
Virtuoso System

Rajesh Kumar, a student who died with regrets, awakens in his familiar classroom 100 days before the college entrance exam. Determined to change his fate, he embraces the opportunity and resolves to study hard. However, he realizes his English skills are lacking. As he contemplates this setback, he discovers that he has been granted a game cheat from the Virtuoso game. With renewed motivation, Rajesh dives into his studies and vows to excel in the exam and master various skills. This is his chance to rewrite his destiny and create a brighter future.

Sashank_Krovvidi · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs


"Did I not die? How did I end up here?" Rajesh Kumar stared blankly at the familiar classroom. He couldn't wrap his head around the situation.

At this moment, Rajesh Kumar saw the words on the blackboard.

"Grade 12 Class 5!"

"Countdown 100 days to the college entrance examination!"

Rajesh Kumar immediately sobered up and carefully looked at the familiar surroundings. He was so excited that his entire body was trembling.

"It's Shakti High School, Grade 12 Class 5! 100 days before the college entrance examination!"

"I'm not dead! I've been reborn!"

To verify that everything in front of him was not a dream, Rajesh Kumar pinched his thigh hard.

Rajesh Kumar grimaced in pain, but he was overjoyed.

"I'm reborn! I've been reborn!"

"That's great!"

Looking at the big words on the blackboard pronouncing that they were 100 days away from the college entrance examination, Rajesh Kumar's tears flowed uncontrollably.

"In my previous life, because I failed the college entrance examination, my parents got into a traffic accident on the way to register me for a repeat year!"

His parents were usually extremely strict with him. However, when he failed the college entrance examination, although his parents had a trace of disappointment in their eyes, the two of them comforted him instead of scolding him.

Then, they tried all means to get Rajesh Kumar to repeat his studies at the best high school.

Ten years have passed, but Rajesh Kumar could still remember the disappointment in his parents' eyes.

The traffic accident was Rajesh Kumar's lifelong regret, not a day goes by without him regretting it.

"Since I've been reborn, I definitely can't let the regrets of my previous life happen. I must study hard and change the fate of my previous life." Rajesh Kumar had determination in his eyes.

Just then, a piece of chalk was thrown from the front of the classroom, hitting Rajesh Kumar right on his head.

"Rajesh Kumar, you scored 28 marks in English this time, and you still have the cheek to be distracted!" Teacher Shweta Devi was stern on the podium. She had expected better from him.

The classroom was instantly filled with the students' laughter.

"Pay attention. If I find you distracted again, you'll get it from me!"

Seeing Rajesh Kumar standing there in a daze, looking especially helpless, Shweta Devi softened her stance, and her tone became gentler, "Rajesh Kumar, sit down. There are still 100 days before the college entrance examination. You still have a chance. Believe in yourself, don't give up!"

"Teacher, I won't give up. I will study hard. I will get into university." Rajesh Kumar finally came to his senses at this point and spoke extremely solemnly.

He wanted to make up for the regrets of his previous life. The college entrance examination was only the first step.

In his previous life, the college entrance examination was the beginning of his nightmare. In this life, he wanted to change everything.

Shweta Devi looked at Rajesh Kumar in surprise, but she was sighing in her heart, "If only Rajesh Kumar was as determined when he was in his first year of high school, he might have been able to get in. It is too late now for him to come to his senses.

"It's just as well for you to come to your senses now. As long as you are determined, even if you fail to get in this year, you might be able to get in next year."

"Pfft!" At this moment, Arjun Gupta from the class sneered.

Everyone's attention was now focused on Arjun Gupta.

"Arjun Gupta, what are you laughing at? You are being very rude!" Shweta Devi said unhappily and looked at him sternly.

Arjun Gupta's family was especially wealthy. He misbehaved in school, often caused trouble and was a bully. He was a real troublemaker.

Shweta Devi could of course hear the disdain and ridicule in Arjun Gupta's voice. She also understood why Arjun Gupta laughed.

Arjun Gupta was laughing at the fact that Rajesh Kumar had the guts to claim that he would make it to university despite his lousy grades.

Arjun Gupta lowered his head, but he had a smirk on his face.

Rajesh Kumar made it to university? What a joke! Rajesh Kumar only scored 280 marks out of 750 marks in the mock exam!

If Rajesh Kumar could make it to a university, he could make it to an elite school!

"Alright, let's continue with the class."

Rajesh Kumar heard Arjun Gupta's mocking laughter but thought nothing of it.

With his current grades and previous learning attitude, he felt it was normal for anyone to laugh at him.

"No matter what you say, it's not convincing. The only convincing thing is results!"

He knew that if he wanted to change how others thought of him, he could only improve his results.

If he wanted to change his fate in his previous life, he had to start with the college entrance examination.

He could only change his fate by getting into a university.

Rajesh Kumar tried hard to calm his mind and focus on the teacher's lecture.

Subsequently, Rajesh Kumar's brows furrowed tightly because he realized that he couldn't understand the teacher's lecture at all!

Teacher Shweta Devi's English was like Greek to him. He couldn't understand a single word.

"I've been out of practice for too long. I've forgotten everything about English."

In his previous life, Rajesh Kumar had no aptitude for English, to begin with, and his English results were especially poor. Otherwise, there wouldn't have been a situation where he scored 28 marks.

After graduating from high school, he did not need to use English. He had forgotten almost all his English knowledge.

"Looks like I need to work even harder if I want to pick up what I've learnt from the textbooks." Rajesh Kumar laughed self-deprecatingly, without the slightest intention of giving up.

He didn't understand the teacher's lecture because he didn't have a good command of English vocabulary.

After Rajesh Kumar realized this, he turned to the vocabulary list in his English textbook and was prepared to start from the basics.


A line of text flashed before his eyes...

[Virtuoso game in progress...]

[Game initiated successfully...]

[You have successfully entered the Student Class. Current Student Class Level 0...]

A translucent web page appeared in front of Rajesh Kumar.

Name: Rajesh Kumar

Intelligence: 10 (Average adult is 10 points)

Strength: 10 (Average adult is 10 points)

Agility: 10 (Average adult is 10 points)

Class: Student Level 0 (0/1)

Skill: None


Experience Pool:

"This is... the Class Interface of Virtuoso? The Virtuoso game that I was playing in my previous life, and when I was reborn it became my game cheat?" Rajesh Kumar's heart raced wildly, and he was extremely excited.

Virtuoso was a popular game.

In the game, players could take on various classes.

Players could level up their classes through their experience.

After reaching a certain level, one could obtain skills.

Just like the Student Class displayed on the interface.

Student Class was the basic class in the Virtuoso game.

If one wanted to take on another class, there was a requirement for the level of the Student Class.

When a Student Class levelled up to Level 1, one would obtain Skill Focus. When levelled up to Level 3, Elementary School knowledge would appear. When levelled up to Level 5, one would obtain Middle School knowledge. When levelled up to Level 7, one would obtain High School knowledge. At Level 9, one would obtain University knowledge. It is possible to continue further levelling up.

Skills obtained from class upgrades were divided into Novice, Competent, Proficient, Expert, and Master stages according to proficiency levels.

Skill perfection meant that one had completely mastered everything without missing any detail!

The proficiency levels of skills could also be increased through the Experience Bar.

Rajesh Kumar felt a surge of motivation and determination. He realized that this was his opportunity to not only excel in the college entrance examination but also master various skills and knowledge through the Virtuoso game.

"I won't waste this chance. I will study hard, improve my grades, and prove to everyone that I can make it to university!"

With a newfound sense of purpose, Rajesh Kumar focused on his studies and embraced the challenges ahead, determined to change his fate and create a brighter future for himself.