
White and Violet

Selene and I walked through the portal with Ororo and Tandy in line. Nidavellir the Galactic Dwarven Master Forge. Only universally renowned blacksmiths are allowed to craft here as this forge uses the energy of a star. She didn't go into specifics about her relationship with these dwarves but I get the feeling they fear her.

"EITRI I HAVE RETURNED!" She yelled. It didn't take 45 seconds for a gigantic 15ft stout man came running into the room like his life depended on it.

"Lady Selene you have returned. Please follow me. We have completed what you asked for." Eitri stayed there with his head bowed not daring to look up.

"Selene, what did you do to this guy?" I asked with genuine fear and curiosity.

"Oh, Eitri and I go way back. Him and his boys crafted my staff and some other things for me after all. Isn't that right Eitri?"

"YES lady Selene! It was our pleasure! Surely one of our best works" the man giant shivered.

"Well come along Darling, Tandy follow us now don't fall behind dearie." Selene stepped off with a confident stride as Eitri hurried along to his forge.

Tandy and I shiver down our spines swearing never get on her bad side. It's just not worth it. We follow along Eitri and I must say some of the things we pass along the way are just downright amazing. I need to let them make my personal weapon while I'm here? But what do I want to use? It has to be Iconic. Food for thought.

It takes about 10 minutes and we come across a few giant spherical object in Eitri's forge covered in a white tarp.

"When you brought us the blueprints months back everyone was eager to work on it. We were excited to leave our names on what we believe to be the next greatest creation the galaxies has seen in a while."

Eitri walked to the tarp and pulled them down showing off three 30 feet tall batteries shaped like lanterns. Each one Grey in colour as the metal shimmers. A super enchanted Nth Metal, Uru alloy mixed with Celestial Spinal Fluid, Enchanted with Asgardian Runes, and standing on Vibranium pedestals to stabilize

"Dimensional Energy batteries each one Enchanted to channel and contain massive quantities of pure dimensional energy. Compatible with almost any form of energy but know the initial spark is the only type it can channel so no changing your minds later. For each battery we crafted 1000 rings so far. The rings are harder so they can't handle as much energy and even me and the boys couldn't get around the need for smaller Lantern charging kits. But they can be stored inside the ring. The ring channels the energy into physical constructs based on the minds of the user."

I couldn't stop myself from ginning more and more at these works of art. "Eitri if these work as intended then I am more than satisfied. Lets get these back home and spark em up ladies. I wanna make it a surprise before Natalia gets up. Nothing surprises her anymore."

Selene smiles as the lanterns vanish and she turns to Eitri and says with a back chilling smile "Til next time!"

Eitri stood there in a cold sweat watching the trio vanish like they were never there. Fucking mages.


Natalia Pov

Waking up this morning wasn't anything special. I wake at exactly 6:45 am. Brush my teeth, shower cap and take a 10 minute shower. Out by 6:58. Dry by 7:00 dressed by 7:05 and walking to my daughter Natasha's crib by 7:08 as she takes after her mother and likes to get up early. Daryl is more like his dad and won't wake up until 9 on a good day. 🙄 Calm down Nat. That's the man we chose and his son.

Walking downstairs to the kitchen I actually have a small surprise because..

"Morning Natalia! You're early!" my husband says with a slick grin on his face.

My surprise instantly disappears and Is replaced by suspicion. "What did you do?"

"Im hurt. Can't I just wake up early to surprise my wife?"

"Thats exactly what I'm worried about. What. Did. You. Do?"

"....sigh one day you'll learn to tease back and forth love. Anyways come on I got a surprise for you."

He grabs my hand as I tighten my grip on Natasha and we're whisked away into the 'Lockdown'. The room where we put the most dangerous items we've created.

"Why are we here?" I ask him

"Well Darling naturally it's to show you something fun and DANGEROUS" Selene chuckled in glee. My head snapped to her location and I'm shocked to see three giant lanterns with Tandy boredly laying in one. "Finally youre here, Damien wanted to surprise you specifically for the shock."

"Damien what is this?"

"Remember how I said I wanted us to have our own forces in space. And even possibly our own Nova Corps."

"Well yes, but you said their helmets are extremely complicated to make and that even they don't have more than a couple thousand."

"Which is why Selene and I created these. For now they'll give us a force capable of fighting in the depths of space. If it goes well We even have planets pay us to protect their quadrants. The possibility is endless."

I tap my chin for a few seconds with my eyes closed digesting the information. "How does it work?"

His eyes light up as he walks over to the middle Lantern as Tandy stand up in the one to the left and she cracks her neck. Selene takes out her staff and some strange symbols start flying in the air as the lanterns start flowing in the same symbols.

Damien and Tandy's eyes started glowing Lavender and White perspectively as an orange script covered the inside of the lanterns and the lights started glowing more and more intensely. I turned around as the room light up for almost a minute before the light dies down.

Not daring to turn around until I feel a familiar hand wrap around my waist and teases me with his breath "You can't see it from here."

I ignore my instinct to snap back and just look at the lanterns to see the middle and left ones glowing Violet and White. "So what do they do?"

He walked over to the Violet one and grabbed a smaller handsized 🏮 Lantern and put it inside the battery for a minute. Afterwards the pulled it out and I saw a smaller Violet Lantern in his hand. He walked over to me and put it in my hand, taking Natasha and said "Open it."

The minute I opened the Lantern lid a ring flew out and zipped around my body a few times. Then it scanned me with a Violet light before blinking twice and flew on my right hand middle finger before fitting perfectly.

That's when I heard a voice in my head directly speak, "Recognized. Natalia Romonava, planet 00458- Section 17 -Alpha Quadrent, Mars. The ring connects to any frequency in the galaxy, and creates anything you can think using hard light. Battery percentage 100%. Use Time Estimate 3 Earth Weeks. Lantern Charge 100% Use Time Estimate 1 Earth year."

I blink my eyes twice and right as I'm about to speak the ring shimmers and some unknown material extends over my body as a dark Violet suit appeared around me with black boots and gloves. There was a symbol of a Lantern inside of a red Hourglass on my chest and then the ring spoke again."Optimized uniform found."

I was shocked as I said "Incredible! Just how..." but even then I was shocked as the ring covered me in a soft Violet light that I somehow knew would protect me at the depths of the oceans or in the vacuum of space. I held the ring out and willed it to take the shape of a knife but I caught it and threw it at the wall where it stood there firmly and proudly before disappearing with my order.

Damn am I glad Damien's back. Imagine missing all these fun toys. I turn back to see him smirking at me playing with my new powers and I can't help but blush.

*cough cough* "So what are you calling these new forces?"

"The Lantern Corps."

I got three batteries so far and only two colours, no its not emotion based cuz that's stupid. Pick some characters you want to see in the corpse. You guys know Marvel better than me so pick some characters that haven't shown up yet. The corpse will be open to all races and characters in the universe in the future. 2 more mini arcs and then He goes into the vast of space. Also what's up with Egpyt? Thinks have been pretty weird over there lately huh?

Ashtin_Prattcreators' thoughts