
Virtual Reality: Lord of Hell!

I do not own the front cover, the author can contact me if they wish it to be removed This is my first novel as i got bored of reading and decided to attempt to create my own novel so do not take it seriously and more of a light read If support is seen then I shall take this novel seriously and chapters will be longer, more arcs will be seen and more care will be put into this piece of work Furthermore, I hope you enjoy ...... In a not-so-distant future where full-dive virtual reality games have become the norm, Alex, a young man seeking an escape from the mundane realities of life, stumbles upon a mysterious and unheard-of game called "Lord of Hell." Its zero-star reviews and complete obscurity do little to deter his curiosity. With his girlfriend Emma busy working and supporting their modest life, Alex dives headfirst into this enigmatic game, expecting nothing more than a brief diversion. Little does he know that his decision will catapult him into an unexpected adventure!

Demonic_Immortal · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

A true lord of Hell


In no time at all, Aria reached the modest home of the priest, her heavy boots echoing against the cobblestones. The priest's dwelling was a humble abode with ivy-covered walls and a tranquil garden. As she knocked on the door, the wooden panels swung open, revealing the kindly face of Father Gabriel. His robes were modest, and his eyes radiated warmth and wisdom.

"Aria," he greeted with a warm smile, stepping aside to invite her in. The room was adorned with symbols of faith, and the flickering candles cast dancing shadows on the walls. It was a haven of serenity within the otherwise turbulent city.

"Father Gabriel," Aria began with an air of urgency, "we need to organise a meeting, one that the king and every village and town across the kingdom will attend. I have important matters to discuss, ones that concern the safety and future of Valeria.

With a solemn nod, Father Gabriel stepped closer to Aria, and they spoke in hushed tones within the sanctity of his modest dwelling. The flickering candles cast dancing shadows on the walls as they delved into their clandestine discussion.

"Aria, your words carry the weight of impending change," the priest noted with a thoughtful expression. "It is not often that such a meeting is convened, and I cannot help but feel the hands of fate guiding us."

Aria inclined her head in agreement. "These are trying times, Father. The rumours have reached the king's ears. Fear runs rampant, and Valeria teeters on the brink of chaos. We must unify our people, give them hope and strength. For that, the kingdom must hear the words of a devoted priest."

Father Gabriel contemplated her words for a moment. "I shall do my part, Aria. I have long been a believer in unity and the power of faith. I will speak of the challenges that face us, of the darkness that seeks to undermine our peace. The people must understand the gravity of the situation."

Aria's gaze locked onto the priest's, her eyes reflecting the determination that had possessed her. "Together, we shall sow the seeds of faith, hope, and unity. When the time is right, we will reveal the truth that lies beneath these rumours, the truth that binds our kingdom together in strength."

Father Gabriel nodded in agreement, a glimmer of resolve in his eyes. "Let this meeting be a beacon of unity, and may the light of our convictions guide us through the darkest of nights."

As they continued to discuss the specifics of the upcoming gathering, Aria couldn't help but feel that her intricate plan was coming together. The groundwork was being laid for Valeria's transformation, for the belief in the existence of Hell and the strength of its ruler to take root within the hearts of the kingdom's people.


2 days had passed and Alex sat bored on his throne, he had been practising his skills and testing their limits, discovering that with his current intelligence his new dark matter blast skill could take the shape of most weapons, such as swords, axes, daggers etc and also had the capability of heavily injuring most epic ranked demons

[After 2 long days of punishment almost 10,000 souls were punished repeatedly. You are rewarded with -10,664 common demon shards, which can be converted into 5664 uncommon demon shards, 1100 rare demon shards, or 110 epic demon shards!]" the system's voice informed him.

Alex looked at this message quite calmly compared to before

'Hmm, i want to complete that quest of having 1000 demons under me, receive the 10,664 common demons'

Suddenly the large black cave increased in size by 10 times, 10,000 odd common ranking demons rushed out of the cave, swarming the hell

A loud, fearful chant was heard once again as although they did not see Scythe as he remained in his castle, they bowed towards the castle and praised him before exploring 

[Completed quest, obtain 1000 demons, Reward: super expansion of land

Your hell is now the size of a large city]

With that decisive thought, Alex claimed his hard-earned reward. The results were palpable. His hell underwent an explosive transformation. What was once an extensive domain was now on a scale of a sprawling city, its boundaries extended to the farthest reaches of his imagination.

And yet, it didn't end there. Cracks marred the infernal landscape, with molten lava coursing through them, and sharp, fiery rocks protruded like natural spikes. His territory now reflected the grandeur of a hell lord's dominion.

[Completed quest, have 10,000 demons under you, Reward: demon lord castle upgrade, 40 stat points]

'Im truly becoming the lord of hell at this point' 

Alex grinned viscously

'Assign 10 points to defence, 10 points to agility, 10 to intelligence and 10 to strength'


[  **Name:** Scythe (Alex Baker)


- Hair: White, slicked-back with lion-like mane.

- Eyes: Demonic red with a calm and calculating gaze.

- Skin: Black-grey with intricate gold and red patterns.

- Height: 7'1"

- Build: Muscular with an 8-pack.


- Strength: 30 (+20)

- Intelligence: 37 (+20)

- Defence: 21 (+20)

- Agility: 22 (+20)

- Charisma: 50 (+20)


- Instant Transport (Legendary, Active)

- Lords True Demon God Aura (Legendary, Passive)

- Hellfire manipulation (Legendary, Active)

-Demonic Evolution (Unique, Active, 24 hr cooldown)


- Lord's Scythe (Legendary)



**Hell Stats:**

- Hell Size: large city

- Demons:10,000+ common, 20 uncommon, 12 rare, 100 epic

- Buildings: 1 Gate of Hell, 1 Cave of demon summoning, 1 level 2 demon lord castle, 4 small punishment zones, 2 medium punishment zones

Hell points: 0 ]

Suddenly he felt his surroundings rumble, the castle he was residing in seemed to expand, all the rooms, his throne room, and it seemed to be raised off of the ground slightly, steps needed to be taken upwards to reach his castle

The transformation of Scythe's castle from level 1 to level 2 was nothing short of awe-inspiring. It was as if the very architecture of nightmares had evolved into something even more formidable.

An unseen observer would witness the citadel as it emerged from the heart of the abyss, perched on a rocky mound. The stony expanse around the castle was punctuated with foreboding, jagged steps that spiralled upward to its entrance. The ascent was a tortuous journey, akin to scaling the very precipice of despair.

The main gate, forged from the darkest obsidian, had taken on a menacing air of grandeur. Fiery spikes now adorned it, their flickering flames casting a sinister light that etched the malevolent scythe emblem on the apex in eerie relief. It appeared as though the emblem had been singed by infernal fire, its outlines shifting and pulsating.

And then there were the gargoyles. Their transformation was nothing short of astonishing. Each grotesque sentinel had grown in size and ferocity. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly, hellish radiance, and their maws were agape in eternal, silent screams. The texture of their stony skin seemed to ripple, as if tormented souls writhed beneath the surface.

The castle's towering spires now bore additional details, wickedly twisted and wrought into the very essence of the stone. They appeared as if they were in a perpetual state of turmoil, their outlines flowing like molten rock. The architecture retained its eerie fusion of Gothic and infernal aesthetics but was now elevated to a nightmarish zenith.

As one approached the castle, the intricacies of its structure became ever more pronounced. The walls were etched with demonic faces contorted in eternal torment, and the landscapes that unfolded in the carvings were of hellish desolation. The entrance hall was a vast expanse, still dominated by a blood-red carpet that led to the heart of the castle.

Within the castle itself, the grandeur continued to unfold. The entrance hall, bathed in an eerie green flame from the torches that lined its walls, cast unsettling shadows. It appeared as though the very essence of infernal power seeped from the stone.

The throne room, the epitome of grandiosity, was a study in dark majesty. Gigantic obsidian pillars stretched to support the vaulted ceiling. The walls were adorned with even darker tapestries, their scenes of torment and chaos made more explicit by the updated design.

The ceiling bore the weight of an even more monstrous chandelier. Its grotesque iron arms held a multitude of flickering hellfire candles, casting an even more macabre ambiance.

But the centrepiece of the room, the throne, had undergone the most profound transformation. The ebony monstrosity now appeared as though it had been hewn from the very bones of the damned. Its armrests featured intricate, maddeningly twisted designs, and the backrest seemed more like a cacophony of jagged, disapproving spikes. The throne, larger and more imposing, was a testament to the lord of this infernal domain, exuding an aura of absolute and unquestionable power.

This was not a place for the faint-hearted. The castle had been reborn into something even more formidable and terrifying, reflecting the ascent of its master, Scythe, as the undisputed lord of hell.

And yet this was only level 2