
Villainesses Are Difficult to Love

Someone said that a lover must be a fighter. After all, if you don't fight for your love, then what kind of love is that? A man recited the words of a wise man as he lay down on a puddle of his blood, defeated and ruined. He did not realize the fact that he never had her, the most beautiful woman in his country, since the day they met. He only had her physical presence. He did not have her heart. Her essence that made her who she was. "What did I do wrong...?" Even after giving her everything he had, the cold woman was not moved. The man even accepted her outrageous request, to not touch even a strand of her hair until she gave him her consent. At times, she warned him that she would kill him if she had the opportunity. With her nonchalant tone, how could he take it seriously? In the end, she decisively stabbed his heart. She did not give him a chance at all. The man lay helpless, crying in grievance and sadness. All this time, I had tried my best to love you, bidding anything you needed, yet, you just killed me as if I was nothing but a beast... The regretful man died because of beauty, like how foolish men did. He died as a fool. ...Only to be reincarnated in a cultivation world, where demons and cultivators fought for supremacy, and where saintesses exuded majestic temperament enough to topple the existing kingdoms and empires. And here he was, a nameless son of a farmer who managed to become an outer disciple in a rural sect by some dogshit luck. He had become the only hope of a family overnight. The man was flabbergasted. Was he thoroughly f*cked? | Detected that the host was a man who could not understand anything about love. | | After scrutinizing the host, a quest was decided! | | Quest: Melt the Villainess's Heart! | | Appropriate karma will be absorbed by the host after the quests are completed, and should its amount be enough, an equivalent boon will be exchanged for the host to survive! | "You wanted a man who couldn't even touch his own wife to melt a villainess's heart?" "F***!" The man with his new identity as an Outer Disciple of the Rising Cloud Sect, Me Feng, was stunned and speechless. Wanting a stupid man like him to melt the heart of a villainess was equivalent to telling a pig to create a ploy for his business plan. Fortunately, such odds are exactly why cultivators exist in this world. To defy their fate and go against the heavens. Me Feng faced the new plane of existence. His newfound excitement was rising, wanting to disclose every interesting bit of this world. "Fine, I'll melt their hearts with my own ability." This time, he'll fight for it! He'll fight for his doubtful, yet-to-happen, difficult, harsh, extreme, unfilial, defying love! ...Me Feng was on his knees. "To love an Immortal..." He laughed wryly.

JustaFellowDaoist · Fantasi Timur
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25 Chs

Me Feng


A croaked voice, filled with untold despair, sadness, and grief. The man coughed out a mouthful of blood, his soulless eyes bored deep into the perfect visage before him.

She was the most perfect woman imaginable. Her black hair, her regal purple eyes, her feminine visage. It was appropriate yet gorgeous, something the man could not get his head around.

He wedded her twenty years ago, and now 43, he had yet to touch this wife of his. 

He even controlled his own urges and left her untouched for over 20 years, for it was her first and most crucial wish.

He gave her everything he had to offer. But in the end, the man realized. It was all pointless. 

The woman did not care about him. The man's ruined, stabbed heart clenched in pain. It was so unbearable that even the pain from his lethal wound was numbed...

The woman looked on coldly as she viciously said with disgust,

"You did not care about me. You merely wished for the status brought by marrying the most beautiful woman you could set your sights on. You are a disgusting man."

Ah, so that's how it is. The man gloated over her words. He wondered, what should he do to truly love someone? 

Truly, a confusing riddle he doubted he could solve in this lifetime.

"I gave you everything. I gave you all my wealth. I gave you all the authority you could use as you wish. I protected you from anyone who wished for your suffering. Please tell me, my wife, just how can I, a clueless man in the matter of love, could do to make you fall in love with me?"

Despite the amount of blood the man lost, his willpower forced him to stand, facing the woman face to face. He was a stout man, with a towering figure. Yet, his words were incomparably gentle, looking at the woman as if she were the most fragile thing in this world.

The man did not feel betrayed. The woman made it clear from the moment they married that she did not wish to be touched, and he agreed to her terms. Sometimes, she even mentioned how she would kill him if he was caught unprepared with a flat tone.

Of course, as an arrogant man back then, he dimissed such a claim. A girl like her, how could she has the courage to kill?

In the end, she did kill him. And he had no excuses. The man ridiculed himself. Powerful men truly died for beauties.

Although he was foolish, he did not wish to blame it on someone else.

He was in despair because of his lack of understanding.

He just wanted to know. He just wanted to understand. What can he do to make this angel-like woman fall in love with him?

Behind her steadfast, ice-cold gaze, her heart trembled. But the angelic woman stood her ground. With an indifferent tone, she voiced her thoughts dismissively,

"You did not understand me. You can't see anything other than the fact that you have married me. You were a foolish man, incapable of loving someone like me. Before pursuing me, you should've researched first, you stupid fool."

The man's eyes light up. Ignoring his bleeding heart, he began to understand his mistakes. So a woman's heart must be understood first, huh...

Regretfully, the foolish man has no chance to redeem himself. His blood has dried out, leaving an empty body. Gradually, his sight began to darken.

In this life, the last thing he saw was the face of his wife. It was incomparably gorgeous, like an angel's descent from Heaven.

"Although I was a fool, and was a braggart who only wished to marry you for prestige, I wish I had the chance to redeem myself, my beautiful wife. But at least, we have yet to part, so I should be considered as your husband till death."

The foolish man grinned, exhaling his last breath. Thus, the alley was silent, leaving a woman who blankly looked at the corpse of her husband.

"In the end, I truly died for a beauty."

In the last of his breath, a phrase suddenly iterated itself in his mind. It was a simple phrase, yet it made him realize what he was lacking this whole time.

"It's... to fight for your love, is it?"

If you don't even fight for your love, then what kind of love is it?

"Ah... So that's... how It is..."

With a relieved smile, the man peacefully passed on.

"Truly... A foolish man... Loving someone who had killed him."

The angelic woman muttered out as she sat on her knees, bringing the man's head on her lap. Her cold, purple eyes shimmered a little, but she quickly held them back.

Her angelic, purple eyes looked sad and frustrated, yet furious and confused, all behind her ice-cold face. It was a complex expression no psychology expert could understand. 

"I hate fate..."

"Brother Feng! Oi, Brother Feng! Are you alright? You're still alive, right?"

At one of the major sects in the Qian Prefecture, within the vicinity of the Outer Division, a lanky teenager in a gray, dull robe knocked on a hut's door, to no avail. Unironically, he really looked like a wild monkey.

The lanky apprentice paused for a moment. He looked around, noticing the lack of bystanders around the simple hut. Finally, with a glint in his squinty eyes, he checked the door.

"It's unlocked!"

His body tensed up, with cold sweats trickling his back. Many Seniors advised him that cultivators cannot escape the fate of a 'monkey'! Cultivators, if given a chance, would steal with no hesitation.

The lanky teenager's breaths turned heavy. Although this Me Feng was a deadbeat who had not even completed Skin Refinement yet, he had a whole saving sent by his family!

If he could get that, his progression in Muscle Refinement would experience a significant boost! By buying spiritual soup, he would definitely be amongst the best of his peers!

Afterwards, he could defeat those above him and snatched their spot, receiving more resources from the sect!

Immersed in his imagination, the lanky teenager no longer hesitated, and with a push, the door was opened crookedly. The teenager was inwardly in disdain, even your door was crooked.

At the same time, when the monkey-looking teenager hesitated on his doorstep, Me Feng, who was originally dead because of kidney failure, was awakened.

His face was plastered with confusion, looking around the place as he rubbed his head.

"Uh, what's going on?"

The hut, the robe he was wearing, the scenery he gazed through the opening on the wall... It took a while for Me Feng to realize.

"What the hell?"

Me Feng stared at his own hands. Unlike his original rugged, massive hands, they were proportional. Not too big to build like a tank but not too small either like a woman's dainty ones. They looked decent.

He gaped. This can't be. No, that's not it. He should've asked, "Is this real?"

Is this actually real? Or could it be that his brain was tricking him into this hyper-realistic, imaginary space of consciousness within his brain which he subconsciously entered to prevent himself from going astray which was the result of his search for the way of love?

After his brain came up with bizarre, eccentric ideas for a while, Me Feng finally managed to calm down. He took a deep breath, and once again looked at his surroundings.

"It's real."

Indeed. He has been reincarnated into a cultivation world. Or was it just a mere world of wuxia? Me Feng cringed to himself. He talked as if he could survive in the latter.

| Detected that the host's brain circuits have been awakened.

| Detected that the host is incapable of dealing with the matters of love.

| Searching for a worthy task...

| Completed!

| Villainess's Dearest Interface has been activated!

| Host, please open your status!

The sudden barrage of these weird, neon panels on his face provoked a series of brain signals that signified his confusion. Me Feng's mouth was wide open, clearly flabbergasted by these sudden intrusions.

The reincarnation, the new world, the reasons this could possibly happen, the divine intervension he assumed it to be, his sudden death, thoughts about his wife, thoughts about what he had left behind...

A humanoid monkey on his door added up to his confusion even more. In his frustration, Me Feng couldn't hold it anymore. He clutched his beating brain as he looked at the monkey in rage, holding out his vicious tongue.

"What the f*ck is a monkey doing on my doorstep?! F*ck off you animal! Your face looked like a deformed baby a mother wouldn't even love! Your father must be on severe drugs to which he rammed his d*** against the floor to formulate a deformed, disabled sp*** first before he f***** your mom! Which ended up reaching her egg because of how f***** up your father's other spe*** were! In other words, your father sucks!!!"

The monkey froze. After his sight cleared up a bit, Me Feng also froze.

Holy s***, that's a person.

Me Feng offered an awkward smile. Humans make mistakes. It's no big deal.

"B—Brother Feng, I... I-I'm sorry?"

The monkey's face scrunched up, swivelled like the skin of a grandma. Me Feng did not have any bad intentions, he just wanted to describe what he saw and heard.

Besides, how could this kid look like a damn monkey anyway? Does that make sense?

Recalling that this was a cultivation world, Me Feng's eyes lighted up. In that case, a human in monkey skin is nothing to be worried about.

He should have been worried about wandering ghosts and shameless cultivators.

After an awkward silence, the teenager coughed out, still being in pain by the words of his brother, and asked out plainly.

"Brother Feng, how did you survive?"

Me Feng's veins bulged. Just a f***** monkey, yet you asked me why didn't I die? Would you believe me if I said that I would name your entire bloodline with my imagination even if you have the face of a monkey?

After a flash of a moment, Me Feng scolded himself. Why are you so judgemental? Even if he did look like a monkey, annoying like a monkey, and was a monkey, do you think you have the right to call him out like that?

"Uh, Brother Monkey."

The teenager froze. Me Feng facepalmed. Oops, a slip of his tongue.

"Sorry, Brother, it's just that my eyesight was a little bit blurry. So I misinterpreted you as something- I mean someone else. It seems like I also forgot something I should've remembered. Ah, perhaps it's your name, Brother?"

The teenager's eyes glinted with anger. You'd think I believe that?!

"Brother Feng, are you belittling me?"

The monkey's face distorted, showing a gloomy expression. Me Feng twitched, trying to hold back his interesting 'remarks'.

So this is what a gloomy monkey looked like...