
Fugitive Series pt 1

Eric Stevens

Confused and Angry

Dragging a half conscious man into the sewer systems was more work than i expected to do today, but he had answers.

Flashback No Jutsu

"Just get in the cell Klaue no more words from you." I push Klaue in his cell and T'Challa and Shuri closes the doors. Everytime i come here this place overwhelms me.

"Thank you for the assistance Eric. You are a very capable warrior i must add." Panther seemed like a chill guy. Definitely one of my favorite costumes these guys wear.

"Hehehehe now ain't this quite the sight." Our eyes flashed to the trapped man. "Who would've thought the prince himself would come all the way here for me. Tell me prince does your daddy know you're so far from home? You should be careful, last time one of you strayed so far dear old daddy put his claws in his stomach. Hehehe."

Claws...in his stomach. My eyes flash over to Panther and an image of 5 small circular holes in my father came to mind.

"What are you talking about Klaue, do you really expect me to believe the words of scum like you?" Panther tried defending against his words but the fell on empty ears.

"Im scum? Now thats just hurtful. True, but hurtful. Tell me prince, did you know N'Jobu. Nice fella met him a couple of times. Real upstart man. Loved his boy more than anything. Yet he was sent to Shield. Saw the world how it really was. Believed Wakanda could've made a change to the world."

My fists tighten as all this information is being processed. T'challa is taking all of this with a grain of salt while Shuri seems to have already painted a picture of what possibly happened

"Your dear old daddy decided N'Jobu was getting too vocal in his time away. So he killed him in his own home. Left the body there and let it be buried in America instead of his home knowing how his people would take the death."

"LIAR" T'challa flew into rage opening the cell. He grabbed Klaue by his collar and slammed him into the wall. Shuri rushed in to calm her brother but the fire was still there "My father would never do that" growled the prince panther cub.

"Oh? Would you like to make a bet Panther boy? Hehehe" chuckled Klaue as he wiped a bit of blood coming from the corner of his mouth.

It was then that i knew i needed answers, i pushed Shuri into the corner of the wall grabbing her OverWatch badge. T'challa throws his attention in her direction which i use to grab his badge and drop him on his back before grabbing Klaue and closing the cell.

"Im sorry guys, but i need answers and he seems to have them."

"Hehehe look at this, who wouldve thought your own people would turn against you. Must be my birthday."

I clocked him in the side of the head with mu gun before looking back at the cage.

Shuri spoke up "Eric, you know if you do this, you'll be wanted not only by OverWatch but by most governments as well right? Think about this is this really how you want your answers?"

I look back at the two locked in the cage and the guy unconscious over my shoulder. "I have to do this. I need answers and he knows more. I wont be able to get a 1 on 1 with him if he stays here."

I looked Shuri in her eyes and she looked at me. Not long after she sighs "Very well cousin. I do hope you gain closure of your own, consider this my last gift for you. Tracer open maintenance hatch #38 sewer lines."

A grey wall glowed with an orange light before revealing itself with stairs going down.

"Thank You." Two words spoke a lot between us. She didnt ask and i didnt explain. I dragged the guy towards the maintenance hatch and watched the door close behind me. Looking into the dark sewers i pick a random tunnel and start moving.

Back to the Present

"Wake up," i say slapping the unconscious man who began to stir in his sleep. His body twitched and rustled around before sniffing the air.

"*sniff sniff* ugh this place smells like shit mate. Couldnt have found a better hotel."

I ignore his ramblings and i look directly at the bound up man. "What do you know about N'Jobu and Wakanda."

He looks at me in the face and i see the gears in his head turning vicariously trying to figure out some kind of option to turn this situation to his favor.

Klaue finally spoke and said "Why would you like to know kid? Look if i were you I'd get moving. You just pissed off a bunch of Metas and they're gonna be coming."

I get into a low squat and bring myself level to his eyes. "We're not moving from this spot until you tell me everything i need to know." I take out my knife and ram it deep into his leg right underneath the kneecap, ignoring his scream i ask again "Now tell me everything you know about my father."

3rd POV

In the dark tunnels of the sewers a few 10 minutes after Invincible found out Klaue escaped a red blur was racing through the sewers looking for traces. Moving at top speeds he almost instantly found Klaue, alone and unconscious tied up with a piece of paper strapped onto him. He signalled the rest of the search squad that he found on the targets.

Nightcrawler popped into existence before looking at Klaue and taking him back to the pipeline. Barry looked back into the sewers deciding to do one more search before heading back to the surface.

Meanwhile at the OW Hq.

Damien is pacing back and forth in front of the two Wakandans, he knows there's more to the story than what he was told but he also didnt want to force it out of them.

Just then Nightcrawler poofed in with a sulfuric smell holding an unconscious Klaue. "Did you find Eric as well?"

"Nein, but Flash is searching the sewers one more time before coming back. Should i put a fugitive alert on him to all active members?" - Kurt

Damien has him hold off on it until the others come back. He hears from different people how they all cleared their areas and Barry sped into the room saying he was gone.

He looked over at Shuri the little girl whom he realized has grown on him and he says "Shuri, i know he's your cousin but i have to-"

"I know, Damien." interrupted the girl putting on a brave front "He broke the law and then ran. I understand you have to do what you must. I'll go enter it into the servers."

With that we watch the little girl turn around and run off to hide her tears. I could input it from my badge and she knows it. I gesture to T'challa to go after her and I turn to the rest.

Taking out my OverWatch badge i press the button in the middle as Tracer records my words "Set Eric Stevens as a rank 3 fugitive. Current whereabouts unknown. Current danger level is unknown. Approach with caution, non lethal unless necessary."

Tracer voiced out "Confirming target. Updating Fugitive Rankings. Update complete."

I look back at the solemn mood. Most of us have worked with Eric for quite some time now and it hurts watching him show up on our own watch list.

Fine then only one thing left to do.

Bonus Scene - 3 days later

Im standing in a field with Barry as some of our resident members are here. We're sending Barry back today and theyre excited to watch us race.

"So here" i hand Barry an OverWatch badge which he takes with a smile. "Selene enchanted it to work inside the speed force. Just think about where you wanna go and the badge should redirect the speed force to take you there. It also should allow you to send us an Emergency beep should the need ever arises."

He leans in and hugs me which startles me but i remember his universe is centered on a TV drama so they have a lot more physical contact.

"Thank you guys for everything. With your help and that formula you gave me. I feel faster than ever." Barry says with a smile.

"Feeling fast Flash? Well channel that and focus its time to send you home." As much as we've enjoyed him being here i already optimized his suit ahead of a few seasons and made him faster. Too many changes are dangerous for his timeline.

"Alright you two, enough bromancing and lets get on with it." Selene orders and we both do a mock salute before laughing and getting in position. My job is to move at my top speeds and when im exactly 3 miles away Barry comes running through my slipstream and i give him an extra push to send him into the speedforce.

Which went exactly as planned. I look at the back of my friend and say "See ya next crossover, Flash."

Bonus Scene 2 - S.H.I.E.L.D. Hq

Early 2007

Agent Maria Hill moved through the agent packed building swiftly and with a purpose. Her goal is clear and she expertly avoided any and all obstacles in her path as she aims for a certain room.

She reaches the room and knocks before she finally hears an enter.

"Sir we have bad news coming in." Hill spoke as she dropped a file on the desk before backing away and standing at ease.

A black skinned man with an eyepatch and trenchcoat looks down at the file with a crease in his brow.

He slams the desk and stand up and looks at Hill, "Get me Barton and Carter, we need to stop this madness before it causes a rift in our already stable work with OverWatch. I want answers hill. NOW"

"Yes Sir!" She responds and rushed out of the office.

Fury looks back at the packet on his desk and he says "God help us all if this reaches the Senate." He throws the file in the trash. The file that read Mutant Registration Act.