
Omake pt 3 (Xmas Gift)

The Nyxxus sisters ran around Mount Justice as if it were their own hideout. Accompanying them were Wonder Woman herself as well as Donna Troy of Themyscira. The seven women awaited the incoming masters and protégés. Batman had arrived earlier and had took the team to a separate place to meet and greet with future teammates. Donna would be joining them but she opted to follow the princesses for now.

The usable space within the mountain was decent enough and reminded the sisters of their Dads unique hobby of secret spaces. So while they were playing they were also giving back unique insights and feedbacks on defenses and usages based on past experiences.

"..and this water access here is better to be regulated. I remember one time when I was four playing in the castle a Megalodile washed up on our waters unexpectedly."

"OH YEAH!," Natalia chimes in "I remember that. Wasn't that the one who ate the turtles? I remember us pulling them out of its stomach and dad's face do you remember?"

"How could I forget? Mom was furious at him." Diana added as she mimicked her mother "DAMIEN NYXXUS HOW DARE YOU SIT THERE PLAYING TEACHING TURTLES KUNG FU WHEN OUR DAUGHTER WAS ALMOST EATEN!!"

Natasha picked up the bit imitating their dad "Ah? Laura listen to my cover- I mean explanation!"

"OH? What good excuse can you make for caring about reptiles more than your daughter??"

"I see their bones are good and their shells are so sleek, I thought it's a pity not to teach them how to fight. Look I even thought of names Leonardo the eldest brother, Raphael the tsundere turtle, Donatello this guy has wisdom buried in his shell, ou ou and Michaelangelo he's....the... ah? Honey what are you doing??

"Little Diana made a move that startled the Amazon Duo as well as the incoming team as the sisters continued their play.


Two sharp claws came out of Diana's left fist as she walked towards 'Damien'.

"You're playing around while our daughter was almost killed?"

"Huh? Can Megalodiles kill people? HEY WATCH THE CLAWS!!"


Amidst the joy of the girls a game ending cough reverberated through the mountain. Ending their play the girls all turned towards the Justice League walking through and immediately focused on the young wards around them. After all their dad taught them that capes are boring.

"Sorry to make you girls wait, now that our matters are settled temporarily we can move on to the elephant in the room" Superman started the talk "You girls are here for travel, fun, and adventure which we can understand and endorse, however please also understand that we cannot allow princesses of an empire to run around unsupervised."

Diana being the firstborn stood up to take over negotiations "That is expected and also welcomed. It is not my first crossover event so I'm aware locals know the situation best."

"Crossover event?" Barry interjected.

"OH YES!" K'miya the half tamaranian and viltrumite daughter broke out "Uncle Barry's crossover events are always so spectacular!" With those words she took off her bracelet and held it out to the league "Care to witness?"

Without waiting for a response K'miya immediately started playing some crossover photos and videos that their parents took before they were born. They saw with their own eyes Overwatch and 'Barry' fighting with a Supergirl against aliens, Nazis, cosmic beings, time, concepts.

The league spent almost 15 minutes and ending when they saw the blue Angel named 'Vados' blessing Diana. After the presentation the first to speak was naturally Wally.

"Wow, is it just me or does being blue never looked so hot?"

The women in the room just gave him a blank stare while none of the men dared comment aloud leaving poor Kid Flash to run his foot in his mouth.

"So you came here, can we expect an adult or supervisor to show up at some point?" Batman brought the conversation back on topic.

"Yes and no. This is a low ranking universe so even if we come here our parents won't panick because our strength is there and we came as a group. Individually each of us is strong but we have weaknesses and together most of those weaknesses don't matter" Natasha explained.

"For example Kaya is krptonian, normally she'd be weak against magic, but Selena is the daughter of powerful sorceress so most magic won't matter. Or red sunlight, but due to K'miya's ability to absorb and convert starlight red can be yellow or blue. That's an example but you get it."

"Very well, while you are here we appreciate it if you can stay here. If it doesn't meet your requirements we can work something out. The juniors will be your guides on our planet and we only ask you to keep the minimum levels of trouble. Any questions?" Batman spoke up.

To his surprise Kaya raised hers "Umm was your Earth G-virus vaccinated. I don't want to take unnecessarily risks."

Before the League could ask questions, Selena spoke first "For Rao sake Kaya how can Gvirus hurt you? After Diana and our eldest brother, who's physique is as perverted as yours."

"I JUST WANNA BE CAREFUL. HMPH, you know after the Umbrella Act all humanoids entering milky way territory must be Gvirus vaccinated."

"That was only during the Proto - Meta wars dummy. After Earth signed the peace treaty and cordoned Wesker, the Umbrella Act was voided."

"SISTER, do you not pay any attention to Mr. Harvey Birdman's classes? After the wars when Nick Fury became president of Earth he amended the Alice laws stating all humanoids entering or leaving the atmosphere must be vaccinated against Gvirus, Xenomorphs and Zergs."


"That's only because the deviants and skulls caused too much damages to the northern galaxy. Selena you can't only focus on magical classes or I'll tell dad and get you benched in this quidditch season."


Artemis made her was over to Natasha who seemed sensible and whispered "What's a Zerg?"

Natasha turned to look at the newcomer and was instantly taken back. Only her parents knew her orientation but at this moment seeing Artemis, Nat had decided to take this girl down and home. Out and in the open. "Well Zergs are quite a nasty bunch, Natasha by the way. I see you're an archer wanna try mine?"

Before Artemis could answer Nat pulled a capsule off of her belt and threw it as it exploded into a portable armory. In the middle was a sleek black bow with a crimson string. Blessed by Gods and cursed by demons made it extremely deadly.

"It's called Moon Maiden named after the goddess Artemis. It can condense natural light into arrows." With a gentle pull a soft white arrow appeared in the notch ready to be fired. "Wanna try?"

Artemis didn't hesitate to reach for the bow, when suddenly centered on Selena magical gate opened.

The League were tensed and ready for battle when a woman with brown and red hair, glowing red eyes, and a long crimson coat walked out of the portal. The League could literally feel the magic coming out of her and were ready to attack when Selene spoke up.

"Aunt Wanda??"

Merry Christmas family. I haven't been active and that's mostly gonna change in the new year. So my gift to the ones who still have at least one of my stories saved. From now to the new years all of my Webnovels will be updated at least once and based in responses are the stories to continue in '24. Happy Holidays readers.

Ashtin_Prattcreators' thoughts