone try stopping you?"

"No, no one's been bothering me." I said, walking by her to open the doors. "I'm assuming you want to meet kale?"

"Oh yes, I have something I want to speak to him about. You know…Grown up things." Tera followed in suit behind me. "Then again, surely you know about grown up things."

"Beg pardon?" I cautiously said. I feel like I know where this is going…

"What? You haven't done anything with Lilith? Erm…Perhaps you two are too young."

"Are you crazy?! No!" I turned around to face her as we entered the front entrance area, my face burning red. "We only held hands!"

"Oh, Fufu…Quite aggressive when you said that. Don't tell me you think of those things." Tera leaned in closer to me, her chest out more to be more revealing. "I won't tell kale or Lilith about it if you do say."

Red flag! Major red flag! I instinctively stepped back, my face even more flustered. Oh no, was she going to ask Kale for some bedtime action? No, I don't wanna go to sleep hearing all that!

"I-I don't want to say anything to a horny lady!" And I quickly ran off to the front gate, hearing Tera gasp at that. It was either More of that teasing or I ran home.

"Get back here! I was only kidding!" Tera then ran for me, gaining up on me. For a woman who wears heels, she is strangely fast.

"Urgh!" I choked as she grabbed the end of my cloak. I barely left the front gate with the guards looking at me before she did that.

Alex The guard watched in interest as Tera dragged me to her, a frown on her face as she grabbed my arms.

"Who the hell did you call horny?!" Tera said in a cold tone. "And how the hell do you know about that word?"

"Uhhh…err kale! I heard Kale say that about you!" A blatant lie to save myself. Though to be honest, I have heard Kale mutter some curse words before. I learned how to say this word from Griffin, but I didn't want him to get annihilated.

I saw Steam come from Teras nose as she furiously picked me up, putting me under arms. My face cushioned very nicely against her breast.

"Alright, I guess I have to have an extra chat with him then…" and Tera aggressively started walking with me in her arms.

I overheard Alex as we left. "Have a good evening, Ms. sereal. Good evening, Kota."

The motion of her walking made her breast continuously smack my face, Tera was still angrily steaming the air around her.

Making our way to Kale's house, Tera rambled on about Kale and taking care of kids. Her anger slowly faded as we finally reached his house. She finally let me go, plopping me beside her as she brushed her under arm.

"Try to stay still when under my arm, your movement makes my breast itch." Tera Said in a monotone.

"I couldn't breathe while under those giant mounds!" I angrily said. That only made Tera chuckle as she walked towards the gate.

"Fufu, my sweet apprentice thinks these are large? Didn't think you'd say it like that." Tera went to open the gate, only to notice it was already slightly open. "Hm? Seems like someone is already here…"

I asked beside her and looked. Usually the Gate is closed, even when Kale or Lilith are in the house. Perhaps they forgot to close it on their way back from…No they didn't even leave for training.

"Perhaps King Lucian is paying a visit. It's a rare occasion. but given what's been said about the north gate, I'm sure he'd want to know if Kale found anything." Tera muttered, there was distaste when she spoke King Lucian's name.

We both headed closer to the house, closing in on the door when we heard some laughter above us. It was coming from my room.

"Hmm…perhaps this is something else." Tera thought for a moment and grinned. "Maybe Lilith found a plaything."

"Get your head out the gutter." I said coldly, brushing past her as she laughed. I turned the door knob on the door and swung it open.

"It's all a possibility!"

"No, she isn't with anyone. Anyone who is would be blasted by me or Kale."

As I entered the house, I noticed that no one was in the Living room. The faint smell of the stove in the kitchen made me sure that kale was still here. Unless Lilith started to learn how to cook, I feel I would be more worried about that…

"Kota, go ahead and check upstairs. I'm sure you're curious about what's going on up there? I'll stay down here and check the kitchen." Tera smoothly walked past me and made her way to the kitchen. She didn't really leave me any real options, so I headed upstairs.

I'm not sure why, but what she said was starting to make me nervous. What if I opened the door and some other boy was mouthing Lilith? How would I react? Well first, I'd probably kill him. That's a very alarming thing to do at first notice. Actually the thought of that is making me concerned for myself…

As I headed up the stairs, the more thoughts that kept flooding my mind. All of it sent a bad signal to me of what was on the other side of that door. Like come on…it's not like Lilith could easily talk with others.

"Then it was Boom! And he made a big fire thingy! It scared the hell out of me!" I heard a voice past the door that was in front of me now. My door.

Ok…what do we assume here? It's obviously someone. Not someone we know, though it's somewhat familiar to me. I swear I heard Lilith laughing when we came in…which means…

I felt myself turn inside out as the thoughts flooded in. Then I screamed. "Aaaah, no one is taking my Lilith!" I roared as I Turned the door knob aggressively. The door swung open as I stormed in, tripping on the way in before I stood back to look for the intruder who was going to take my Lilith. "Alright, Hands off! Before I bl-Huh?"

As I observed the room, I saw Lilith. She looked at me with wide eyes and confusion. She was also on the bed with someone else. Also…was she wearing makeup?

My eyes then slowly locked eyes with someone else. It wasn't a boy, which I was slightly relieved of. But that relief seemingly turned worse as I realized it was Amelia who was also on the bed, staring back at me with a cold glare. she wore her white dress that she wore when we dueled. There was an awkward moment of silence between all of us. Lilith looked back between me and Amelia in confusion.

"You!" Me and Amelia sputtered out at each other in utter belief. Amelia quickly grabbed a pillow off the bed and yeeted it at me, hitting me dead on the face.

"Intruder!" She yelled, I don't even think she knows I live here?

Also, I should consider asking Kale for some new pillow because these pillows were hard as fuck, and heavy. The pillow put me in a daze, disorienting me.

"Winds become mine, allow me to use nature itself to blast those away! Wind shot!" I heard Amelia say.

"No, Amelia, don't! That's K-." That's all I heard before the blast of air smashed right into my stomach, sending me sprawling on the ground. It felt like a punch to the gut and it left me gasping for air. I heard someone stepping next to me. looking up, I saw Lilith crouching next to me, putting a palm to my head for some reason.

"Amelia, Stop! This is Kota!" Lilith held a hand up as she said that.

"What do you mean? This is the guy I was talking about! He humiliated me at the school!" Amelia frantically said. "You live with this brat?! That is absurd!"

Lilith looked down at me in confusion. "Did you actually humiliate her in a duel?" She asked me, a frown forming on her face.

"Er…If I was being honest, are you going to hit me?" I cautiously asked. Not sure I like seeing Lilith with a frown. Also her punches hurt like hell, so maybe answering incorrectly would make me sleep awkward for the rest of the night. Not something I'd like.

Lilith brows furrowed when I said that, before holding an open palm at me. "Maybe."

"Ah, well…She started it." I pointed at Amelia quickly, it was an honest answer.

"Gah! I wanted my vengeance!" I heard Amelia say. "And then he decided to beat those boys!"

"Worst excuse ever, she started it for no reason!" I countered. "Should be glad I got angry at them for touching a friend of mine!"

Lilith stopped me from continuing by cupping my cheeks, which I complied to. She started to assess what was happening and hummed for a moment.

"Hmm…So Kota didn't do anything wrong then?" She finally said.

"What?! Of course he did! He humiliated me! A noble!" Amelia stood up on the bed. "I was supposed to beat those guys! Me!"

"I think you should be glad that he beat them. If not, would you have actually beaten them?"

"Uh…yes…maybe…" Amelia's anger faded as she got more quiet, looking down as she tapped her fingers together. "A one on three battle is not a challenge for me…"

Lilith gave her a doubtful look. "You only know one type of element, right? Kota knows most of the elements and he's ranked intermediate in two of them. I'm not…sure you are on his level…" she tried to say it in the most sincere tone. "I think…you should be glad that someone decided to help, even if it wasn't for you."

"Yeah, what she sa-mmpphh!" Lilith covered my mouth with her hand. Her hands were soft to the touch.

Amelia looked at me, her hand covering her mouth as she thought. I mean, is it that hard to understand that I meant no harm at all? I'm sure she's seeing that all right now. Hmm…maybe I should've explained my side even more. The Girl seems to really like holding grudges as well.

"Hmph, alright. I suppose I was too harsh on first reactions." Amelia sat down on the bed again. "I was just upset that someone managed to do what I wanted to do…especially by someone younger than me!" She pointed a finger at me, though she lowered it and sighed. "If what you said was right. Then I apologize."

Wait, did this girl not hear the whole story then? I mean there's a good chance that the story was fumbled around and my motives in that story changed…I'm starting to think she really did get the wrong ideas about me.

"But I want you to apologize as well." She said, her cheeks flushing. Her arms laced over her legs now.

I stared at her in confusion for a moment, unsure of what she meant. Lilith removed her hand from my mouth, looking at it with interest for some odd reason.

"Apologize for what?" I asked.

Amelia gritted her teeth and clutched her legs tighter. "For staring at me when I was up in the air, you pervert!"

"Huh?" Lilith then Clutched my shoulders rather tightly. "Huh??"

When did I do this? I don't even recall…wait, perhaps I did when I launched her…Oh.

"There…seems to be a misunderstanding heraaaggh!" The grips on my shoulder grew tighter, it felt like I had an animal clawing at them. "Lilith, relax!"

Then Lilith leaned in next to me, her face only a few centimeters away from mine. The tense vibe she was giving me somewhat reminded me of Synthia whenever Geralt dealt with other girls.

"You did what? What'd you see?" She said that in such a sultry tone, it made me think it was Tera who said that. Was she jealous? Peering to my left, I noticed that even her left eye was glowing red. I feel like I've somehow trotted into the badlands or something.

Amelia watched in amusement as I tried to pry myself out of her Liliths grip, but she held me in that one spot while leaning even closer to me. Her face was now brushing against mine. I'm getting serious Synthia vibes from her right now!

"After what we did? You let your eyes lay on someone else…" she whispered, her hands slowly drifting around my neck.

"Ahaha….Your getting the wrong ideas, don't wring my neck." I started to sweat as I realized maybe…just maybe she might've Seen how synthia reacts and decided it would work for her.

"What is up with you too?" Amelia finally spoke, she had a grin on her face. "There's like…a Boyfriend-Girlfriend thing going on?"

Just as Liliths hands got around my neck, she immediately pulled off. Backing away from me and looking at her hands, her eyes reverting to their normal amber color. "Nothing! Just two friends…two friends…Sorry, Kota." She said my name in a tone that made me sure that she wasn't sorry. But I nodded to survive. Though to be honest, it was quite hot what she did.

Amelia watched, humored by her words. She laid down on the bed, kicking her feet in the air. "Anyways, I want to hear Kota's apology. Go on." She looked at me, anticipating one.

"Alright, fine. Here's your apology. I'm sorry that I looked up while I launched you with an earth spell. I find it weird that you wear a dress when fighting. But, I shouldn't judge people like that. So I'm sorry for…" I gave a quick glance at Lilith, her eyes staring back at me. "…looking at your panties." Lilith's eyes then darted down to her hands, Twiddling her thumbs together. There was an off putting aura coming from her.

"HmmHmm…" Amelia hummed, she was thinking about my response. "I'll accept the apology, but only because of Lilith!"

Ok, cool. We made up, though the events that led up to it were somewhat strange. I find it odd that somehow these two managed to find each other. Maybe Arael knows something about this? Ah, there more I think about it…There really isn't much she's been telling me. That goddess really is hiding things under her sleeves. I hate it.

"Oookay! Back to my last topic! Before Kota barged in…" Amelia then turned her head to Lilith. It seemed like the two had forgotten I was there as they continued to talk with each other. I ended up just laying on the floor of the room until I heard the Door creak open.

"Yoo…Is everyone in here?" Kale said, poking his head in. I noticed Tera behind him, peeking in as well before shoving him in.

"Kale, no need to poke around in your own home. They aren't doing anything bad." Tera then looked at me on the ground. "Unless…you two did something to him. Anyways, Good Evening, Ms.Mallory." Tera gave Amelia a small wave.

Kale brushed himself off from the shove, looking at us all. "So, all of you getting along? Friendly? Enemies? I heard Kota yell about something, you girls didn't…try to kill, right?"

"Nope!" Lilith answered immediately. "Kota just fell, nothing else."

Kale studied for a bit, and looked at me. Then he made a pretty quick conclusion on what really happened. "…You're being weird, something happened. And I feel Kota won't say anything. Uh…"he pointed a finger at Amelia. "…you? What did Lilith do?"

"She almost crushed his shoulder."

"Over what?" Kale said confusingly.

"Oh, I see." Tera said, she leaned into Kale and whispered something in his ear. A few moments passed before Kale began to laugh. "It's very easy to see, look at Lilith again."

"Haha! You know what? I see it now, haha." Kale examined Lilith again, grinning.

"What?" She asked.

"Haha…jealous, aren't you?"

"Huh?! Uh…no! Not jealous, just…Kota looked at some girls' panties…"

Kale then started choking on air, then proceeded to laugh loudly at her answer. "Hahahaha! Y-you…huh?" He turned to me. "Really?! Like for real?!"

Not really sure how to answer that, I nodded.

"Ohohoho! This is wonderful! Are you hearing this, Tera?"

Tera rolled her eyes at Kale's question. "I heard it…Though I'm pretty sure Kota wouldn't do it on purpose."

"Hold on, I gotta hear this in whole!" Kale then sat down next to me. "Now tell me Kota, how'd this happen?"

So I began to tell how I fought with Amelia, Every now and then, he'd snicker. It was when I got to explaining how I looked up that he laughed crazily. I made sure to leave out some details like how I shook Amelia's hand for a very long time. Not sure how Lilith would take that

"Haha! Ok, kota. So it was a mistake! But it's still funny!" Kale laughed.

"Ok, enough with the laughing. Assuming any of us have a bedtime, I believe it's time for the guest to leave." Tera looked at Amelia. "It's somewhat late, so I'd recommend leaving now. Hopefully you had fun here, Amelia."

Amelia's eyes glowed when she was spoken to. "I did! Lilith is fun to be around with. And Kota…well it was fun to see him apologize to me!" Amelia hopped off the bed, walking past me. "I left my stuff downstairs. Anyways, it was fun hanging with you, lilith!"

Lilith gave Amelia a wave, saying her goodbyes. And Amelia set off out the front door. I could hear the downstairs door close indicating she left.

"Ok…Fun gal. Though she made a ruckus in my class…" Tera then looked at Lilith. "Are you upset at Kota?"

Lilith paused for a moment, adjusting her position on the floor. Her legs criss cross now. "Wouldn't say i'm upset…first thoughts actually made me activate my Dragon eye…"

"Angry that you weren't his first?" Tera grinned when she said that.

"W-what? No! I-I…" Lilith turned red at that, flustered and waved her hands around before lowering her head.

"Hm, I was just teasing. Hopefully the two of you figure things out. Gotta start things young for it to blossom later." Tera then looked at Kale. "Well, I already finished up what I came here for. It was a nice chit chat with you."

"You come to my house to ask me about taking you shopping…" Kale raised an eyebrow. "You said it was serious."

"Of course it is, it's for the festival. And I'm getting you something to wear as well." Tera put her hands on her waist. "I'm going to make you look cute."

"Gross, don't use that word on me." Kale then stood up. "And I'm only doing this because you said you'd want to go fishing with me."

"Ugh…Whenever you get the time for that, I'll surely come. Just don't expect me to do anything. Plus, why do you even want me to come?" Tera asked quizzically.

What? Kale wants to fish? That's the first time I heard that? Then again, I don't really know what he does outside of training.

Kale hesitated to answer the question, only staring at her before finally answering. "Fishing with friends is better than fishing alone."

Tera rolled her eyes and sighed. "Ugh…alright, I'm off then. I need to head home and work on some festival things." She then walked towards the door. "Toodaloo, Kids!" She waved at me and Lilith before vanishing out the door.

Kale folded his arms, staring at where tera used to be. "Mmm…Fishing with Tera."

"Is that like a…Date for you?" I asked.

"No. no, I'm bringing you guys too. It'd be too weird." He said nonchalantly.

"We get to fish too?" Lilith chirped in. A hint of interest in her voices

"Uh, yeah. You get to dwell into what is my passion…Besides swords."

I gave him a confused look. "When did you get into fishing?"

"As a kid. I used to head out to a lake and just fish with my father. Ah, good times." Kale reminisced. "Thought it'd be nice for us to connect somehow. Since…we all live together now."

"Ooh, yeah! I'd like that!" Lilith cheerfully said.

I nodded in agreement. I wasn't really much of a fish person, but if it meant relaxing and enjoying life. This whole month or so has been somewhat chaotic.

Kale clapped his hands, rubbing them in excitement. "Perfect! Everyone is in!" He then looked out the window, squinting. "Wow, Tera was right. It is getting late. after today, we'll return to training again, Lilith."

Kale began to yawn, heading out of the door. "Alright, I'm heading out. Don't make too much of a ruckus." As he held the door, he looked specifically at Lilith. "And you…Don't kill Kota. I mean like don't hurt him or anything, just…Yeah." And he slowly closed the door, until only his eye was visible before he shut the door.

There was an awkward pause now. It felt like the aura of the room had instantly changed. Something was mad…Actually someone was mad. I didn't want to look, but my eyes quickly glanced next to me. Lilith was sitting, staring right at me. A frown written on her face with her arms folded.

"So…I'm still mad at you." She said in a monotone voice. Somehow that made me sweat profusely. "Even if it was accidental, I can't believe that happened." There was a shuffling noise she made as my eyes averted elsewhere. I didn't really wanna make eye contact right now as I felt somewhat…scared.

"Kota, are you listening?" Her voice is closer. I immediately froze up at her voice, the shivers rippling down my spine. It reminded me even more of Synthia's yandere-esque voice.

I braced myself and spoke, my voice sounded more high pitched and usual. "Y-yeah…just that you're scaring me…a lot."

"I'll give you five seconds."

"Huh?" I turned to face her. She wasn't that close to me, but it was still scary to look at her Angry face. It looked like she was pouting, with her arms folded still and her Left eye glowing. "W-what do you mean?"

"Apologize for looking at someone else." She said instantly, her face turned slightly red as she puffed her chest out. "Or you sleep where you are now." Her saying that made my heart jump for some reason.

I didn't know how to approach this, the aura she was emanating felt like a raging fire. Even with her facial expression, I could tell that she seemed really hurt by what I did. I found myself remembering what Gerald would do when he upset Synthia.

I got on all fours and lowered my head down towards Lilith. My legs closed and my arms out. it eerily reminded me of those Japanese Bowings. Then I spoke in a Quivering voice "I'm sorry, Forgive me."

The silence went by. Did it work? Usually synthia would squeal whenever Gerald did this. It was like her weakness for something. Was I doing something wrong?

"L-Lilith?" I said while slowly looking up. What I saw took me by surprise. Lilith's left eye glowed even more, Her cheeks flushed and her eyes glittered. Her hands were over her mouth, it seemed like she was trying to stop herself from saying anything.

"I-I…" she tried to sputter out. She seemed like she was extremely embarrassed by what I did. To be fair, I would be too. "Y-you! Idiot! Grr, you aren't supposed to be this cute!"

"I-what?" I blurted out. What'd she say?

Lilith thought I was being cute? What the hell?

"Stop it! I'm supposed to be angry at you! I was gonna say you were mine! I-Ah!" She stopped herself from saying anymore, realizing she might've said too much.

I was too stunned. No…I was too flustered at what she said. I got off all fours till I was only using my knees. Just looking at her.

"Are you…being serious?" I asked.

"I…Grrr, listen!" Lilith then grabbed me, holding my shoulder as she grew closer to me. "You are mine!"

"I-is this one of Tera's charms on you?" She's used that once before to mess with us, perhaps she's using it here? Or maybe I'm just too oblivious to things? "You don't usually act like this!"

"I don't!" Lilith said. There was some genuine confusion in that. "I-I don't know why I'm doing this? It feels like someone else is here with me!"


Suddenly, a crash was heard outside. Something in the front yard. Ripping myself from Lilith's grasp, I ran to the window to see what the hell was happening. Casting a fire spell, I illuminated the front yard as the fire brightened the area. I spotted nothing at first until I saw movement by the gate, a cloaked figure hastily making their way out.

"Hey!" I yelled, who the hell was this? Did someone have a vendetta on kale or something? Not sure who it was, but I'm pretty sure I have the higher ground here…

The figure stopped for a moment, looking back at me. An owl mask covering their face. From my view, I thought it was a girl. They had a feminine figure to them, but who knows. The figure stood for a brief moment before dashing off. It seems they broke a loose pot that was out on the yard, hopefully kale won't be mad.

I didn't want to risk going outside alone, Lilith was out of it and I'm pretty sure Kale was already asleep. I wasn't even sure if the noise woke him up considering how loud me and Lilith are. I'd have to let this one slide and hope that the next time we get them.

"Ok…uh, someone was outside." I said turning back inside.

"Someone?! W-who?" Lilith asked scarily.

"I don't know, they had an owl mask on them though…" I feel like I've seen that before. When was it? Like a couple weeks ago?

"Owl mask?…Oh! I saw someone like that before!" Lilith smacked her right palm with her fist. "When I went to help Amelia! There was a girl!"

Bingo. That refreshed my memories. I remember leaving school some time a couple weeks ago and passing by someone. Was she…was she targeting us?

"Strange…we both saw this lady." Seeing Lilith look somewhat scared than from…whatever she was before made me also remember. " oh, are you…normal?"

Lilith looked at her hands and gave me a puzzled look before realizing what I meant. "Oh, y-yeah…" her eyes reverted to their normal amber color.

"Does your head hurt? Any headaches?"

"No…This felt different. Like someone else was here with me…"

"Not…angry?" I asked.

Lilith frowned when I said that, she got up from her sitting position and folded her arms. "No. Not angry." She tilted her head as she looked at me. "Do you…want me to be? You seemed somewhat flustered when I was…"

To be honest, kinda? I don't know what triggered it, but it was somewhat hot. Seeing a very aggressive Lilith really changes someone. But, I didn't want to show that to her. This will be my secret until then.

"No. No….no. It was frightening."

"Oh…Well I'm sorry about that." Lilith averted her eyes from me, scratching her head awkwardly.

"It's alright. Just…know that I wouldn't want to make you angry. Ever." I walked to bed as I said that. "Here, we'll talk about this in the morning with kale. Let's just…get to bed. I'm allowed on the bed, right?" I asked as I lifted the blanket.

"Y-yeah…wouldn't want you sleeping on the floor…" She moved to her side of the bed and moved under the blankets.

Before I got into bed, I Extinguished the candles in our room. As I got into my side of the bed, she scooted closer to me. Her back touched my right arm.

It was quiet in the room.with not much to say to Lilith, I started to think about what could've happened to Lilith. Was it mind control? Does that even exist here in this world? I'm starting to think there's possibly some forbidden form of magic that I haven't seen yet. Or maybe perhaps Liliths dragon side is coming out? No…that sounds stupid. Wait, maybe not. Do…do dragons mate at early ages?

I peered over at Lilith who was also awake, seemingly lost in her own thoughts as well. It'd be dumb to ask her…maybe sura would know? She reads a lot, maybe she stumbled upon a book about the dragon races.

Lilith then turned towards me in the bed, facing me. Even in the night, her amber eyes glowed. Her face held a serious expression. "I meant what I said." She said seriously.

I turned to face her as well, confused. "What do you mean?"

"That your mine."

"Oh." I felt my heart skip a beat when she said that. Even if she said it already, it was nerve wracking hearing someone say that. Aren't we a bit young to say that? I'm six and she's also six.

"I-." Her finger was pressed against my lip before I could say anything. It was soft and warm before she slowly removed her finger.

"No one else can have you. And when we get older…after we fulfill my goal of killing my father, I'll stay with you." She whispered, she then gripped my hand.

"Ah-o-okay…I guess you're confessing now?" This was reminding me of when I just blurted out what I was thinking when I thought she was asleep. How I wanted to fulfill her promise.

"I guess so…" Lilith still held onto my hand. In fact, she held my hand in a firm yet gentle way.

"Your hand is warm…"

"Don't say stupid stuff like that." She said, blushing. "…idiot."


I kept on looking at her, her silver hair dangled over her face. The pink ends are slightly visible from the moon's light. The only thing that was really noticeable was her eyes. It was like she had cat eyes or something as they had a slight faint glow to them. And her lips looked soft and cute. I must've been staring for quite a while as Lilith covered her mouth with the blanket.

"You're weirding me out. What's with the look?" She asked.

"Uh…" How do I answer this? I guess, honestly. "I was…entranced. Besides the swordsman skills, you look cute."

"Hmm…" she lowered her head deeper into her blanket, blocking her face from me. I might've just embarrassed her.

So I decided to just try and fall asleep, still holding her hand. It was important to sleep…it made me comfy. I closed my eyes, waiting for my body to just sleep before I felt another peck on my cheek. This time, I still felt it.

I opened my eyes to see Lilith kissing my cheek before she backed off slightly, closer to me than before.

"That's my response to that." She smiled warmly.

God, she so damn cute! How?!

"Do I give one back?" I asked, hopefully.

"No. That'll happen when it is right. This was just to make you sleep."

"Ah…Then goodnight, Lilith." We both stared at each other, our hands still holding each other's. Lilith got her other hand and gripped both her hands on my hand.

"Goodnight, kota."

And within seconds, we both fell asleep. A warmth basking within me and in my hand.

A/N: Happy Memorial Day!(Or happy Monday!) This is the second longest chapter I've made! Unfortunately for it huge size, This may be the only chapter to upload this week since I'm still writing the next chapter currently. So hopefully this large chapter will suffice for this week. There was a lot of emphasis on Character development between Lilith and Kota. With some for Amelia as well. Hope you enjoy this Chapter!