
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
124 Chs

Episode 52- A Trip to the Adventures Guild.

"So, what should we do while we are out here? It's about three o'clock in the afternoon. We have a lot of time on our hands." Shito said, looking over at his family that was standing directly beside him.

He had teleported them to the middle of town, so lots of shops were around, varying from food to clothing stores. They had to have some fun before they decided to head back home so they could go to bed. The finals for the tournament were the next day, so they had to go ahead and have the fun they could because they wanted to be prepared for the fight. Shito had been waiting for a while to fight with Lucia, so he was ready, and sometimes he was thinking of increasing time to speed up the process, but he still had to spend some time with his family, so that really wasn't a possibility. He had the ability to rewind time and speed up time.

"We can go register to be adventures. After all, we get to travel the world sometimes and spend time in other cities with our daughters. Being in this city forever and not showing our daughters the things that the world has to offer can be considered a crime, so let's be adventures."

Becoming an adventurer wasn't a bad idea simply because there were the ages ten and up could become adventures. Since their daughters were eleven, they could become adventurers with them. The Adventures Guild doesn't discriminate against anyone, so if you are a strong person of any age, you are allowed to be an adventurer. Even if you were a weak person, you could become an adventurer, but you had to have a guardian with you so that nobody would die. They might let any age become an adventurer, but they didn't want any of their people to die.

But they would have to start off as low-ranking adventures because the guild doesn't just bump you up to A-rank. They had never done it before for even the most talented people because nobody was ever strong enough to hit the guild master. Word around the adventure guild was that if a person were able to hit the guild master, then they would be bumped up the ranks since nobody would be able to say anything about it because their strength would be absolute.

The strongest rank adventure in the kingdom of Telmauth was the Silver Swordsman, Pyros Navos.

Although he was the strongest in the adventure's guild, he was still below Sara Mahinu, the strongest mage in the world, but he was the strongest swordsman in the world. Thus, he was the complete opposite of Sara Mahinu because he represented the swordsmen, and she represented the mages.

In terms of swordsmanship, Sara was still above Pryros, and the gap was imaginable. The only reason he represented the mages was because she didn't want the swordsman title, and she had already had her mind set on forcing her brother to go to the magic academy that she was the principal of.

"Well, let's head to the adventures guild then," he said, looking at the building that was in front of his face. "It's a good thing that we teleported in near the adventures guild, and we won't have to do too much walking around to find it."

Illayaka and Illya smiled, "Let's hurry up and register to be adventures. I want to go on hunts with Mama and Papa. It sounds like it's going to be fun… even though the monsters are going to be weak." They said, running to the adventure's guild building.

Directly in front of them, approximately fifty paces away from them sat a big building that had a big sign that had the words 'adventures guild'. The words were big and bolded, so it wasn't hard to miss. A couple of meters away from the direct center of the town sat the Adventures Guild. The kingdom stretched for what seemed like forever, even when a person was standing directly in the center of the city.

Without saying a single word, Shito, and Tenka started walking towards their daughter, who was standing in front of the adventure guild.

The twins were holding back, always keeping their power at ten percent. If they were to run too fast, they would break through space-time. Normally time would bind them, but most people, but that doesn't apply to them. They could physically push themselves to transcend space-time, but they let it bind them so they could be at slower speeds. Speed-blitzing someone in a fight would get boring since they wouldn't be able to see them. Only their father, mother, and aunty could catch them in a fight, but they themselves would have to transcend time and space.

A single punch from the twins can completely collapse a higher world. Shatter and destroy multiple higher worlds. Normal and higher worlds were different, with worlds getting higher each time you transcend one. It was like a leveling system, where one would always be below two. For example, if a person were in a lower world than the person they were fighting, they would always be on a lower dimension scale than the person they are fighting, no matter how many infinite dimensions they stack on top of each other unless they transcend the world that they were currently in.

Arriving in front of the door of the adventurer's guild, Shito looked at the three girls standing beside him and nodded his head, opening the door.

"Hmm. These people are looking pretty rough around the edges. Are they upset at something?" he asked, confused. Everyone started to stare at them before they could even walk through the door.

The guildhall looked really, and wooden tables were spread around the whole hall. Numerous adventures were sitting in the seats that were placed in the guild hall, and they were drinking beers. The guild hall had a place where people could order food and drinks after their quest. They thought that was the least they could do after adventures fought and put their lives on the line for their quests.

"What are you kids doing in this place? Children should go home and play around. This is no place for you ki—..."

"Who are you supposed to be exactly?" Shito interrupted, "Are you supposed to be a high-ranking person here… if you are not, I suggest you go sit down somewhere and close your mouth. Before I have to discipline you."

The man was drunk and could barely comprehend what Shito was saying, but he did catch the last sentence he said, and he stared at him with anger in his eyes.

"Brat!! Who do you think you are talking to like that…?!" the man shouted fiercely. He was clearly upset that a kid said he was going to 'discipline' him. "You should learn to respect your elders—...!"

In a split second, the man's face was already grabbed, and Shito was looking at him with his pupils flicking on and off. Each time they flickered, the caramel color in his eyes got brighter.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuuucckkkkkk! I have to get out of here… his grip is too strong.

Those were the thoughts running through the man's mind. But no matter how much he wanted to, his body wouldn't move. Usually, he would be able to break out of almost anything, but with the present fear he was feeling, he could barely move a single muscle. Even though he tried, noticing that he couldn't get out made him even more scared. At the moment, fear was dominating his mind and body.

In terms of physical abilities, Shito was above everything, meaning that he could lift the entire solar system with just his physical abilities alone. That alone puts him in a class of his own, a single flick from his finger would reduce the world to nothingness, but he wasn't using much of his strength. Because of what he did, the guy he was grabbing would be reduced to nothing.

"...This was enough to engrave fear into your heart. You have the intention to approach and harm me without caring about the fact was a 'kid' or that you were my 'elder.' You claim that I could respect you, but where was the respect when you tried to attack me? You want to harm someone who has no intention to harm you, but when someone has the intention to harm you… You can barely speak or do anything, for that matter. Fear is overflowing your whole body. You can't even speak."

Saying that Shito dropped the man to the ground. He was already in a state of fear, so doing more would frighten him to death.

"Did you really have to go that far? That man was no threat to you, but…—!"

"I didn't have to go that far, but please take a good look around the room. And you see why I went so far."

Tenka and their daughters quickly looked around the adventure guild and noticed that everyone was shivering in fear. They could practically feel the intensity in the room, and they watched as someone who looked like he had a robust and bulky body got grabbed by his head like he was a child… by a 'kid' no less.

"So you went that far to engrave fear into the hearts of all of the adventures. I can understand your reasons, so there is no need for you to explain it to me, we have children, and the people would get in our way, becoming a problem for our bonding time with our daughters." She was staring at the adventures before she looked at a woman who was sitting behind the desk with a smile on her face.

Illayaka and Illya cutely smiled. "That is the truth, Mama… Papa would rather spend his time with us than spend his time fighting with people that were not as strong as him. It was simply not in his interest."

"You guys know me well. Well, that is to be expected. You are my daughters."

Patting his daughter's head, Shito stared at them with a stoic expression. While his face showed no emotions, deep down, he was happy to be with his daughters and happy that they knew him well.

"Well, let us hurry and go register to be adventures?"

Tenka and the twins smiled, looking at Shito. "Yeah…! Let's hurry and get this thing started!"

With that, they went back on their way to walk to the counter that was directly in front of them.