
Corrections and Solicitations

Nick Fury

Bald by Choice

Half Blind by Circumstances

"Do you have any idea what repercussions this will have on the world? OverWatch already left, more than 19% of the total population of the planet has disappeared, we have meta humans running amok and you guys are actually authorizing experiments to make more. HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING FROM OUR MISTAKES."

Nick was not having a good time, especially when it came to this idiotic counsel. It seems as if everything he says doesn't register in their minds at all. Shield has been running thin already not to mention the fiasco of the sentinels and the Sentry project. Power that cannot be controlled isn't power, it's a mistake.

"Fury we understand your fury, but please understand where we're coming from. Your Avengers project cannot work, we've seen it fail before with Overwatch, a group or rogue people doing whatever they please and leaving when we ask to register and work with us, but-"

"Dont dress it up, Senator. Overwatch was doing good work and had a nice partnership with us. It was your greed to have them on call like they were a military that led to their retirement. Not to mention your robots trying to kill them and your Sentry project that killed their leader. Invincible was-"

"He was an uncontrollable unstable factor that needed to be kept in check. And we were right you see how he abandoned us,"

Fury slammed his fist directly into the table and if his skin wasn't already dark, it would've been then. "YOU DROVE HIM AWAY. A MAN WHO BROUGHT TOGETHER MANY AND GAVE PEOPLE A PUBLIC SYMBOL. EVEN NOW, EVEN NOW PEOPLE STILL LOOK UP TO THE SKIES HOPING HE'LL FLY PASS. YOU MADE HIM AN ENEMY. NO EXCUSES." Fury turned his back to the dumbfounded councilmen without looking back or caring for their opinions "No more mistakes, if you can't see where you fucked up, then do me a favour and stop calling me. I'm busy enough fixing your mistakes."

The door opened as Fury left the room and pushed a button on the small remote on his belt. He breathed a heavy sigh feeling as if his own bosses were just trying to make his job harder for no apparent reason. Is it because he's black? No couldn't be?

Knock knock knock

"You called sir?" Hill walked into the office with Agent 13 aka Sharon Carter behind her. Hill seemed a bit more tired than usual but otherwise she still seemed ready for action.

"Hill, Carter, take all the files we collected to the fugitive group led by Stevens. No matter what Shield has to make an attitude and this crosses our bottom line."

"Sir are we finally ready to take action?"Carter seemed a bit giddy, but she still kept her calm.

"Almost, we're a bit short of manpower but it won't be long before we correct everything, but nevermind that just take it to Stevens and see if we can't coordinate to get those bases clear. We protect humanity not enslave them."

Both ladies nodded as they rushed out of the office as Fury sat back and thought to a conversation the Original Carter talked to him about.

"...remember Nicholas our job is to protect humanity, even if it's from themselves. After all humanity is our own worst enemy, so never be surprised if one day..."

"Sigh, Agent Carter, is that time coming? Are we ready?"

Fury felt his frustration as he opened his desk and took out a small black box with more than 13 different locks. It took him a second but with swift rehearsed movements he had to box open with two communicators in it. His fingers brushed the pager knowing Carol was likely still in the solar system, but ultimately his hand rested on a white badge with a dim orange W in the middle.

"This time we'll do it right Invincible. You have my word."

James 'Logan' Howlett

Today was already a menagerie of headaches. First space mission almost ended in war, but then were neighbors now, and not to mention our mission changed halfway through.

"James, it's Nat, take your white lanterns and have them circle the Earth, we found information that those governments haven't learned yet and are still capturing and creating metas. This is a search and rescue, have half your team rescue the known locations while the other half scout to make sure nothing slips through. Be safe and make sure you all come back."

Ugh it seems like another headache. With a swift neck crack to loosen himself up Logan turned towards his new squad of 30 Lanterns. "Alright kids you know the drill, 2 squads Greenberg, McClain you two temporary captains. Greenberg on rescue and McClain on search. It'll take us an hour to fly to Earth and an hour back. So I want the planet searched in 10 hours how you divide is up to you. Meet up in exactly 6 hours after we enter the atmosphere and use your rings to relay any changes in the plan. Mustang you take 4 with you and your job is to destroy, whenever you come across a flying robot you kill it."

Logan didn't wait for responses or questions, he immediately turned around and took off to deep space. He has to admit these rings are extremely convenient. On top of his own powers this ring perfectly makes up for his weak areas, range and mobility. Although flying through space for is extremely boring but who cares when his ring has access to almost every song in most known languages.

So one boring space flight later Logan entered the atmosphere, it's been a while since he's been back on Earth but strangely enough he doesn't miss it. A minute later 30 flying people in white suits all fell in line behind him before breaking into 3 groups and splitting up. Logan floated there for a bit before his ring locked onto his target as he took off. Flying in space and on a planet are two different feelings. Especially since he doesn't have to worry about floating icebergs or fucking space rocks.

Flying above Queens Logan saw a young man in red tights swinging around the city covertly protecting the people of New York and it brought a smile to his face. His ring instantly made a connection to the badge that the little spider always kept on him as he spoke with a bit of reminiscence.

"Hey Kid, looks like your webslinging still needs a little work."

With a grin on his face, Logan noticed how the swining spider faltered in air before catching himself on a billboard as his head started searching for him.

"Mr Logan? Are you guys back? Where are you? And what do mean it needs work? I'm the beat webslinger on this side of the country."

"Heh, Cmon kid old base, catch me up on the tales of Spiderman." Logan couldn't help but smile seeing how the quippy kid still hadn't lost that spark of light in him. Seems as if he'll be fine after all.

"Oh! Bet! Race ya there.!" With a leap of faith the prepubesent kid hopped off the billboard as his web caught a building pulling himself forward.

Heh too early to beat me kid. Logan's ring shined as he took off to the skies slowly staying ahead of young Pete.

That day many New Yorkers wondered why Spiderman seemed extra peppy today but hearing the WOOHOO above their heads still brought smiles to the faces of these citizens.

Meanwhile on a random building that can't be seen normally a woman in yellow robes was sitting by a small table with three cups of tea as a green and red portal opened behind the two empty seats.

"Selene this meeting better be important, I was in the middle of Greys Anatomy." The witch in red robes complained as soon as she could while the yellow sorceress just calmly looked at her old frenemy who randomly called their good girlfriends together.

"Oh patience Harkness, all these years and you're still so impatient. On the other Hand thank you for coming Yao."


"My pleasure, now to what do we owe this small tea party?" Yao asked with genuine confusion. Ever since she got a backlash from the time stone a few years back she no longer looked into the future at whim.

Selene took her seat as did Harkness before taking a sip and held out her palm as a small pink sphere floated on top of it.

Harkness stood up really quickly and Yao couldn't keep her straight face as she examined this....pure magic?

"What? What is?"

"This Madame Harkness is pure magic. Ladies what would you do if i told you that there is a race of beings who's entire being is composed of this pure magic."

"Impossible! That much pure magic to create and entire being would be enough that even Frigga couldn't control." Harkness immediately denied while Yao sat there waiting.

"You all remember the dashing young man I contracted. At first I assumed his body naturally drew in Mana, then after some time I realized it was his body releasing it. But I couldn't pinpoint from where. That was until his Sister showed up, then his daughter was born and even now I feel the same pure magic from the unborn child as well. After speaking with the sister I learned that they are a race call Anodites. Their physical body is a shedable shell that contains their true body. Made of."

"Pure Magic" Yao explained as the shock finally settled in. The ramifications of what it means to have a body of pure magic. No death, no aging, a single thought could change the world and a swipe of their hand could end it.

Seeing their faces Selene couldn't help but feel a bit of pride settle in her chest. After all her position is secured while they...

"What do you want?" Harkness asked as a visible frown adorned her face with Yao keeping her eyes locked onto her friend.

"Simple" a slow sadistic wreched grin took over for Selene as the two magicians couldn't help but tighten their nerves. No matter what condition she spoke they would seriously consider it, after all Magic that pure is precious to any magical being, "How would you two like to be godmothers?"