
War Prep pt 2

Kara wasn't I'm a good mood. After handling the megalodile affairs to Me'gann she should have been free. Maybe spend some time with her new family or even take a vacation in the universe, after all while she dare not say she can walk sideways in this universe, unless it's a magician she was still pretty confident of teaching someone to be a person.

However everything changed all too quickly, she was already at the dinner table with her sisters and the few kids when they all got the war challenge, especially seeing they had hostages. If that was the only issue then naturally it would be no problem, buckets of bolts no matter how many is just a punch or a stare for our everyday Supergirl. Yet, who would've thought that before they can even discuss what was going on a blue portal opened up near her.

No one got on guard seeing as to how the only people who can transport into the mansion are those approved or carrying items that were personalized and approved. The blue wormhole opened up and seeing a woman covered in blood being thrown through the portal.

"ALEX!!" Kara screamed as she rushed to her sister. Immediately the Nyxxus wives all started an emergency rescue, none of them had healing powers, but the blood on Alex's body wasn't hers and her injuries was just a minor concussion. During their medi treatment Ororo still had her comms on so they naturally heard the pre war speech, just not completely focused.

It took the girls a little over ten minutes to move Alex, get her changed and in the med ward where they did a complete check up on her. A little over 15 minutes later she woke up.

"KARA!" The eldest Danver screamed as soon as she woke her eyes scanning the room for the familiar blonde. As soon as she found her ignoring everything else she jumped at Kara "Kara, we need your help, there's a krptonian wreaking Havoc in National City. Superman fought her but there was no winner, and now they keep going back and forth. Just now she entered the DEA and nearly slaughtered everyone. If it wasn't for John to step in we would've been dead. He held her back so I can come to you but she tried to stop me, and I thought I was dead, and..."

"Alex! Calm down, I have super hearing but you're still talking too fast. Start from the beginning."

Which she did, she talked about how Reign was causing troubles, and the cult, and how even in her last battle with Superman there were two helpers with her. Each a little weaker but enough to cause trouble. Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado as well as Guardian all tried to help but they keep getting beaten back, so she decided to find help. But when she got back to the DEA where she kept the world hopping device, it was already under seige.

Knowing the back and forth Kara couldn't help but feeling uneasy, after all those are her friends and colleagues and she even kind of left Ms. Grant without a word, so now she's in a dilemma. On one hand National City needs her, on the other hand Viltrum was about to go to war.

Natalia being the ace agent she was already understood the problems and put forward her solution "In that case I think it's better if you go, I can send a squad with you to help suppress her allies."

Kara was naturally moved but still hesitant "I can't, going by myself is already eating at me, if I take any of your fighting force right before a major war.."

"Kara Danvers, do you think yourself above us?" Komand'r spoke instantly attracting attention "Do you believe missing one blonde and a squad of 10 could ever be the case of us losing this ignorant bluff? If it wasn't for exercising our new armies before the space expansion do you think Damien would even mobilize them? A hundred, a thousand, a million robots aren't enough to withstand our rage. Get over yourself Perky, go home and check on your affairs."

Needless to say everyone was shocked but then thought about it and realized she was right. This wasn't a battle that actually needed her, and if she couldn't deal with National City her head wouldn't be in the game. Taking a deep breath that emphasized her nickname she spoke "Thank you Koma, Alex let's return home. Tracer alert the Squad SG-004 to prepare their things. If I'm going back let's leave a good memory to those who want to start trouble in National City."

Naturally Tracer didn't disobey and the girls just had one question. Where is the wind blowing her hair like this coming from?

On the other hand at the Lantern Headquarters located on OA Island Mars, Damien was walking into the building head held high. He wanted his lanterns to be fully qualified before taking a step into the universe. While their rings are an extremely powerful weapon, they still need to be honed by a firm mind to fully execute them. Drills, and the whatnot helped them familiarize themselves with their new tools, but war would familiarize themselves with their new weapon.

Logan was standing outside ready to meet Damien but to his surprise there was four others already standing there. Me'gann the Martian, T'Challa the Balla, Blackbolt the Whitest dude alive, and Lionel not Messi. With a raised eyebrow Damien asked everything he wanted.

Me'gann took the initiative "He didn't wage war on just you or Overwatch. We came together and naturally we'll fight together."

"Wakanda was never afraid of war not in the past, not now, not ever. We stand by you Nyxxus."

"Although we might not be as close, however The ThunderCats just so happened to need a good battle before we start exploring space together." Lionel spoke with a very serious voice as if trying to deny that he was worried about us and came to support. Heh, cats all tsunderes.

"I actually wanted to stay at home, but who made Crystalia start acting up, so I can only give up my comfortable throne and come here to avoid them. Who would've guessed a war was coming. Got any more of them rings that let you breathe in space?" Blackbolt was the least concerned about the war but from what Logan was mouthing behind him apparently this guy was the most worried about us.

"Aww, you guys are the best super bros a king could ask for. Me'gann too you're officially one of the superbros!" I put a smirk on my face as her face put on a look like swallowing a mouthful of warheads.

"Superbro? Well it's fine I guess. What no badges for the club?" The Martian tried to joke undermining that she officially became one of the boys. However seeing all the kings took out a Gold card with the letter S.B. Club on it she was actually stunned. "Wait seriously? WHY DOES LOGAN HAVE ONE?"

We were all quiet before I took out a spare card from my multi belt and spoke "Because there's no one better at doing things than the Wolverine. Plus he's a natural super bro. Here's your card it gets you discounts on basically any store or purchase on this planet. Including Haven."

The Martian muttered "Every store or purchase?" to herself as the bros started entering the facilities, but then she remembered "WAIT A MINUTE! WHY DONT I KNOW THIS EXISTS IN MY COUNTRY? NYXXUS COME BACK AND EXPLAIN THIS ME!"

The Martian successfully joined the ranks of the best private club in the galaxy while shouting at the founders. No way, who made her a bro and can get away with it. After all of this they shared a quick laugh, before entering the building with a solemn expression.

After all this is just the prelude to the storm.