

“Prepare to be transported to an extraordinary world in ‘Voyage Through Celestial Seas: Chronicles of Azur Lane.’ In this captivating tale, a chance encounter with an unknown deity thrusts a person from Earth Dimension #### into the enchanting realm of Azur Lane, where warships metamorphose into captivating shipgirls. Journey alongside our protagonist as alliances are formed and charismatic shipgirls become trusted companions. But beneath the surface of camaraderie, hidden motives emerge. Some seek to exploit the realm’s unique power, while others stand as stalwart defenders of its essence. As destinies intertwine and unexpected alliances are forged, a delicate balance is struck between friendship and treachery. The narrative unfolds with a thrilling blend of adventure, intrigue, and the constant tension between loyalty and ambition. ‘Voyage Through Celestial Seas’ is an epic saga that spans multiple worlds, offering readers a spellbinding experience that will leave them eagerly turning each page.”

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S1 Chapter 2: Adventuring the Enchanted Realm of Azur Seas

(Somewhere in the Deserted Island of the Pacific Ocean)

On Monday Morning in the 1st Week of January 19##, Nebulon was thinking what he will do next, since he lacks information about the World of Azur Lane including the current information and geographic location in the World.

Nebulon: Okay, the first objective on what I will do now is to create a warship and sail the Enchanted Seas of Azur Realm. The second objective is to summon warship personnel's to operate the warship that is powered by combining Nuclear Energy and Magical Energy. Last objective, is to start exploring and adventuring the Azur Seas...

Nebulon started creating his dream warships using is skill called "Creation Magic" combining Technology and Magic will transform this into a powerful warship that will be impossible to defeat and destroy. Nebulon created and install different types of functions and abilities on the warship he is trying to create, he added Enhanced Weaponry, Protective Runes, Enchanted Countermeasures, Healing and Restorative Magic, Enhanced Projectiles, Elemental Attacks, Targeting and Tracking Enhancements, and Area Denial Spells.

Nebulon wanted his warships to be unique, because of the that he created his warship based on the fictional stories he read and watch many years ago.

(After few hours later...)

Nebulon has finished his unique warship, this is the results of his ideas and hard work he created:

Warship Information:

Battleship: Bayani-Class - Valor Sentinel

Durability: 50,000,000

Speed: 50 Knots (92.6 Kilometers Per Hour)

Maneuvering Ability: Sharp Turns, Evasive Spirals, and Precision Positioning

Radar Range: 300 nautical miles (555.6 Kilometers)

Sonar Range: 60 nautical miles (112.12 Kilometers)

Length: Approximately 1000 feet (304.8 Meters)

Width: Approximately 500 feet (152.4 Meters)

Estimated Displacement: Approximately 500,000 tons

Powered By: Advanced Nuclear Reactor Core, Magical Energy Crystals, Elemental Synergy, Ley Line Tapping, and Synergy of Science and Magic

Special Ability: Elemental Arsenal, Phase Shift Defense, Runic Shields, Spatial Manipulation, Adaptive Cloaking, Magitech Beams, Temporal Anomaly Projector, Magical Jamming, Elemental Aegis, and Reality Mirage

Estimated Crews: 30,000 Personnel's

Nebulon created something very unexpectedly powerful battleship that will be impossible to be defeated. Next, he created the weaponry of the battleships with combine of Advance Technology and Magical Powers to increase the overall performance of the weaponry...

(Another few hours later...)

Nebulon: It's already afternoon, since I was busy creating the weaponry of the battleship, in truth I don't feel hungry or tired and continue to work.

Nebulon has finished creating his weaponry on their designated position in the battleship, here are the results of what kind of weaponry I install them in the Battleship:

Battleship MagiTech Weaponry:

1. Advanced MagiTech Main Batteries

2. Advanced MagiTech Secondary Batteries

3. Advanced MagiTech Naval Guns

4. Advanced MagiTech Missile Systems

5. Advanced MagiTech Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWS)

6. Advanced MagiTech Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Capabilities

7. Advanced MagiTech Electronic Warfare Systems

8. Advanced MagiTech Network-Centric Warfare Integration

Nebulon has now finished created his most powerful and indestructable battleship he created. The last objectives is to use his skill called "Summoning Souls" to operate the battleship he created. Nebulon wanted to summon souls that has a heart and a mind not souless souls that commands everything I say.

So, Nebulon uses his skill called "Triadic Convergence Ritual" is a complex and rare form of magic that harmonizes three distinct magical disciplines: Life Creation, Soul Summoning, and Astral Infusion. This ritual is considered the pinnacle of magical mastery, capable of summoning a complete being with a body, heart, and mind. It's often reserved for legendary spellcasters or for dire circumstances that require the creation of a powerful entity. Nebulon started activating his skills...

(Another few hours later...)

Nebulon: Damn, it's already nighttime, though at least I was able to finish everything. A total of 30,000 crews/personnel's (Souls that has a body, mind, and a heart). Hmm... After this, I need to assign them to their respective areas and control, but that will be tomorrow.

Nebulon headed back to the wooden hut, where he sleeps the night... Those souls he created was place on the spatial world, to keep them safe. And Nebulon will pull them out tomorrow...

(Next Day)

On Tuesday Early Morning in the 1st Week of January 19##, Nebulon immediately went out to start the final objective he will be doing, but first he went to the sea and catch some fishes to eat for his breakfast. After eating the cooked fried fish, he immediately starts his final preparation.

Nebulon immediately uses his skill called "Spatial Space" to open the portal, where he place all the body of souls there. After pulling a total of 30,000 souls with a body, a mind, and a heart. He assigned all the souls in their designated area. Nebulon will not call them souls, but his newly comrades that will joined Nebulon on his Journey's, Adventures, and Discovery in the Enchanted Realm of Azur Seas.

Nebulon will now make his planning on the assign area, where his comrades will be put on...

(An Hour Later...)

After 1 hour of planning, Nebulon was able to finish dividing the crew of 30,000. He planned that the 15,000 crews/comrades will do the "Main Ship Operations" while the other 15,000 crews/comrades will do the "Weaponry and System Operations". Here is the list of the balances distributions that ensures efficient operation and maintenance:

Main Ship Operations (15,000 Crew Members):

1. Command and Leadership: 500

2. Engineering and Operations: 5,000

3. Logistics and Support: 2,500

4. Specialized Roles (Non-Weaponry): 500

5. Training and Redundancy: 1,500

6. Administration and Support: 1,000

7. Maintenance and Repair Crew (for ship systems): 4,000

Weaponry and Systems Operations (15,000 Crew Members):

1. Weapons Officers (all types of weaponry): 1,000

2. Tactical Team: 3,000

3. Maintenance and Repair Crew (for weaponry): 4,000

4. Electronic Warfare Specialists: 500

5. Magical Advisors (for weapon integration): 200

6. Anti-Magic Specialists (for countermeasures): 200

7. ASW Officers (for anti-submarine systems): 300

8. Network Specialists (for integration and coordination): 500

9. Communications Team (for weapon systems): 500

10. Support Personnel (for weapon-related tasks): 1,000

Nebulon: Okay, I have finish and this division allows for specialized expertise to be allocated to both the main ship operations and the advanced weaponry and systems. It also emphasizes the importance of coordination between these two key aspects of the battleship's function. (Talking to Himself)

After Nebulon assign his crews/comrades in their designated area. It's time to leave this island and head to the unknowns of the Enchanted Realm of Azur Seas.

(Few Hours Later of Preparation...)

After the long preparation, it's time to head out. With all preparations ready, Nebulon commanded Helmsman Benjamin Brown to get ready the positioning of the Battleship, Nebulon contacted CIC to tell the "Engine Room Crews" to start the Battleship Engine to start the acceleration of the Warship.

(CIC Officer to Engine Room)

CIC Officer: Engineering team, this is CIC. Prepare to start engines and bring propulsion systems online.

Engine Room Crew Lead: Roger that, CIC. Engine room, stand by to start engines. All crew members, prepare for engine start procedures.

Engine Room Crew Member 1: Engine room, acknowledged. All hands, stand by for engine start.

Engine Room Crew Member 2: All systems ready for engine start.

Engine Room Crew Lead: Initiate engine start sequence.

Engine Room Crew Member 3: Engaging starter motors. Engines primed and ready.

Engine Room Crew Lead: CIC, this is Engine Room. Engines are ready for startup.

CIC Officer: Engine room, proceed with engine startup sequence. Begin with Main Engine 1.

Engine Room Crew Lead: Understood. Initiating startup sequence for Main Engine 1.

[The sound of engines gradually coming to life is heard in the background.]

Engine Room Crew Member 1: Main Engine 1 is spooling up, all parameters within normal range.

Engine Room Crew Member 2: Main Engine 1 is online and stable.

Engine Room Crew Lead: CIC, Main Engine 1 is successfully started and running smoothly.

CIC Officer: Good job, Engine Room. Proceed with Main Engine 2 startup.

Engine Room Crew Lead: Copy that, CIC. Starting Main Engine 2.

[The sound of another engine starting is heard.]

Engine Room Crew Member 3: Main Engine 2 is coming online, all systems green.

Engine Room Crew Lead: CIC, Main Engine 2 is up and running.

CIC Officer: Excellent work, Engine Room. Both main engines are operational. Prepare for propulsion engagement and standby for further maneuvering orders.

Engine Room Crew Lead: Thank you, CIC. Engines are ready for propulsion engagement. Standby for orders.

[The engine room crews remain on standby, awaiting further instructions from the CIC and bridge.]

(CIC Officer to Captain Nebulon Scaleheart)

(Note: I will place historical figures on my fanfic, if you don't mind. They will serves as Nebulon's Comrades throughout the story. Thank you for your understanding.)

CIC Officer: Engine room, prepare for propulsion engagement. Nebulon Scaleheart, Captain of the Bayani-Class Valor Sentinel, here are your orders.

Captain Nebulon Scaleheart: [Standing on the bridge, addressing the crew] Comrades, our journey is about to commence. The engines roar to life, carrying the aspirations of history's legends. Together, we sail the waters of the Enchanted Realm of Azur Seas—a realm woven with echoes of valor and enigma.

Commander Horatio Nelson of Command and Leadership: Captain, the winds of adventure await.

Captain Nebulon Scaleheart: Indeed, Commander Nelson. With your guidance, the Valor Sentinel shall rise to face the unknown. We'll steer through the mysteries of this world with the spirit of those who charted uncharted waters before us.

Commander Joan of Arc of Training and Redundancy: Captain, we follow the light of purpose.

Captain Nebulon Scaleheart: Commander Joan, your faith fuels our resolve. We answer the call to illuminate the shadows of this realm.

Commander Karl Dönitz of ASW Officers (for anti-submarine systems): Captain, let us harness the silent power of the depths.

Captain Nebulon Scaleheart: Commander Dönitz, your tactics and strategies will be an important role in our journey's, not only you but everyone else here...

Captain Nebulon Scaleheart: [Facing forward] Comrades, as we sail, let history's whispers and our valor lead the way. Set course for the main base of the Eagle Union, where knowledge and alliances await. Let's embark on our journey of Azur Lane, to unravel mysteries and weave our own legends.

Lieutenant Commader Hyman G. Rickover: Aye, Captain, let innovation power our journey.

Lieutenant Louise Thuliez: Captain, I stand ready to navigate these new seas.

Lieutenant Commander Chester W. Nimitz: Aye, Captain, our determination will be our compass.

Lieutenat Commander Isoroku Yamamoto: Captain, let us sail with honor and strategy.

Lieutenant John Jellicoe: Captain, I pledge my experience to our mission.

Lieutenant Elmo Zumwalt: Captain, let's embrace innovation as we explore.

[As the crew members and naval historical figures pledge their resolve, the Bayani-Class Valor Sentinel surges forward, propelled by the fusion of magic and technology. The ship's bow slices through the waters, leaving ripples of history in its wake. The sun rises on a new chapter in the Enchanted Realm of Azur Seas, where Nebulon Scaleheart and his crew of historical souls chart a course into the unknown.]

(To be continue...)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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