

“Prepare to be transported to an extraordinary world in ‘Voyage Through Celestial Seas: Chronicles of Azur Lane.’ In this captivating tale, a chance encounter with an unknown deity thrusts a person from Earth Dimension #### into the enchanting realm of Azur Lane, where warships metamorphose into captivating shipgirls. Journey alongside our protagonist as alliances are formed and charismatic shipgirls become trusted companions. But beneath the surface of camaraderie, hidden motives emerge. Some seek to exploit the realm’s unique power, while others stand as stalwart defenders of its essence. As destinies intertwine and unexpected alliances are forged, a delicate balance is struck between friendship and treachery. The narrative unfolds with a thrilling blend of adventure, intrigue, and the constant tension between loyalty and ambition. ‘Voyage Through Celestial Seas’ is an epic saga that spans multiple worlds, offering readers a spellbinding experience that will leave them eagerly turning each page.”

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3 Chs

S1 Chapter 3: Historical Figures Meet-Up

(Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean)

On Monday Noon in the 1st Week of January 19##, Nebulon is kind of trouble because he summons the souls of most of the historical figures of his world, he tried to think many possibilities, what will happen if they met different timelines of the historical figures. And decided to place all of them in the Mess Hall/Gallery, he activated the CCTV to check their status...

(2 hours ago, when Captain Nebulon move them to the Mess Hall/Gallery and that time he was in deep thought about some possibilities...)

Captain Nebulon Scaleheart decorated the inside of the Battleship with famous historical artifacts and the historical figures of their painting, because of that the Historical Figures of the World was Happy and Surprised of their past and history, but some were unhappy especially despite they are considered a Historical Figure.

Captain Nebulon has no other choice, because they have much abilities and talents of themselves, technically he used his magic called "Restrain" because they is a certain Historical Figure that is currently on Berserk Mode, he is also known as the German Politician and Leader of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler...

Captain Nebulon decided to let them have a conversation and meeting about themselves, so it has started...

(Museum inside the Battleship --- History of France Section)

(Jeanne D'Arc and Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte Conversation)

The History of France Section inside the grand battleship, elegantly decorated with historical artifacts and paintings. A soft ambiance fills the air as figures from different eras gather to converse. Jeanne D'Arc stands beside a painting of her on a white steed, gazing at it with a mix of awe and contemplation. Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte approaches her.

Jeanne D'Arc: (admiring the painting) It's strange, isn't it? To see oneself portrayed in art. It captures the essence of a moment, frozen in time.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte: (smiles) Indeed, my dear Jeanne. The art of our time and beyond immortalizes us, ensuring that our stories are told for generations to come.

Jeanne D'Arc: (turns to Napoleon) And what stories they are, Napoleon. Your conquests reshaped the map of Europe, and your legacy still echoes in the principles of modern governance.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte: (bows slightly) As does your story, Jeanne. Your unwavering faith and courage inspired a nation to rise against its oppressors. A true heroine of history.

Jeanne D'Arc: (blushing) Oh, I hardly consider myself a heroine. I was merely a vessel for divine purpose, fighting for what I believed to be just.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte: (chuckles) Modesty in the face of greatness, as always. But tell me, have you found peace in the realms beyond? Do you watch over France as an eternal guardian?

Jeanne D'Arc: (gazes into the distance) I believe I have found solace in the afterlife, Napoleon. And yes, I watch over France, as well as anyone in need of hope and strength. But I see you found your own path to redemption in the end.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte: (reflective) Indeed, the challenges of my mortal life led me to seek understanding and growth. Power is a double-edged sword, and one must wield it wisely.

Jeanne D'Arc: (nods) Our paths may have diverged in life, but it seems we share a common understanding now. We both strived to make a mark on history, to shape our worlds according to our visions.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte: (smiles warmly) And what visions those were! But tell me, Jeanne, in this gathering of resurrected souls, who else have you found camaraderie with?

Jeanne D'Arc: (gestures around) I've spoken with Joan of Arc and Gandhi, and even debated with Socrates. The diversity of thought and experience is astonishing.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte: (chuckles) Socrates must have been quite the interlocutor. And what of Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great?

Jeanne D'Arc: (grins) Ah, they're engaged in a friendly game of strategy over there. It seems old rivalries die hard.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte: (laughs) Some things never change, it seems. Well, my dear Jeanne, though our paths never crossed in the mortal realm, I'm glad we have this chance to converse now.

Jeanne D'Arc: (extends her hand) As am I, Napoleon. Let's find common ground in our shared existence, and perhaps, guide the aspirations of those who remember us.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte: (shakes her hand) Agreed. To influencing the currents of history, even from beyond the veil.

Jeanne D'Arc: (smiles) To shaping destinies, then.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte: (raises an imaginary toast) Indeed, my comrade.

They continue to engage in conversation, sharing stories, insights, and laughter as the ambiance of the battleship gallery envelops them, bringing together figures from history in a unique camaraderie.

(Museum inside the Battleship --- History of WW1 & 2 Section)

(Historical Figures of WW1 and WW2 Conversations)

Woodrow Wilson: (with a smile) Ladies and gentlemen, leaders and legends, here we are, a gathering across time and history. Our nations, once divided by conflict, now united in this extraordinary assembly.

David Lloyd George: (chuckles) Quite the reunion, isn't it? Who would've thought we'd be sharing stories on a battleship gallery?

Georges Clemenceau: (playfully) Ah, but here we are, Clemenceau, Lloyd George, and Wilson, together once more! And might I add, looking much better than the last time we met.

John J. Pershing: (grinning) You all do seem to have aged well. I must say, it's an honor to meet the legends in person.

Winston Churchill: (raising his glass) To camaraderie that transcends time! I never thought I'd find myself clinking glasses with you all again.

Franklin D. Roosevelt: (with a chuckle) Roosevelt here. I've been hearing stories about each of you my whole life. Quite surreal to finally meet face to face.

Charles de Gaulle: (nodding) Indeed, a gathering of the ages. We have a unique chance to reshape the course of history, and this time, perhaps, in a more amicable direction.

Dwight D. Eisenhower: (smirking) We've got quite the task ahead of us, bringing folks from different eras together like this.

Emperor Hirohito: (smiling gently) It's a testament to the power of history, binding us all in a common narrative.

Benito Mussolini: (raising an eyebrow) A narrative that can indeed take unexpected turns. But let's not dwell on the past. How about we forge an alliance of friends, rather than adversaries?

Hideki Tojo: (nodding in agreement) I second that. Let us learn from our mistakes and ensure a brighter future.

Erwin Rommel: (leaning in with a grin) Can you imagine the stories we'll have for those who come after us? The time I met Napoleon on a battleship...

Kaiser Wilhelm II: (chuckling) Or the time we had Churchill and de Gaulle cracking jokes with Clemenceau.

Franz Joseph I: (with a twinkle in his eye) And let's not forget that time when we were all on the same side—sharing laughs instead of conflict.

Enver Pasha: (raising his glass) To a future where nations work together not to conquer, but to uplift.

Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg: (with a hearty laugh) I must admit, this beats being stuck in the trenches.

Field Marshal Erich Ludendorff: (smirking) And here I thought I'd be strategizing battles, not discussing alliances with the enemy.

Woodrow Wilson: (raising his glass high) To a friendship that defies the boundaries of time and history. May we find the wisdom to create a world our descendants will be proud of.

(Amidst laughter, jests, and heartfelt toasts, these figures from the past embrace a newfound camaraderie, bridging the gaps between eras and forging an alliance that is as much about friendship as it is about securing a better future.)

(Museum inside the Battleship --- History of European Wars Section)

(Historical Figures of WW1 and WW2 Conversations)

Napoleon Bonaparte: (with a hearty laugh) Well, well, well, if it isn't my old adversary, the Duke of Wellington! How's life treating you?

Duke of Wellington: (smirking) Better than you, I daresay. But it's good to see you in good spirits, Napoleon.

Otto von Bismarck: (raising a glass) Gentlemen, gentlemen, let's not let old rivalries cloud our enjoyment. Shall we toast to a unique gathering?

Catherine the Great: (with a playful smile) Bismarck, you always know how to steer the conversation in a more agreeable direction.

Admiral Lord Nelson: (raising his glass) Aye, let's raise a toast to camaraderie and to leaving the battles on the seas where they belong.

Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov: (nodding) Agreed. The only battles we should be fighting now are those over who tells the best stories.

King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden: (chuckles) Stories of valor and intrigue, I hope. Just like the ones we've all been part of.

Charles XII of Sweden: (raising his glass) To tales that grow grander with each retelling!

Duke of Marlborough: (laughing) Quite right, Charles. And to the friendships forged over time and history.

Prince Eugene of Savoy: (grinning) Friends indeed. Who'd have thought that a prince and a duke would end up in such good company?

Joan of Arc: (with a warm smile) It's a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, isn't it? To find common ground among different eras.

Oliver Cromwell: (nodding) Cromwell here, and I have to say, I never imagined discussing matters over drinks with such a diverse group.

Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden: (raising an eyebrow playfully) Just remember, Cromwell, no overthrowing governments at this gathering.

Louis XIV: (with a flourish) Ah, but what's a gathering without a little intrigue? Louis XIV here, delighted to be part of this tableau.

Prince Rupert of the Rhine: (chuckles) Rupert reporting in, ready to exchange tales and laughter instead of cannon fire.

Ferdinand II: (with a smile) Ferdinand II, pleased to be in the company of those who share the quirks and challenges of leadership.

Maurice of Nassau: (clinking glasses) Nassau, at your service. Let's savor this moment as we would a fine victory.

Albrecht von Wallenstein: (raising his glass) Wallenstein here, raising a glass to good company and new beginnings.

Duke of Alba: (nodding in agreement) Let's make this a meeting of minds, not of armies.

Marshal Ney: (grinning) Ney, ready to trade battlefield strategies for stories of valor and camaraderie.

Queen Elizabeth I: (with a regal nod) And I, Queen Elizabeth I, join this merry gathering with a heart full of curiosity and companionship.

(As laughter and anecdotes fill the air, these historical figures from different times share in a lighthearted and friendly gathering, celebrating their shared humanity and enjoying the unique experience of being together across the ages.)

(Main Deck)

Captain Nebulon Scaleheart, was watching them from the CCTV, and he smiled that they are having fun, starting later Captain Nebulon Scaleheart will tell them about this world, after their fun time that they are currently doing now...

(To be continued...)