
The Truth and Pillow Talk

Terra was not having a good day. She spent weeks flying light-years through the void of space only to be told that her brother already left this planet. Not that she could blame him, this planet was a shit show if any of what Fury said was true. But obviously she wouldn't blindly believe a man she doesn't know.


*Sigh* "Calm down Carol. Yes you're angry but destroying the planet more than it is already won't help" the Anodite spoke calmly to her girlfriend.

"Huff....huff....huff.....I know....I know. I'm calm. It's just a lot to take in. Mutants, superpowers, giant murder bots, what the hell is going on Fury?"

Nick just took a deep breath and did his best to mediate the situation while Tony already left when he realized no one cared about his presence. "Carol the world has changed. Definitely not for the better. Everyone wants their own powers and as more superpowers show up more and more organizations and citizens are craving their own versions of it. We're trying to get things back in order but at this rate."

Carol wanted to speak up but Terra cut her off "What about my brother. You said he's on Mars with the other mutants and superpowers, so why are some of them here and others there?"

Carol looked at Nick as well trying to gleam the answer. It didn't make sense that 20 million people would just up and leave the planet for no reason.

"Your brother started the first public superhero team with the sole purpose of defending the world. He started with about 6 members and eventually had almost 30 super enhanced individuals ready and willing to stand up for this planet. Then things got....complicated. The government didn't want coexistence they wanted dominance and Overwatch wasn't okay with it."

"So they left?"

"....sigh. Not exactly, when overwatch refused to submit they sent in their big guns. A man who went by Sentry was sent in to...kill their biggest anchor. After Damien fell the world order did too. Little by little world leaders were bought or swayed into approving the Sentinel program and declared war on all mutant kind basically. Until OverWatch was overwhelmed and decided to relocate all mutants for their own safety."

Terra's hands were clenched as her eyes flashed pink, the only thought on her mind being destruction. If she hadn't known her brother had just shed instead of being dead, then she mightve really ended this planet. Carols home or not.

Carol was surprisingly calm as she asked "So what now? Fury as much as I like you even I can't blatantly just ignore all the wrong doings."

Fury just rubbed the bridge of his nose "Honestly, I have no idea at this point. Got weird shit going on in Egypt, terrorists running through almost every state or country, world leaders refusing to compromise, it's a shit show and right now my biggest help is Stark and an adjusting super soldier. I was hoping you were gonna be sticking around for a bit."

Carol looked at him before shaking her head and saying "Sorry Fury, we made this trip specifically to reunite Terra with her brother. I can't delay her for this. And I won't fight for a world that won't help itself. Even if I destroy the robots, kill the terrorists, thats not the real issue and you know it Fury. I'm always on the side of Earth but if the Earth itself doesn't know its enemy I can't exactly fight."

"I get it. Haaaaa, well based on our intel he should be somewhere on the western side of Mars. Based on their status he shouldn't be too hard to find."

Carol thanked Fury as she gave him a hug with her and Terra slowly levitating off the ground, ready to take off.

"CAROL!" Fury yelled out causing the two women to look back at him "Tell Invincible I'm sorry. I really wished things could've been different."

"Invincible? A little optimistic don't you think Fury?" Carol said with a chuckle as Terra had a warm smile on her face hearing his name.

"He's long since proven he's worthy of it. We just weren't worthy of him." Fury said as he did a turn with his cloak flowing, Maria Hill falling in step behind him.

The two ladies finally took off as Terra finally spoke "Invincible. How much do you remember baby brother."


Damien woke up today with Ororo and Selene on either side of him. He had two bedrooms, the harem room when everyone felt like being in one bed and his personal room when everyone else wanted some personal space. That suggestion came through and was very well received by the girls.

"Up already? And I was so comfortable too." Selene teased in his ear causing something to rise and it wasn't the Shield Hero.

"Hehe good morning Selene," he said with a quick on her forehead "And no reason to get uncomfortable. Let's just stay here."

"Mmmm" she said as she traced his chest with her finger "I bet Yao and Harkness would be so surprised to see me of all people enjoying my life like this."

"Pffft. You lecher, they wouldn't be surprised at all, seducing me to suck all my energy. My poor innocence."

Ororo finally piped in with a chuckle as she said "Innocent huh? Maybe the first time but after you creamed her to submission and then wasn't satisfied until I showed up I dont believe you qualify as innocent Mr. Nyxxus."

"Yes I agree, I was just an innocent little sorceress until you big bad wolf sank your claws into me. In fact I feel as if you owe me some compensation?"

"Oh? And what would you like?" He asked kissing her pulling her tighter to him.

"Hmmmm, how about the same as Nat, Domino and Laura? I do believe Ro, Sue, Kara, Koma, and I all deserve that choice since you kidnapped us fair maidens to yourself."

"I second that" Ororo chimed in from the side leaning her head on his chest as she slid his leg closer.

He grinned and leaned in for a kiss before Selene put a finger over his lips and said "Not now, it's morning and you have a meeting today."

"I do?"

"Yes you do, while you were enjoying your 6 month vacation, I went to Nidavellir and spoke to Eitri about that project. He confirmed Tandy could spark it and even with a few hiccups along the way, with your blueprints he was able to successfully create it."

He immediately shot up as his eyes widened and he asked excitedly "Wait? ITS DONE! HAHAHA SELENE I FUCKING LOVE YOU" He said showering her in kisses.

Ororo watched amusedly as Selene tried to escape his embrace before accepting her fate before asking "What project? We've never heard of this?"

Damien looked at her as he jumped out of bed and grabbed his pants, "Its something I thought of doing before I died but you know death and all really throws a wrench in my plans. And even then I wasn't sure it was possible."

Full of intrigue Ororo asked "What is this project?"

Selene and Damien shared a look before turning to the white haired weather witch and spoke in unison, "Project Lantern Corps."