
Slipping through the Cracks

3rd POV (trying it out, i may or may not write the rest in third except important scenes.)

"Alright ya lazy blokes, move that metal. Hurry up now. We need to get it into the one of the safe rooms before those panther people show up." Klaue was extremely excited to own as much Vibranium as he did. Knowing he had the power to topple the world in his fingers made him eager to contact some of his people. "Hey you! Dont you dare drop that case. Its worth more than your life."

He stood back and watched his men load and unload different cases into multiple drop boxes. He was gonna spread the vibranium into 3 safe zones he made in preparation for this day.

Bang bang bang

3 shots and his boys drop down. Klaue spun furiously on his heel with a gun drawn ready to gun down whoever he met. Yet, he was met with nothing but air. But he's not the type to lower his guard that easily. He's seen invisible people before so he knows there's someone here.

He started scanning the room hoping for a give away. But, he was unlucky when he felt the cold sharp claws press into his neck from behind him.

"I suggest you turn yourself in," a smooth voice said in his ear. He wants to turn and shoot but suddenly his gun goes flying out of his hand and he feels another barrel push against his chest.

He doesnt test his luck in this situation and just holds up his hands in defeat. There was no winning this time.

"Invincible, target secured bringing him back to the ship." The Panther and soldier led him upstairs to the top of the cruise ship. He saw all of his men already round up and a coast guard ship coming up off the port of his ship.

The big guy himself with a lowercase i approached Klaue with a teasing grin. "Klaue what happened? I thought you were supposed to be as slippery as an eel?" Klaue opened his mouth to say something when a metal brace is slapped over his face and extends into a band that clamps over his mouth and locks behind him. "No fancy comebacks from you Klaue. Alright people get him on the ship he's going into the pipeline. And someone find me where the last 1.3 tons of Vibranium went. Theres no way he sold it so find it."

Watching Klaue get dragged back into the ship by Eric, Damien couldn't help but smile by how much he changed the timeline. Theres no Killmonger showing up this time around. He sent a few masks on notices to WatchTower, which is standard protocol whenever bringing someone knew into the pipeline, a high tech metahuman holding center.

Beep Beep Beep Beep

"Natalia? Whats up we're on our way back to base. What? You found him? Throw him into the pipeline, ill talk to him personally."

A manic grin appears on Damien's face thinking about the rewards of this trip. He gains a friendly foothold with Wakanda, Klaue off the streets, The Quintuplets are safe, and Nat even found 'him'. He walks onto the ship and tells Shuri to set the course for home. The sooner they get the location of the last 1.3 tons then the sooner he can focus on his Mars project.

1st POV

A few dozen minutes later we're back on American soil cloaked as we touch down into our base under StarLabs. The ship isnt even fully docked yet when the hatch opens and both Natalia and Selene are standing there waiting on me.

I heave a sigh and turn back to my crew to give my orders so i can focus on what's happening here. "Panther, Stevens, go with Shuri and secure our prisoner in a cell. The rest of you know your way to the showers."

I dismiss them and finally turn towards the two patient women. I walk down the ramp towards them with a haste in my step. They can see its time to walk and talk so they waste no time. They turn and start walking the second im in between them.

I glance at Natalia and she takes her cue to report "No casualties, but there Kitty did burn herself with one of the bombs. She phased it off of the girl and took it into the last room we were planting them in yet they went off a bit earlier than expected. She got out of the room but received a burn on her arm. Medical is currently checking her condition. The girls are safe yet clearly underfed and in need of medical attention. Frost is with them now slowly giving them a basic psychic education to make up for their lack of common sense. I mean seriously they just followed us without an ounce of hesitation. Also Domino found our little friend hiding out on the 3rd floor trying to collect all the Quintuplets files and research before he tried to slip away but she got him and hes currently in pipeline cell number #08."

I process all the news i heard. So its mostly good news and i have to go see Kitty later. Give her a few days off and see if she's fine. She's been hurt before but normally she just phased out of her harms way so this must be a big shock to her.

Making a mental note, i look at Selene who just smiled and grabbed my arm. I dont resist as she pulls me towards the danger rooms. She likes her secrets so i allow her to surprise me. Nat just follows behind us since her and her team just arrived as well and she's curious.

We walk over to the danger room and she opens the door for me. I can see a crowd of people on the upper floors enjoying the show and occasionally i hear someone say "So fast". Without being able to stand anymore excitement i fly into the room slowly.

Its a common high speed course i designed, the objective is to touch the lights which only flash for a second before reappearing some where else randomly in the room. Im the only one fast enough to even attempt the course but for once in my life im dumbfounded.

I watch a red streak running around the room touching all the lights the second they appear before flashing off to look for the next. He currently has the highest score at 123 which he rounds out at 130 before stopping in front of me.

"Your fast" i tease looking at the Arrowverse Barry Allen. He smiles and takes off his cowl stretching out his hand.

"Barry Allen, back on my Earth they call me The Flash. We have a StarLabs too but its nothing like this."

I smile hearing him mention my copy is bigger than the original. "Youre pretty far from home then? What're you doing Earth hopping friend?"

"Ah there's an evil speedster running around my world right now. I had a plan to gain more speed by using Tachyeons but it pushed me through another Earth where i met a friend who goes by Supergirl and then she pushed me fast enough to open another breach but i landed here instead of home."

Hmm does this mean that this version of the Marvel Universe is stuck in Barrys timeline fuck ups? Ill have to deal with that eventually. "Well youre welcome to stay until we figure out how to get you home. My people are the best so if anyone can map you a way home it'll be Selene."

I smirk at my internal plan to throw all the work at Selene. Barry thanks me and asks me a few questions about Metas on this world and how i set up the team. He has his own Meta Human problems and seeing my OverWatch gave him an idea to form his own super team.

Did i just give the justice league its intro? Me and Barry goes on and i give him a your and even how our pipeline works. Yet the tour was thrown off when i came across Panther and Shuri locked in a cell.

I run over and open it to their surprise and they stamber out. "What the hell happened? Wheres Klaue? Why are you guys here?" I have 1000 questions as to what happened here.

T'Challa looks shaken up about something and Shuri seems different. It takes a few seconds and Shuri is the first to speak up.

"Eric helped Klaue escape....but Damien....father he.... he killed his own brother?"

My mind pieces together the information and formulates a possibility. Klaue told Eric what happened to his dad and Eric acted out on his impulses choosing Klaue to get more answers. T'Challa was smart enough to know its the truth and his wise and honourable Father just lost the last bit of respect his son had for him.

Damn it this wasnt the plan at all.

"We need to find Klaue now." I pull out my badge and start firing off orders. "Nat i need a search team ready, high mobility people Gwen, Warren, You, Laura, Ororo. Kurt and Logan. Spread out to all of the directions leading from exit 23. Klaue has escaped, expected to be with Eric Stevens and both are possibly armed and extremely dangerous. Do not hurt Eric if its unnecessary."

Barry put on his mask and offered his services. "What do you need me to do?"

I look at him and then open a door leading outside and shows him a picture of the Dynamic Duo.

"These are the targets. You want to help? Then Run Barry, Run."