
The Return pt 2

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" Natalia yelled in my ear finally getting over her tearful reunion, "We buried you, we mourned you...we missed you."

Looking at her tearful face i couldnt help but feel guilty. Even though I was the one who died, they were the ones who had to continue living.

"Sigh, its a long story. Where are the rest of the girls? AND THE KIDS! OH MY GOD MY KIDS!"

Ororo chuckled and said "Glad you remembered your family after 6 months. Domino and Susan are inside while Komand'r, Kara, Koriand'r, and Laura just left to Earth. A lot has changed since you were gone."

"Wait what? Kara is here? Koriand'r, as in Komand'r little sister Koriand'r? Since when do they get along? Why are they here? What's happening on Earth that can catch their attention? And who's this?" I ask rolling off question after question.

"Woah slow down Damien," Natalia intervened "This is Me'gann. She's the ambassador of thr refugee aliens settling down on one of the newer continents."

"Me'gann? My ship? No you're a martian. Interesting. Wait no back up you didnt tell me why four national level power houses all needed to head to Earth."

Natalia and Ororo just clammed up in silence causing me to frown. I snap my head to Me'gann and stare her down knowing she'd crack first.

Feeling my stare she shivers for a second before finally succumbing to the steely gaze.


It takes approximately three seconds for that news to really hit home. Sentry. That bastard. He was the the first experiment Essex created, i used to see him as a big brother. But then one day he just disappeared.

Now this time he'll disappear for good. I let my rage flow through my newly acquired mana causing a powerful wind to exude from my body. I ignore the screams telling me to calm down as my eyes shine a bright purple and i take off into space.

This time, its fucking personal.

Back on Earth

Sentry was living in his penthouse chilling with some supermodels. Ever since he's taken care of the kid he's been living like a king courtesy of Essex. The super sentry serum did magic on him. He grew up hating Damien for that purpose.

Essex went mad trying to figure out a way to kill Damien and he was the result after years of research. Every time he was tested, starved, abused, his hatred grew. And while he has deep hatred for Essex, killing that man is next to impossible. So all of his rage went towards the next best target.

But now that he's dead Robert is relaxing enjoying his --- BOOOOM.

Robert just gazed at the figure coming down from the ceiling and sighed "And here i thought this dance was over. Tell me girl, are you a masochist? Because every time i beat you back into space you come back ready for more."

"You filthy bastard. I promise you one thing, today you will die by my hand" Komand'r said eyes fill of rage.

"Oh is that right?" Sentry said glowing as he floated about the room his models ran from the second shit got real, "You don't have the strength to put me down. I ripped Invincible in two. What shall you do?"

Komand'r just smirked and said "Me? Im just here to give you a warning? Watch out" She said taking a step back.

"What?" Robert said as he heard a sound boom off in the distance. He turned his head in the direction only to see a pissed off pair of red eyes before he felt real pain for the first time since he awoken as Sentry.

He went flying head first through 14 floors collapsing part of the empty building on top of him. He clawed his way through the rubble just in time to see a pissed of blonde land in front of him.

"You know i was already pretty pissed by a Daxamite who couldnt take a hint, dealing with a president who wont listen to reason, honestly i could use a punching bag right now."

"Who the fuck-" Kara launched herself at Sentry who simply caught her fist before head butting her into the ground. Kara caught herself and sent a sharp uppercut straight into Sentry's jaw sending him straight into the air.

Sentry stopped himself as he looked down on Kara making his golden energy flare. Not once since hes transformed had anyone ever hurt him like this. He was furious, which allowed Laura to get in his blind spot before sending a slash at him.

He caught her wrists before flipping her around "Oh Laura? Fancy seeing you here. Finally decided to join the winning team?"

"Eat shit" Laura said before sending a kick at him releasing her last blade slashing his stomach.

"AAAAAAARGH" Sentry yelled in pain headbutting Laura. Seeing her take the hit he launches another and another.

On his fourth headbutt she got a nosebleed as her consciousness drifted in and out from the sheer force to her brain, but before he could hit her again Kara grabbed his shoulders and threw him far off.

He was intercepted by Komand'r and Kori each hitting him back and forth like a volleyball before Kara grabbed Lauras hand and flipped her over her head using her legs as a battering club.

Being smashed by an adamantium skeleton behind a Viltrumite reinforced body thrown by a Kryptonian was enough to crack even Sentry's ribs causing him to cough up aome blood.

Kara, Kori, and Komand'r all unleashed their multicolored eye beams that intercrossed before hitting Sentry causing a massive shockwave that definitely didnt go unnoticed.

Sentry was lying down in the smoking crater not even moving a muscle. Kara came down slowly to assess the situation but failed to react to the golden man now truly pissed off.

Sentry flashes upwards grabbing Kara by the face. She tried to fire her heat beams but theh failed to ignite as she felt the solar energy in her body being drained. The other girls seeing her panick all rush in to provide support only to truly meet an immovable object.

Sentry caught Kori breaking her arm before slamming her down into the ground then throwing her into Laura at a force that sent both of them flying backwards. He flew down in front of them before stepping on Kori, grinding her and Laura into the ground as he replenished his energy from Kara's cells.


Sentry slowly turned his gaze to Komand'r and said "I told you before Masochist. You aren't equipped to fight me. Now you lost and believe i shall let you go? You want to live? Im sure you and the rest of these women can convince me."

Seeing the lust filled gaze on her Komand'r spoke determinedly and firmly "I'd rather die than be defiled by the likes of you."

"That can be arranged" Sentry started charging up his energy letting it reach dangerous levels when he felt pain. "OUCH, what the?"

He looked down to see a spike going through his foot. He jerked away from the claw and kicked the two girls even further into the ground. Komand'r used the opportunity to launch a sneak attack and sent him flying into the distance leaving three girls barely conscious on the ground.

"Kara, Kori, Laura lets go we need to hit the stratosphere now before he,"

"Before i what?" Sentry said flying down in his golden glory. He held up his hand making a scary golden spirit bomb and said "You know at first i found your futile attempts amusing. Now im just pissed. Begone in the golden glow of judgement."

He sent the orb downwards and watched with a smile as it broke through the futile shielding the purple eyed beauty tried to make. Its a pity that she wouldnt become his, but what's one woman in a world awaiting to be conquered.

He smiled as the energy detonated reducing every building and road to rubble. He started flying away satisfied when he felt something weird. He turned around to see a giant pink energy dome surrounding the four women.

"You know Robert, you always did have an issue of respecting women."

Hearing the voice Sentry's eyes opened as he turned his head to be met with the man he thought he killed. Wearing nothing but a black body suit with no decoration or padding. Damien stood against his former experiment mate not as Invincible but as

"DAMIEN? HOW? I KILLED YOU!" Sentry yelled

"Im aware. It hurt like a bitch. So let me return the favour. Tell me Sentry. Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"