
The Green Monarch

Author's note: before you start reading I will want to tell you that I will alter the wax fruits abilities if you're a fan of mister 3 and you don't like what I am doing then leave, you will not be missed

"The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic." – Josef Stalin

Oh yes one more thing, so as not to be confused

"..." it indicates when someone is talking

'...' it indicates when someone talking in their head, basically their thoughts are talking

"Mama, tell me that story again, please," a girl with white hair said while sitting on her mother's lap, she seemed to be getting ready for bed

"Sure of course I will tell you the story, after all this is the story of the Green Monarch"

As an art student, I love looking at art and its wonder's, art is limitless, this was the opinion of Midorya, ever since he was young he never had a quirk, so he focused his expertise elsewhere, but that doesn't mean he has completely given up on becoming a hero

His biggest dream besides being a sculpture was being a hero, he still believes that he can be one, he just doesn't have to confidence to pursue his Ideal's

Especially when people like Kachan and his posse exist

The door to the art room swung open, a boy with blond pointy hair came bursting into the room, just by looking at him you could he was an arrogant little shit

"Midorya, why are you staying in the art room?, don't think you can hide from me in here," Kachan said, and to make himself look even more intimidating he flared a few crackles from his palm, looking at Midorya's face it looked like his soul had ascended to heaven

"H-How did you find me?" Midorya said barely able to keep his stutter under control

"I asked around here and there, don't look so surprised no one here likes you anyways they'll gladly tell me where you are so that I can pound you," Kachan said punching his fist into the palm of his other hand, he kept repeating that gesture

"Now come like an obedient little dog and follow me," Kachan said with an arrogant grin plastered on his face

If you listened closely you could hear Midorya whimpering in acquiescence like a pussy

Once they stepped out of the door midoriya gave one last look at the mini sculpture he was making out of wax, the mini one was just a rough draft of the sculpture he was going to make

Now that he is going with Kachan he can bet his life that the wax won't stay a second longer, and even if bakugos goons don't interfere, wax isn't like dirt its way weaker but it's better for building things because of its stickiness

"We've arrived, are you ready for your beat down?" Kachan said he brought Midoriya to the back of the school, almost no one ever goes here so it was the perfect place to have a bully beatdown

"Midoriya, you didn't come to the school roof for your daily beating's, for making me wait all this time, I'll knock a tooth out of you" Kachan then popped crackles of miniature explosion's widely in his palm, putting his hands behind his back while charging at Midoriya, using the explosion's from his hands as a propeller for more speed

Of course, Kachan didn't go full-throttle on the explosion's, if he did then Midoriya would bite the dust, Literally

It took Kachan 2 seconds to pass the distance of 25 feet which was the distance that was separating Midoriya' from Kachan

In the eye's of Midoriya Kachan's movement's were nothing but a blur, but after all, he is the protagonist (Que the motivational fight music) as Kachan was blasting his hands inching closer and closer towards Midoriya, Izuku Instinctively crossed his arms in front of his face, as soon as he did that Kachan's palm hit his crossed arms, sending him flying back with a trail of smoke coming from his arms

The injuries were only minimal, his closes were Burnt a little and he did have some bruises but other than that He was fine, if people asked him what had happened he could just lie about how he fell or something

"Remember deku my word is final, next time I tell you to do something you do it" Once he said that he left the area

Leaving behind a downtrodden Izuku

What he didn't know was that a certain someone was watching him from the shadows

"Lord All For One, Izuku has just been beaten by Katsuki bakugou, as usual," Kurogiri Said, speaking into an earpiece that was hidden on his suit

He was currently peeking his head above the ground where Izuku's beat down had taken place, "Should we take him now?"

Kurugoriri wanted to ascertain whether to take him or not, the possibility of him being the Green Monarch is too high

"We have nothing to lose, even if we do take him he is someone that not many people care for. Meaning not that many people will look for him, Take him" All for one said, Slouching on his chair with the gas mask looking thing on his face.

Once AFO said that Kurogiri Revealed his body in front of the crying Izuku, in the point of view of Izuku, a big black scary-looking thing emerged from the ground out of nowhere, In response, he passed out from too much drama happening to him.

Author Note

What's good? This entire chapter took like 2 weeks to make, not because I am a slow writer or anything but because during that time, I had to think about the way the story will go as well as the plot story line and setting for chapters that I will make in the future

I haven't really decided on wether to take this novel serious or not so expect it to be dropped at anytime

Reallyniggacreators' thoughts