
With Great Power Comes....Great God Mothers?

Peter Parker

The Boy Who Li- Stayed

Webslinger Extraordinaire

Slinging into the old Overwatch entrance to the Starlabs hanger I'm met with a few people who decided to stick back on Earth as well as a few new heroes.

Cyclops was sitting around the Computer as Yoyo a Latina speedster we met, and Link an inhuman who can control electricity, and not to mention Iron Fist and Daredevil. It's not Overwatch in its Glory but it is what's left still hoping this world can be okay.

"Hey guys!" The other members looked over at the semi member who helps them out a lot, "You'll never believe who I just talked to."

They looked at each other clueless, but it didn't take long before everyone heard Tracer's familiar voice. A voice they haven't heard in a long time since Tracer left and Athena took over the Earth stations.

"Recognized - Wolverine Access Granted."

The familiar voice speaking the familiar name had Cyclops out of his chair in anticipation as the flying exit opened up and Logan descended from the ceiling wearing a white uniform with a white glow around it.

"Well look at this. At least the place didn't get dusty. Good jobs looking after the place kids."

Logan touched down as Cyclops walked over and threw his arms around the smaller Canadian as they hugged. A hug full of happy memories and a different time, "Logan it's been, too long."

"Yeah bub, I'm back for a while to help clean up. How's Chuck and the mansion."

The room turned silent as Scott just pointed to the side for Logan to look and see the sick bay. On it there were 5 unconscious people laying on the beds and the most prominent one being the bald Chrome dome.

"Chuck? My God what did they do to you?" Logan walked over and saw Chuck as well as a girl with green hair, Pyro, QuickSilver and Gambit. "What happened to them?"

"Apocalypse happened. He showed up in Egypt talking about building a new world order of Mutant Supremecy. The Xmen and Brotherhood attempted to fight him but most of the brotherhood went down in one go. Then he took over Xaviers body for a while, Using his powers he found the girl Lorna who has powers like Magneto. It took us 38 hours and a lot of help to bring him down but in return The Professor has been like this since."

Logan stood in silence as he looked at the people, he brought up the ring and did a preliminary scanning only to find that they were indeed treatable but not here. "They'll be fine but I have to take them away. We can't treat them here."

"So youre leaving again?" Peter spoke up a bit "You just came back. Aren't you guys going to stay and help us fix up the planet?"

"...Peter we..."

"No! I don't want an excuse Mr. Logan. When I got my powers it was Gwen who told me Overwatch always stood for 'With Great Power Comes Greater Responsibilities' so why did you all leave? We're trying but it's just too much responsibility!"

Peter took off leaving the building in an awkward atmosphere as Logan just took a breath and told Cyclops "We'll be leaving in a few hours, have Chuck and the others ready for transport. That's all I can do for them."

Logan turned to walk away only to feel a hand on his shoulder. Turning his head he noticed Daredevil as he spoke "Dont worry about Peter. He'll come around."

I sure hope so. That kid isn't ready for all this responsibility.




As their ship sailed through the atmosphere with Blackbolt and family in tow minus a bubbly princess running straight to the front to see the scenery again. The spacecraft slowly descended below the cloud showing off the various kingdoms. The Wonderful Wakanda, The Menagerie of Haven, The Wilds of Thundera finally showing off an area of undeveloped land that I showed off to the Inhumans.

"Third largest Continent after Viltrum and Haven, was supposed to go the Wakanda but they chose a more ocean centric area. All yours to plan and arrange however you see fit. We'll take you down there tomorrow but for now come to my home and meet my family."

"Tell me about your family?" Blackbolt asked curious about how this new bro of his lives.

Before I could open my mouth though Crystalia took the jump "Oh they're absolutely lovely people Natalia and their Twins Natasha and Daryll, Ororo who you've met,, Laura and their daughter Diana, Domino is due this month and Susan has two months to go. Koriand'r has a smaller chance due to her species taking longer on a reproduction cycle, Kara is so innocent I'm still not sure if this guy tricked her into joining his debauched Harem. And there's one more...Sally? Ciara?"

With a chuckle I interrupted the young princess who was getting interesting looks from her sister and brother in law "Selene."

As soon as I spoke a magic circle appeared right above me as the witch stepped out straddling my lap in one go with her arms around me. "You called?" She purred in my ear earning an erection from me and a chuckle from Ororo.

"I did" I smiled as my hands found themselves on her ass pulling her closer "And you came so quickly too."

"Mmmm consider making me come again as a reward" The witch pulled closer to my lips ignoring the others in the room before Ororo broke it up.

"Cough cough, reward for what Selene? You seem too happy."

Selene put a pause and a pout on her face as she reluctantly turned to Ororo "I was out collecting Godmothers."

"Godmothers? That's unusual for you." Ororo questioned with some vigilance Selene wasn't exactly the caring type. She was one of the more, chaotic evil side of the family wives Spectrum. Opposite of Kara but balanced by Natalia.

(Kara - Susan - Ororo - Natalia - Laura - Koriand'r- Selene) (Mega Good "Neutral " Chaotic)

"I agree with Ro. Although we do need to start thinking of Godparents no one normal should catch your eye. Especially considering how well gifted my genes are."

"As much as I'd love to get inside your jeans love, this is business. Your daughters have immense magical potential.You had to die and remake your body for me to be able to sense the raw magic in you, but your kids have their always seeping out. I can even feel the magic in Susan slowly growing. My point is before their magic gets too big and they get noticed by other beings of higher power, let's take the time to get the most benefits for them."

The ship was quiet as the castle was in sight. I let my mind wander and she wasn't wrong. Special children in Marvel gets taken all the time. Not to mention how Colusses' sister ended up becoming queen of Hell.

"So what do you have in mind?" She took the initiative to get up out of my lap as the ship landed and the hatches opened up. It took a minute to get everyone stable and out onto the castle square as the jet took off.

Selene grabbed one of my arms as we made our way to the dining hall. I already had the quintuplets make us a banquet for our Inhuman guests who were admiring the palace. I was currently having some of our scientist mix together alien d.n.a. to Breed some new species of animals. Currently we had Unicorns made.

Ignoring Crys squeal over the Unicorns we made our way to the Grand Hall where all the others members of my Imperial Harem were seated. Quick Introductions were out of way as everyone took their seats. Selene had a small smile on her face as three circles lit up in the hall. No one panicked because no one could enter without permission.

"YOU!" Kara said as she stood up with a hint of vigilance in her eyes.

"Oh have you met?" Selene asked her friend

"Oh isn't this Miss Sunny. Sigh. All that power coursing through you, I'm very interested in your child."

Kara's eyes glowed red before Selene coughed bringing everyone's attention to her. She looked at me and said "These are the Godmothers I told you of. The cynic in Red arguing with Perky over there is Agnis Harkness, The bald lady in yellow who needed dick the past 400 years is Yao, and the woman in white is the most ever so humble Queen of Asgard, Frigga."

Two of the women bow as Agnis immediately looks towards me, then Diana, then Natasha, then Susan. "I see what you mean Selene, this guy really shouldn't have more kids if you're gonna keep popping out monsters like these."

"Now Now Agnis, let's be civil, although these children are indeed very powerful there's no need to call them monsters" Frigga said with a small smile as she looked at the children.

Yao looked at me before asking "Pardon me, but if I may, can you explain to me why only some of your children have the magical talent while the others two dont?"

"I don't mind. It's no secret. I'm a half-breed of Viltrumites and Anodites. As a Viltrumite my physical body is pushed to the limits, I get stronger every year and my aging basically stops when I reach my peak physical state. That's most likely why Darryl and Domino's Daughter doesn't have it. They inherited more of my Viltrumite side. Natasha's body is weaker than Darryls but she inherited more of my Anodite nature as a being of pure magic with a physical shell. So one day she'll have to shed her body and remake it."

"Wait what?" Natalia asked

"As well as my son with Susan."

"Wait what?" Susan exclaimed

"Moving on, as for Diana she seems more like me, she's a better mix of the two and that's probably because Laura has Viltrumite D.N.A. and my Anodite side wasn't as strong as when she was concieved so she got both."

"Will she have to shed too?" Laura asked looking at her daughter a little weirdly as if imagining her daughter shedding her skin like a lizard.

Ignoring the trio I kept looking towards the magical girl trio who had no more questions but instead made themselves comfortable as we exchanged pleasantries. They asked more questions about Anodites as I asked more about their contracts they wanted to establish. Other than the basics they established with Selene they all wanted to teach their crafts to my kids to compete with spellcasting. I wouldn't refuse three magical fairy godmothers teaching my kids either so after many details were hashed out they created contracts with some of the kids. While Blackbolt became Darryl's godfather. Crys put dibs on the next girl born but I selectively ignored her.

Well either way life is going good without dealing with all the Earth's crazy. Logan will be back any hour now and things are looking bright for Mars.

Wait a second.... Where's Terra?

In deep space there was a massive frozen block being supported by a blonde in a red battle suit as she flew next to a Violet humanoid with a long trail of energy shaped hair moving behind her.

"I told you, coming out here for this thing wasn't worth the trip. Now we lost our ship. And no way to enter hyperspace to get back quickly." Carol complained as she hauled the iceberg on her shoulder.

"Oh cmon you know my brother would love to have them for his planet, plus they're endangered anyways the deep seas of Mars are missing big predators for some of the Pleiasaurs and giant squid. Besides isn't Sakaar right there? We can grab a ship from there! Besides we haven't seen Brunhildr for a long time either."

"You know she goes by Valkyrie now."

"Yes Yes The Mighty Drunkard Valkyrie, anyways cmon lets go bug her for a ship and bring her back. If she's gonna get wasted at least we got some good stuff of Mars."

"Sigh why do I love you again?"

"Because I'm a great kisser." Terra blew a kiss towards Carol as she spun towards Sakaar.

What is our favorite Aunty duo up to? Will they find the mighty Drunkard? What's in the iceberg? All of this unraveled and more in the next chapters of Viltrumite in Marvel!