
Villains Are My Sponsors!

*** [ is pleased with your ruthlessness!!] [ grants you his Mangekyo Sharingan !!] --- [ is smiling because of your intelligence!] [ grants you his Immense Strength!!] --- [ is grining as he is watching you manipulating others!] [ grants you his Conqueror Haki!!] --- [ is impressed with your resolution of World Domination!] [ lends you his Blood Vein Ring!] --- And so, the story of the World most powerful Villain start! First world: Overlord! (Mc won't join Nazarick just so you know, he will be in the New Worlds from the start) Second world: Solo Leveling (for one vol) It may be a multiverse story, but that will later be decided on how this story progresses. --- Read my Review, for more details of the story. Thank u

Dark_Crown98 · Komik
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71 Chs

Chapter 62: Two Strongest Monarch Arriving.

Chapter 62: Two Strongest Monarch Arriving.

Author: Dark_Crown98



"Hah… Ha…" Frost Monarch roughly breathed, he had many bruises over his blue body.

A worn out Alard infront of him, he had tired face.

'Good! He is finally tired out!' Frost Monarch exclaimed, quickly glancing at other Monarchs.


"Guoooo!" Iron Body Monarch roared charging at Alard with its all might.

Beast Monarch, Yogumunt and Querehsha following him from back, all of them attacked Alard by all four sides.


All the four Monarchs squishing Alard by the four sides. All of them grinned, getting the clear hit.

"Hahaha! He finally is defeated!" Beast Monarch laughed, Iron Body Monarch following him.

'Did we really win against this monster?'

An unbelievable feeling, forming in Yogumunt's heart.

But soon, all their pleased faces changed into confusion.

'Izanagi.' Alard had used, altering his body with space and time.

He successfully escaped the deadly pincer attacks from all Four Monarchs.

"Grrr! That damn cockroach!" The Iron Body Monarch growled, watching Alard over top of their head.


An extremely thick mana suddenly began surging around the surrounding area, gaining everyone's attention.



"He is awakened! The Monarch of Shadow is finally awakening!" Queresha exclaimed, looking at the cracking shadow cocoon nervously.


'He is descending.' All the Monarchs nervously thought, a bright light soon illuminating the sky.

The mana around them crumbling.


The cocoon disappeared.

Soon, revealing a huge, muscular shadow with glowing flame-like purple hair, glowing purple eyes, two curved black horns, and sharp claws. He also wore jet-black armor and a long smoky black cloak, and wielded a pure black sword.

"Hmmm…?" He hummed, checking his body.

His shadow soon began enlarging like an ocean, covering the entire land.


Many shadow soldiers began sprouting from his shadow, some being beast while some being humanoid.

They all kneeled before their Monarch.

"Welcome back, my King." a huge humanoid, shadow warrior then spoked. He had two pairs of black wings on his back, jagged black armor, blank white eyes, and glowing purple skin.

He also carried a massive blade that looks like a centipede, which he wields both like a whip and a sword.

"Bellion, it indeed has been long." Sung Jinwoo or now Ashborn, the Shadow Monarch said. Turning around, his entire army had been swamped behind him.

"Monarch of Shadow, Ashborn! Help us deal with this outsider!" Frost Monarch then shouted, looking at Ashborn.

"You don't have to say it." Ashborn slowly said, turning to his Grand Marshal, Bellion.

"You can deal with those, hidden in the dark." Ashborn said, gaining a nod from Bellion.


Ashborn bursted at Alard, raising his long sword.



"Ashborn, Monarch of Shadow also known as King of the Dead. The Greatest Fragment of Brilliant Light. It is an honour exchanging blows with you." Alard smirked, blocking Ashbron sword strike. He looked at the shadow soldiers rushing at his hideout.

'Shadow Clone Jutsu.' Alard created many of his clones, sending them to the shadows soldiers.



"Charge, soldiers of shadow! Quickly defeat the enemies!" Bellion shouted, noticing the shadow clones charging their way.

"Guooo!" The soldiers roared, raising there weapons. He rushed toward the clones, colliding their weapons with the clones of Alard.


Both Alard and Ashborn sword forcely clashed, flare sparkling from their swords.






"Cut of Light" Alard buffs his attack speed. He furiously striking Ashborn with his sword Excalibur, both of them evenly matching in raw strength.

Ashborn, still doing a little better than Alard, because of his hunders of battle experiences.


Ashborn began imitating a dominating aura, clashing against Alard with his might.

Both of their collisions were extremely ruthless. When, Beast Monarch trembled, sensing the nostalgic mana of Shadow Monarch.

Once a coward, is alway a coward. Such a true word.


Ashborn pushes Alard back, his sword ready horizontally. He slashed at Alard, who defended the stab, then was sent flying away from the impact.



Alard soon, crashing near a dried out island. The entire island gets destroyed by the impact, caused by the Alard fall.

'Ughh!' Alard quickly got up, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

He had his Susanoo arm cage cracked all over the place.



Bellion whipped his whip, killing a Shadow Clone.



A huge shadow Naga smashed a clone, just to get his hand blasted off.

"Earth Release: Flying Stones" A shadow clone, slamming his palm in the ground. He created a small quake, many boulders flying out from the ground.



The boulders smashed many shadow soldiers, their bodies soon regenerating back by the help of Ashborn.

"Haaa!" A gigantic shadow soldier shouted, swinging its axe around the clones.



The shadow clones turned into smoke, with a 'puff' noise.


A wild clash between the clones and soldiers took place on the island. While, in the sky above them, it was totally different.

Alard, single-handedly fought against Six Monarchs.

He was soaked in his own blood, he blocked, blocked and kept on blocking the attacks of Monarchs.



Alard defending a strike of Ashborn, he used Heal to heal himself. Before, blocking a kick of Frost Monarch.


Alard was punched in his chest by Beast Monarch, before Iron Body Monarch slipped right behind him.



He smashed the back of Alard, breaking a few of Alard bones.


A strong pressure once again descended in the land, the Gate expanding all over Korea.

The skies all over the globe began turning red.

"Roaaaaar!" This time, a loud draconic roar trembled the entire land, when hundreds of dragons passed through the enormous gate.



A humanoid figure was seen, levitating in the middle of those dragons group.

He was a handsome middle-aged man with long red hair, a neatly trimmed red beard and glowing red eyes. He also wore silver-red armor with a high collar and a reddish-brown tailcoat.

"Monarch of Destruction? What are you doing here, this early?" Ashborn asked, looking at the Monarch of Destruction, Antares.

"Shadow Monarch, I was just getting bored watching the battle. So, I decided to descend here." Antares replied, stoically looking at beaten up Alard.

"Why don't you show yourself now, Outsiders. I already know your game." Antares then spoke, getting a jolt of reaction from all the Six Monarchs.

"I know, you have a weird ability. With which, you can create a clone. That is 100% you, the only difference being between them was one was real, another being a clone. So, why don't you just reveal yourself now." Antares said, shocking everyone. This word of Antares, stabbed everyone's pride.

"What do you mean by that, Monarch of Destruction?!" Beast Monarch asked, his eyes turning into a surprised one. The beaten up Alard soon began melting into crimson red blood, soon the blood fading away.


'What! Th.. this! Are you saying all this time, we were just fighting a clone?'

'This? Were we only a clown upto now. I can't believe we were fighting with a clone all this time!' All Monarchs exclaimed, their faces turning ashamed.

They currently felt extremely embarrassed. They all this time, were only fighting a clone?



When, a loud applause echoed in the air. All Monarchs ears perking up, they turned toward the clapper.

"Antares, You just ruined my fun. It was fun seeing these clowns wasting their energy in a clone." Alard exclaimed, clapping his hand. He had a funny smile on his face.

"Wh.. What?!" Frost Monarch exclaimed, looking at Alard's floating figure.

All the S-ranks Hunters that were eliminated in the tournament were behind Alard, all of their normal pupils had turned into red.

"Are you planning on fighting with us, with that army of ants?" Antares asked, giving a disgusted look at the Hunters.

"No no, Why could I use them for fighting you? They are just extra life for me." Alard said, a smirk forming in his face. He received many confused looks from all.

"So, Seeing you all this prepared. I can guess, you have recovered your memories?" Antares then asked, looking for an answer from Alard.

Alard didn't answer, but only smiled.

He still remembered when he evolved from High-Noble Vampire to a Royal Vampire.

He recovered many memories from the past.

Actually, in fact. This is the second time Alard was taking this mission of destroying the world.

For the first time. Alard fought against all the Monarchs, allying with Rulers.

They fought furiously for many days.

Where, Rulers and Alard, successfully killed all the Monarchs. Sung Jinwoo with them.

Alard used this chance, then backstabbing the Rulers and Sung Jinwoo. He even perfectly killed Jinwoo and many other off-guard Rulers.

Sadly though, two Rulers escaped the sneak attack of Alard.

Two of them quickly using the Cup of Reincarnation, they rewinded the time back when Alard first arrived in this world.

But, Alard was still a High-Noble Vampire at that time. So, he didn't receive the memories of the first, making him unaware of any situation he was in.

Then the time arrived, where he recovered all the memories, after evolving into Royal Vampire, becoming a higher being.

Alard from then began scheming against Rulers and Monarchs.
