
Voice of God (High School DxD Fanfic)

Metatron - Voice of God, Divine Spokesman, Shadow of God, Angel King, Scribe of God, and Chancellor of Heaven. Most powerful Archangel, the oldest of them and also the youngest one. This is what people think about him, but in fact, Meti as Metatron is called by his celestial family is the oldest kid in heaven. An eternal child who does not want to grow up and see the truth about the world, unfortunately for him time does not last forever which means he has to grow up, because God is already dead and heaven needs someone to rule over it.

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6 Chs

Prologue (Metatron Diary 1)

"At the first God made the heaven and the earth."

I knew father had a big ego but to claim he created the planet and universe himself, wow, but like my brothers and sisters tell me might make right, so now he is right.

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light"

I think this sentence may be acutely true because the first thing I remember when I was born was darkness and then suddenly out of nowhere appeared light, along with the light was a voice that in the future turned out to be my dear father.

"There is only one God"

Hahahaa...really...I don't believe what I see, what fool wrote that there is only one god...gods are hundreds if not thousands, who could think to forget about the rest?

Well, unless my father had his fingers in it... did he already forget about the wars with other pantheons, it seems to me that he probably wants to provoke another one. I don't know anything, I didn't take part in any of them, I didn't kill anyone... maybe it's just my imagination after all only the old, young, and stupid me can know?

"God is a just Judge who rewards good and punishes evil"

Really, the author of this book called people "Bible" probably could not be further from the truth. After all, who attacked other pantheons for his own vision, stole sacred weapons from others, and kidnapped animals, dragons, and monsters just for his sick project so-called "Boosted Gear".

Or waged wars for mere faith of him. There is nothing righteous or good about my father and despite all this, he is still family. I still don't understand why Azazel keeps telling me that I don't understand anything and I still don't know anything about my father...never mind.

I wonder where my brother Helel is, he couldn't have disappeared like that, I guess he's not hiding from me, right?

"There are three Divine Persons: God the Father, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit"

About the father I think I already wrote everything, everyone will know who he is. The son is probably Jesus...but he has already suffered enough let's leave him alone.

And remained a "Holy Spirit" so it would appear that it is I?

"The Son of God became man, died on the cross, and rose again for our salvation"

Auuuu...even I heard it, me protected from everything and everyone a little boy hearing about my brother's suffering let alone others.

It sure must have hurt, I don't know how else I can comfort Jesus other than to hug him and give him good advice. I don't know what I would have done in his place if I had suffered so much and lost a loved one.

"The human soul is immortal"

I don't know, I haven't tested it but it must be true since people keep returning to the underworld and then being reborn if they want and deserve it.

"God's grace is necessary for salvation"

Well, the author is a good prankster...worse than that he is probably not joking. Salvation...but salvation from what...from suffering, pain, sorrow.

Not only does Father not care about that, I even heard from others that things are not much better up here.

Although as a prince of heaven, I haven't had the opportunity to experience any hardships I guess I should empathize with my subjects and just feel sorry for them.

Supposedly, my father tells me not to worry about it, but more than once it has turned out that he is not infallible. Therefore, I will still do my part and help others as much as I can.

"And God said..."

"METI..." A female voice shouted, snatching me from further contemplation of the human scriptures.


" I can hear you, Gabriel, you don't have to shout in my ear," I replied in a slightly annoyed voice.

"Meti, what are you writing over there?"

"Ehh..nothing anymore...what do you want my beloved sister?"

"Come play with me, don't sit alone and be sad"


"Okay...I'm coming just give me a moment please."

"Come now...after all, it won't disappear when you come back to it later".


" Fine"

And as his last words fell Gabriel quickly grabbed the little prince took him from his favorite writing spot and then dragged him to the rest of the group of 'young' angels.

It was even unthinkable then for Metatron that anyone in his absence could parlay something like stealing his property or trying to copy his journal without his permission.

How much has he been wrong back then.

(Copied from the Diary of Metatron, otherwise known as the book of Henoch or by its better-known name the "Book of Antichrist")